
My Detective Partner

Maestra, a mysterious young woman who solved cases by using the most rational way of thinking. In any game of logic her wit is unmatched which earn her the name Maestra, she refused to give away her real name because of her troubled past. Her tendency to live in her own world of logic has isolated her from most people. For her, any kind of method is permitted during investigation if it can produce the best result. Martin Mason, an intern who just has been promoted to detective assistant. He is a cheerful man who value the safety of others above all else. His attitude has earned him an expert skill in communicating with any person which makes him valuable in gathering clues, though Maestra mostly used him as errand boy. In his free time, he becomes a volunteer teacher at the local library. In the world of crime solving, logic and emotion amounted to nothing as the mind of criminal has twisted the world into a series of vile conspiracies. As they made one step toward the shadow of the unknown, the line between truth and lie become more blurred. I'm writing the story in wattpad too under the same title. My author name there is Dafa Zain

Dafa_Zain · 都市
13 Chs

Modern Fable Part V

"Your order. Please received it." A delivery man was handing to the detective girl a big round oval object.

Maestra raised her eyebrows. "A fancy fish dish huh?" she examined the food selection. "I don't remember ever ordering this. Do you remember the sender perhaps."

The delivery worker was clearly tired and want to have none of it. With dismissive shout he said "Oh great another possible wrong delivery! I don't get paid enough for this. Just read the damn label and pretend I'm not here," he said as he stormed off into his delivery truck.

"Abalonne, salmon roe, crab, scallop, avocado slice, and even shark fin. what is that foei gras too!?" even someone as stoic as her was shocked knowing how much the sushi cost. "This sushi is awfully fancy, must be sent by Trivar," she was planning to threw it away before she read who delivered the sushi. "Wait, It's send by Martin!? How? Judging by his lifestyle and how much I've paid him, there is no way he can afford this. But, more than that..." she ran off to one section of the house before she finished her sentence.

On what look like reused standing bar was a mini lab filled with glasses scientific instrument and colorful liquid. There the detective was doing careful test to each of the sushi which in turn made the fish dishes not edible. "There is no poison here. So whoever sent this must have taken Martin. Martin knew I hate fancy food so there is little possibility that he is the sender," Maestra was thinking for a few minutes before she chose a decision and threw away all the fancy foods into trash. "Last time I've seen him, Martin was meeting Inspector Bridon, I should check there."

It was the dead of night and yet the Inspector still continue his duty of watching the scene. Behind the thin mist there came a person. The Inspector didn't believe what he saw at first, he pinched his eyes making sure what he saw was right. Just like a spectre, the detective was approaching him, her slender and almost anorexic body made her look like a ghoul. However, what the Inspector found the most intriguing was the fact that Maestra showed an expression. "Wow miss it's rarity to see you look so concerned. Is the case really that difficult even for you?"

Maestra didn't even entertained the joking attempt and talk straight to the point. "It can come later. I want to ask where have you last seen Martin, did he say where he want to go?"

The Inspector was baffled by the question, he scratched his head in response to that thought. "How could you of all people doesn't know? He said to me that he would go back to the agency to report back to you," Inspector Bridon tone changed to a concern. "Is he missing? Should I call reinforcement? Oh yeah I remember a bit before he leave, I could see him taking some kind of fabric from the scene, he is trying to hide it but he is still amateur so I'm able to saw it back then."

Her hand was on her chin. Maestra was contemplating the Inspector offer for a while before her face finally went back to her usual stoic expression. "There is no need for that. If that is what happen then he must have found out something relating to the case and doesn't want me to interfere."

Inspector Bridon could only sighed at her sudden mood change. "If you are less brash and more polite, I'm sure your assistant will trust you more instead of running with the evidence," he said.

For who she was, Maestra and Inspector Bridon were not in good relation. When it was a matter concerning her own, Maestra's pride wouldn't allowed her to ask the Inspector help. "It doesn't have anything to do with you so shut up! Very well then Martin, if you want to solve this case with your way then I'll solve it with mine."

"But wouldn't you sorry if he is kidnapped or something?" the still concerned Inspector Bridon asked again even knowing he wouldn't got sensible answer.

"If that happen to him then that must mean he is weak," Maestra's voice had changed from her emotional raspy tone to her usual smug cold tone.

"So what now? You want my help or one of my men to help out on one of your scheme? Too bad I won't do it," Inspector Bridon influenced by her behaviour had become a spiteful man.

"That's a pity but there is no need. I've already figured out the ending of this story," she tapped her feet in excitement, ready to ran off like a horse. "You and your goons are not part of the script," she said as she ran off into the mist of night.

"Such a weirdo. Oi call reinforcement and check all the available CCTV," Inspector Bridon ordered his men. "We will track Martin down."

"But Maestra said not to do it," replied one of them.

"She can say whatever she want. We are paid by the public and not her. Our first duty is to make sure the safety of citizen and nothing will ever change it!"

"So that is my plan to catch the Robin Hood," Maestra was showing a man in plain shirt some paper with a building scheme picture on it.

"A devious plan indeed," the man rubbed his hand thinking about it. "Are you sure you are okay with this? Your agency name will be tarnished if anyone ever found the detail of it. That assistant of yours may also disagree."

"That's a big if scenario you're proposing, a mere scenario that won't come to fruition. My assistant you could say is on short holiday so you don't need to worry about his nagging," she replied.

"A superb detective yet one who only used others. I like it," he took out a cigarate and light it. His thought was so above the cloud that he ignored the girl in from of him who politely showed her disdain of the smoke. "If only you were interested in business then you may have even become rich like me or even beyond. Wait but if that happen I may need to eliminate you so please don't get into business for our sake," he said as he purposely puffed a giant ball of smoke to annoy her.

Maestra had enough and took the cigarate from his mouth forcefully "You make a fine fine joke Trivar. Should have considered a new career in comedy," she said as she stomped the cigarate.

"I only joke when I'm happy and I'm extremely happy right now," Trivar was smiling yet no happiness could be found in it. "Tomorrow the Robin Hood will be brought down ,humiliated in front of public eyes , and I'm going to enjoy every second of it."

Her eyes was analyzing everyone constantly. Without thinking Maestra blurted out. "You are wearing your heart on your sleeve for all to see, maybe you and Martin are not so different after all."

"Hahahahaha!" he was laughing like a madman, his golden tooth could be seen. "Ah, so the cold detective can even make a joke," he clapped his hand and immediately a waiter came. "Oi bring us champagne! We need to celebrate tonight."

The waiter poured the champagne into glasses on the table. It was a good champagne as the smell of alcohol could be smelt from the bottle. "To victory!" Trivar said as he lifted his glass.

"Sigh. Do i really have to..." Maestra reluctantly lifted her glass in response. In her most discourage voice she shouted. "To victory!"