
My Despicable Politician Husband

Martin Mayor and Evelyn Mayor are the golden couples in politics. Martin is the current sitting Governor, and Evelyn is a famous surgeon who has to put her career on hold for the sake of her husband and spend more time at home to take care of him and his career. For the five years since they married, she was never treated like a wife. He was never there when she needed him. Everyone thought they were happy and envied her lifestyle, but deep down, she knew the pains she was going through too well. All the smiles that appeared in the newspapers and news covered a pain that was waiting to burst. As his political career heightened to the next level, he vies for the presidential seat. This time Evelyn drops her bomb. She wants a divorce. She had tolerated the humiliation of being his wife for a long. His mistresses could line up in the next town. The number of cold nights alone in their huge mansion was too much. She was losing herself in depression just because she was his wife. She didn't want that anymore. She wanted out, but Martin will hear none of it. "I want a divorce" Evelyn looked at the man entering the house at 2 in the morning. It had been a habit she had to get used to for years. "What nonsense is this" Martin stopped in his tracks, looking at his frail wife. "I have had enough of you and everything about you. I want out. Here are the papers. Sign them as soon as possible" she pulled the papers from the sofa, placing them on top of the table. "Do you know how this is going to affect my presidential aspiration? My reputation is on the line here?' he threw his coat off the sofa sitting next to her. "Can you even hear yourself? It's all about you. Have you ever considered you have someone in your life?" Evelyn scoffed, getting up and going to their room. She then turned to her husband. "From today, you sleep in the guest room."

Emmy_logz2 · 都市
148 Chs

Finding the cullprit

Getting help to catch the culprit

With the evidence she had gathered, Evelyn presented her findings to the king. He was devastated to learn that someone he had trusted had betrayed him, but he knew that justice had to be served.

The traitor was apprehended and brought to trial, where they were found guilty of treason and attempted murder. They were sentenced to a lifetime in prison, ensuring that they would never pose a threat to the kingdom again.

Evelyn's determination and unwavering pursuit of the truth had not only saved her grandfather's life but had also protected the kingdom from further harm. She had proven herself to be a true defender of justice and a force to be reckoned with.