
My Demoness Lover

This is the story about the goddess of chaos, mischief and war was sent to the world of human as a punishment to live as a commoner without power, after leading a riot in the kingdom of divinity. She is required to perform a good deeds in the human world as a punishment to prove her atoning for her sins before her powered will be restored and send back to the divinity kingdom on the 7th skies. Waking up in the body of an overweight Young Miss of a rich families, she cursed the 7th skies for entrapping her here. In a world full of chaos and mishaps, how in the world she is able to commit into doing a good deeds. She was the master of chaos for she is also the whisperer of evil in humans heart, perhaps it should be a piece of cake, unfortunately what is this flowery feeling overwhelmingly invading her weak human hearts every time she sees this aloof specimen, she can smell evil within his heart but a different kind of evil, almost sweet to the taste. NO!! She has tasked to perform, her armies awaiting for her glorious return, humans are not on par with her, they are low and weak. Perhaps, he is an exception...

Littlemiss · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Woken up from a coma

Faint cries echoed in the high -rise hospital room in the capital city of Andalas, the woman in her late 50s looked depressed and choked on the information conveyed by the doctor on duty.

The young maid who stood next to the woman was standing straight unmoved while her gazed remain unshifted towards the floor as she recited the spell that was blown towards the direction of the patient ward room in front of them. Slowly she lifted her head and resume herself to comfort the lady that was staggered backwards upon receiving the news that her daughter will have a potential of a brain dead.

Few seconds later the screams of the nurses on duty were heard and followed by a run from several doctors heading to the room. Madam Patria stopped crying and looked up with puzzled expression towards her daughter young maid and hurriedly strode towards the patient's room where her daughter was staying.

The loud commotions hurt Athena who had just woken up from a long deep sleep, like a little child awakened from a nap, she grunted holding back her anger.

A puff of a foreign memory invaded her chaotic mind as she held her head in pain, at the same time, doctors and nurses relentlessly examined and took Athena's vitals to chart the papers, Athena who could still withstand the resentment of being overwhelmed with questions took a deep long breathe and her eyes darted on the young maid stood motionless in front of the door.

She could feel her body in a weak state, her breathing was getting faster making her chest heave, as if she was having trouble breathing, the doctor who detected Athena's changes instructed the nurse to take the breathing aid provided to give Athena space to breathe more easily. She can feel the intensity of her body is heavier and lifeless making her immediately lay down and looked at the ceiling trying to calm down.

Raising her arm to see her hand, she saw the slightly chubby hands and her eyes widen, finally it dawned to her...

"AAAAAAAAAA!!!!" her shrill of scream startled everyone nearby, and she had gone into berserk mode, and started rambling over.

"I will make you pay Anaya!!!! once i am back, i will lead the army to destroyed the divinity kingdom along with you" she spat the words while struggling to break loose from the attendants grab, the size of her body making it hard for everyone to hold her back.

Athena's fury startled every doctor and Madam Patria who could only cry saw her daughter as in a devil's beam, the tears of a mother who loved her child enough fell profusely, not willing to see the doctor injecting Athena with the sedatives, she left clenching her sleeves to calm her heart.

Harmony who was standing holding Madam Patria advised her to go home to rest, the sedative that was injected in Athena's body would be putting her to sleep for a few hours, she would be in the ward to watch over Athena and inform her if Athena is conscious.

A few hours later ....

Athena opened her eyes slowly and saw Harmony smile with a sweet smile looking at Athena.

"Lady Eris, welcome back!"

Athena who was aware of herself who is currently in the human world turned her face to protest from seeing Harmony who was the servant of Anaya, the goddess of goodness and Harmony.

While trying to get herself up, she bit her lip at the large size of her body, it has slowing her down a little from doing a simple task like sitting.

"In many human hosts, the fake Anaya let my father put my spirit in this woman's body?" the memory she recovered from her human host was unpleasant to remember, she is weak and having a low self esteem and willing to be humiliated by everyone.

Her eyes eyeing onto Harmony like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey.

Harmony is only able to smile at the actions of Athena who is known as Eris, the goddess of chaos and war.

"Why are you here anyway? did that stupid Anaya wanted to keep tabs on my life?" she scoffed crossing her arms that hands barely touching her armpit.

"Lady Eris, from now on i will be calling you Young Miss Athena of the Radcliff family, i was sent here by Lady Anaya and Lady Jayla to make sure you are able to serves the punishment given to you by the Lord." She then continue explaining everything that is required by the Lord Solomon, the fathers of all god and goddess in the 7th skies.

It was her fault for leading a riot to destroyed the kingdom that triggered the wrath of Solomon 500 years ago, she was captured and imprisoned until recently Athena pleaded the Lord to lift her punishment by sending her to be a human and live to atone her sins by committing a generous and good deeds.

"Are they all forget? I am the Goddess of chaos and war!! what kind of good can i bestowed upon these lowly humans??" she is currently furious!

"Have it slipped their mind that i am the one creating the evil thoughts in this treacherous creature? or have they forget that i led thousands of armies for battles against the creatures that threatened the kingdom?" her chest puffed up reminding Harmony of her victory slaying thousands of dark goblins that planned to over ruled Lord Solomon from the throne.