
My Detective Partner

Maestra, a mysterious young woman who solved cases by using the most rational way of thinking. In any game of logic her wit is unmatched which earn her the name Maestra, she refused to give away her real name because of her troubled past. Her tendency to live in her own world of logic has isolated her from most people. For her, any kind of method is permitted during investigation if it can produce the best result. Martin Mason, an intern who just has been promoted to detective assistant. He is a cheerful man who value the safety of others above all else. His attitude has earned him an expert skill in communicating with any person which makes him valuable in gathering clues, though Maestra mostly used him as errand boy. In his free time, he becomes a volunteer teacher at the local library. In the world of crime solving, logic and emotion amounted to nothing as the mind of criminal has twisted the world into a series of vile conspiracies. As they made one step toward the shadow of the unknown, the line between truth and lie become more blurred. I'm writing the story in wattpad too under the same title. My author name there is Dafa Zain

Dafa_Zain · 都市
13 Chs

Modern Fable Part IV

"You are alone huh? Where is that strange partner of yours?" Inspector Bridon greeted Martin who just came into a burned remain of postal office, the second place of what the media called "The Robin Hood Arson".Martin was not in a mood to talk with the amount of pressure riding on this case. He tried to enter the scene before a group of police forbid him of trespasing the line. Martin realized he couldn't avoid this talk. "Said she won't come as the relevant piece of evidence will not be here anyway. Looks like she is on her lazy phase.""Or maybe she is just controlling you from behind the scene like during that case in Paloma Park. Martin I've seen that you are a good detective even by yourself, you should have more dignity to stand up to Maestra's manipulation," Inspector Bridon always treated Martin like one of his man but even Martin knew the inspector was acting strange.Martin scratched his head. "I don't think that's a good idea since I'm on her payroll and all, plus without her I won't be able to solve case quickly," he answered in joking manner. The inspector face was stern, unamused."Just consider it. An advice from someone in similar line of work." The atmosphere was heavy. Both men were silent on the dead of the night. Their silence which might last forever was interrupted by a young raspy voice.A young officer was carrying a thin folder, approaching the two silent statues. "Here is the report you request, Sir." The Inspector took the report without saying a word back and the young officer bailed out without asking for thanks.It was an awkward situation even for someone who was good in social skill. Even if it seem futile, Martin tried to break the ice. "I don't find it strange back then but now that I think about it, why use paper report in this day and age?""I'm a manual person. Can't keep up with the current pace of technology. Besides most technology nowadays are uninnovative and braindead," replied Inspector Bridon as he glanced at the report. "Anyway, forget about this report, you have my full authority to investigate this scene."Martin was curious about that last remark and what the report might contain however he knew better than seeking trouble against official. "Thanks Inspector, I owe you one," he said as he walked beyond the police barricade.It was the same sight as the bank. A burning building, the smell of concrete mixed with cinders (likely from the wooden foundation), and an overworked detective scavenging like a rat. Everything that Martin saw and inspect were the same as the photo that he had seen on official report. However, Maestra's word still lingered on his mind. Martin couldn't imagine a righteous officer like Bridon falsifying evidence but to erased that doubt he needed to take action. As Martin was about to give up his scavenging activity, the bright moonlight directed him to a certain rubble.He lifted the rubble and found a purple piece of what might be cloth. "What's this? some kind of fabric. Looks like it got pinched by the rubble then got some part of it burned off," Martin said as he found some part of the fabric to be scorched black. "I'll keep it inside this evidence plastic bag for now. Have to make sure not to touch it directly." Martin was about to submit it to Inspector Bridon before an idea struck him. "Nothing particularly strange here, maybe it's really a waste of time. I'll report back to Maestra and be done for today, I need some relaxation."Before he could leave the scene, the broad inpsector was blocking Martin path. On his had he held a big round container. "Wait before you come back home, take this.""A sushi! Not to mention the expensive kind one. Wow I can find abalone and scallop here. But why so sudden?" replied Martin.The Inspector was weighing his option before he gave up and decided to gave half ass answer. "I don't have the authority to indulge the full detail but this case is more dangerous that you expect. I'll hate if I don't pay you and Maestra back for helping us all this time."Martin raised one of his eyebrows. This was definitely a fishy situation, Inspector