

Dan was currently smiling to himself and this had caught the attention of many in the class and among those was his weapons teacher Mr. Richard, he was currently wandering what in a hall full of weapons can make a kid smile, he began to watch Dan and that's when he noticed it, Dan was currently wearing a pair of gauntlets made from a basic class demon core,

'Weren't those gauntlets silver?' Mr. Richard couldn't help but ask himself, he decided to approach this kid he found to be strange, "Hey kid, what's your name?" he asked as he approached the kid, "I am Dan Jenson, sir" Dan replied almost immediately, "Dan huh?" He asked, "Let's see what you got, I see you chose the gauntlets, so how about we spar a little". Dan found this request to be strange but changed his tune when he received a notification

<New Quest Received>

<Defeat your opponent. Reward: Unlock three random skills.>

Seeing this, Dan couldn't have been more ecstatic, this was a rare opportunity to receive free skills in an instant and he couldn't wait to see what other skills a demon king system could give him, he couldn't pass it by, in order to have a fighting chance, he activated the only skill he had.

<Demon Gaze Activated>

The world slowly turned black and white and the only things that had color were the people, they had a faint blue hue outlining their shape and in the center he could see a small blue flame in everyone including himself except for his teacher, his wasn't a flame, it was a ball of fire and some of its flames were yellow, all of a sudden, he could see the flames being channeled into his legs and in a swift move, Mr. Richard was headed towards Dan.

Dan managed to avoid him, he was still moving, Dan saw this as his chance to attack, he jumped into the air, by this time Mr. Richard had stopped moving, Dan put all of his strength into his fist ready to deal a knockout blow but as the fist was about to connect, Mr. Richard suddenly caught it, "How did he manage to catch my fist even with my increase in strength?" Dan asked himself and as he looked at his teacher, he noticed a fairly large amount of his flame-like energy ball had gone into his hand in order for him to catch his fist, "This man is strong" Dan thought and little did he know that his teacher had mirrored hi train of thought.

"Damn, this kid is strong, I actually used energy to catch his fist." Mr. Richard said to himself as he threw Dan up and kicked him in the chest, Dan flew hit the wall and received a notification.

<Damage has been received>

<8/12 HP Remaining>

<Two points of energy will be used to restore one point of HP>

<7/15 Energy remaining>

<HP has fully been restored>

<Quest failed. You didn't defeat your opponent but at least you tried. Here's some encouragement>

<30 exp awarded>

'Losing isn't so bad after all' I thought as I stood up.