
Day 1 - Let's Play

His body didn't feel warm anymore, it was ice cold. He stopped right in front of my lips.

'Alright, that's it for today. Let's sleep. Don't try to escape from me I am not going to let you go anywhere cause you are mine tonight.

I got off the bed, grabbing a pillow. I am sleeping on the couch, you can sleep on my bed.'

He pretended like he didn't hear me and closed his eyes while pulling the blanket over him. I went onto the couch and adjusted myself on it. It was pretty comfortable but too cold. I forgot to grab a blanket when I came outside, and now I have to sleep freezing.

What sort of a house is this. It seems pretty expensive, but the heating system doesn't work at night. "Alright then, good luck surviving," I told myself.

'What am I even wearing? I forgot to wear my nightdress. Now I can't even go back to the room. If I go back there he will think that I came for him.

How embarrassing, I let out a deep sigh

How am I supposed to sleep in this outfit? Maybe I should play some games.

For some reason, all I needed for gaming was there, I thought I will have to download a whole new game on my mobile.

It was such a long time since I played a game with a joystick and I didn't even have a partner to play with,

I tapped on the other joystick which was lying on the sofa. "Poor you," I said to it.'

I went near the collection to select a CD, and all of them were my favorites.

"The Violence," I silently smiled like an idiot. All right then let's play this one. I kept talking to myself because there was no one else to talk with me.

I put in the CD opening the game. Since I had never played that game before, I had a hard time adjusting to the game.

'Oh, this is not working out for me. I said throwing away the joystick. No, I am going to play it again. I said grabbing back the joystick. So I kept playing and playing, after about 2 hours it felt like I am getting good at it.

That means I can even play a tournament now.

You are getting your hope too high, his hands ran through my hands grabbing the joystick together with my hands.

That not how you play it, he said bringing his mouth closer to my ear.

It ticklish take your face away from my ear. 

All right then let me teach you how to play, he said jumping over the sofa.'

'I don't want you to teach me how to play a game and not to mention I am a good gamer, I think maybe you should know that.

So back off, I said.

Just shut up and let me help you play it. You are acting like a stubborn little kid when you can never beat me in a game.

I will let you help me if you promise me that you will play around with me later, I said hoping that I will get a gaming partner. 

Okay, sure I promise that I will play another round with you but I think you might need to worry about losing and you will have to pay me whatever the way I like if you lose.

Okay, tell me what it is? I said confidently even when I knew he is going to ask me for something dirty.'

'I will tell you what it is later? Do you want to hear what I want that badly?

No, I don't want to hear it because I am going to win.

Okay, I will help you play it. He said grabbing my hands with the joystick.'

I carefully observed how he played it, he was indeed very good at it. This explained why there were all sorts of things that needed for gaming were there.

I kept observing every and each one of his moves. 

He finished a whole battle ranking on the top. Okay now let's play, he said sitting beside me.

What are you doing? I asked when I saw him trying to adjust the game to the easiest mode.'

"We are playing hard today, I am not going to go easy on you."

'Okay, then don't blame me when you lose. Okay then let me set the rules. 3 matches, you vs me whoever wins the highest will grant the winner a wish. 

Are we clear then?

Yes, can we start now, I said getting nervous about what will happen next.

I played like a game holic, wait for a second! I was originally a game holic but just haven't played this game.

I am not letting him defeat me.'

I played quietly when he screamed at the top of his voice whenever I killed him. He used all his tactics but good for me I copied all of his moves using some other moves which can definitely defeat him.

'In a minute he lost the first match. I ain't playing this game, he said throwing the joystick away.

It's not worth playing this game.

Why are you blaming the game when you lost it. It's not right. You might have lost the game to me, but you can't blame a game like that.

I challenge you to another round. What am I saying anyway? we have 2 more rounds to play. Let's see whether you can defeat me.'

'I will allow you to wish for 2 things if you beat me in this.

Alright, I am in.'

So we played another round. I used the same tactics which I used to defeat him in the last round.

He lost again.

'No matter what you are going to say to me next I am not going to play this game again. This is not working out for me. This is stupid.

One more round, try to win it, I said wanting to play the game more and more.

I will let you wish for three things. Alright, get ready to lose then, he said taking the joystick back. 

He lost and got up from the chair trying to walk towards his room. Where do you think you are going?

You lost, not just one all 3 to me.'

'So don't you feel guilty to leave like that. You owe me a wish after all. Don't worry I am not going to wish for it at an odd time like this, but for now, go sleep in your room and I want you to wear a shirt whenever you are home.

I don't want to see you roaming around the house half-naked.

It's not good for me.

Not good for what, your eyes? I don't think so. Isn't it nice to look at me? Wait a second I will take that as your wish.

Wait! wait! don't talk back,

your wish has been heard loud and clear mam. I will go sleep in my room and will wear a top when I am home.' 

He ran towards his door like he was going to escape from me.

'By the way, I think you just allowed me to stay here. He said smiling.

Who told you that you can stay here. Don't be ridiculous. I want you to leave. The only reason you are still here is that you said this house belongs to you as well.

I don't see that as a reason though, anyway I am going to sleep now. Don't play games and go sleep in your room, and please return my shirt to my room cause I can't come to your room anymore.' 

'He opened back the door, by the way, want to play another round if you don't mind.'

"Can you teach me?"