Bridon was kind but he never show it directly like this. Thinking about the possibility or implication was a daunting task and so Martin decided to be a bit fancy and use taxi that night. The comfort of car with fully functioning AC was what he needed.Martin glanced through the taxi's window, he knew he was halfway back to his office. "The same. Maestra said the same too. But, what could it mean and why they keep me in the dark," Martin mumbled. He was stationary akin to meditating monk before he broke his meditation and jumped out as if receiving enlightenment. "Driver please change the direction, I'll still pay my fare for the previous one. The new destination is this address I specified." Martin gave the driver an address written on his note. The house of benevolent millionaire, Amanda's house.Without caring about ethic and such, Martin stormed into Amanda's house. He didn't ring a bell nor he knocked at the door, he simply opened it without asking for permission. Greeting him was a grumpy kid. "Ah Martin welcome, welcome. Ma has been expecting you.""Expecting me?" Martin was puzzled for a moment before he answered his own confusion in a flash. "The distance between the gate and her front door is a bit far maybe she saw me through the camera.""You really are cool for making that deduction like a detective from movie," said one of the kid."Come in mister to that room," the other kid pointed to a spacious room with huge door.The boys and girls were gathered on front of the room's door. They watched inquisitively at Martin "Aren't you guys coming inside too?" he asked.Some of the kid entertained the possibility of going in before the oldest of them talked. "Mama said it will be an important business talk so we can't interfere."Martin didn't want to make problem with the kid so he went in as quick as possible.The door closed down automatically after he went in. Greeting him was Amanda with her arms rested on the tiny wooden table "sit down Martin and states your business." Martin sat across her. The small distance between both of them made the scene look like an interviewer giving test to new candidate."I'll be frank. For the sake of the children please be honest with me about your involvement with the case." Martin half bowed. He usually started with a greeting before going to the main topic but the situation forced him to skip it.Amanda was not tall, she was of average height, certainly not higher than Martin. However when she tilted her heads up as she talked, Martin could feel her looking down at him. "Are you threatening me? Is this one of your strange partner's teaching? Using my children as weakness so you can get evidence."Martin thought about a moment for that remark. Maybe she was right, maybe his coming here was a machination by Maestra. Even so Martin was determined to do it by his own way. "it's not about that! This case which involved a lot of money is bound to get someone killed or even worse. Trivar is not a patient man, he may employ our service as of now but as more of his money dissapeared, he might employ the service of someone less civil!" Martin shouted, some of his saliva was flying to Amanda's face without him noticing. "Right now you are the number one suspect on the list. There is no supporting evidence but Trivar might not be patient and fabricate one just to take you down and close this case!"In response Amanda was stone cold. She wiped the saliva off her face with handkerchief, laying it down before asking. "What is the value of human life?""Huh?" The agitated Martin was taken aback by the question."I'm sure Trivar have asked you that and you must have replied with some positive answer. However when I ask him about the correct answer, Trivar said that human life is only worth 50 thousand dollars as that is the amount needed to hire someone for killing," a cold reality spewed from her mouth.Martin was confused however he felt like he was getting close to something. The answer of the value of human life had made Martin more shaken. "If you know more then please tell me," he begged. "Just like I know that you are a kind person even after pointing gun at me, I know too that you hide some secret from Maestra the moment she came to your house. I'll use your new statement to put another possibility for suspect. I'll make sure your name is not on the number one suspect list.""That's noble of you Martin," Martin was overjoyed by the answer before he noticed that Amanda had started to stood up. "However, I'm not as clean as you thought," she snapped her finger and two bodyguards appeared from the door. "Take him away to the isolation room. Make sure he is well fed and satisfied with the facility inside."Martin tried to fight back but it was futile against the two trained man. He was trying to reached for the glock before one of the bodyguard noticed his movement and slammed his body against the floor. Pained and being immobile, Martin could only asked. "I was trying to help you. So why...""Because we human are irrational creature by design despite our intelligence," she took out a taser. "Don't worry, I'll make sure the sushi is delivered to your partner," she turned on the button and a flash of electric came out. Martin body convulsed for a bit before it eventually gave up and his vision began to fade.