
Spar Me The Trouble

Following June's declaration and display was the continuous assessment of the students ability and in thirty minutes, the entire class excluding Kyle had shown their abilities.

"Okay class, let's mix things up a bit" Mr. Isaac voice interrupted the little chatter that had started, "I shall set you up in pairs, in which you'll spar and the winner will go to the next round." his gaze fell on all those present, "The first pair is... Dan and June" Mr. Isaac's lips curled up to a smile, he had clearly planned it.

Dan's eyes fell on June who was looking at him like a hungry predator, "Even if we were to spar, there is no arena or platform" Dan would like to avoid unnecessary confrontation as much as humanly or in his case demonically possible,

"Don't worry boss" Kyle swung his staff and a large cylindrical platform appeared and with another swing, stairs of the same nature appeared causing Dan to curse his luck.

"No excuses now" Mr. Isaac laughed his heart out at Dan's predicament but it was going to be one hell of a match,

Dan reluctantly got on the platform quickly followed by June who put on an otherwise dazzling smile,

"BEGIN!" and that was the signal,

June charged in with her gauntlets, Dan had only to tilt his head to avoid the blow, his fist moved with an immense speed and almost connected to her face.


At literally the last second she adjusted her body to avoid the blow but Dan followed with a roundhouse kick to her jaw which she dodged again, 'Damn, she's good. Let me see her dodge this'.

Dan's movement became a blur, his fist close to her face when her palm suddenly connected to his wrist, messing up his flow and making him miss, 'Okay, either I am dreaming or I am not the only demon in town' but rather than give up, he strengthened his resolve, 'I am going to dominate her'.

And immediately a picture of Night smiling flashed into his head, 'That is not what I meant you perverted, overgrown bird' and to make matters worse, he could see Kyle giving him thumbs up,

June unaware of Dan's predicament charged in, she dropped her body so her weight rested on her palm, she used the momentum of the fall to propel her leg to Dan's face

Dan's figure blurred as he moved with an otherwise inhumane speed, but June disregarded it and charged in again but Dan, still using Demon Sprint, caught both hands

A large water based dragon appeared out of nowhere, ready to hit June at point blank range, it seemed she had nowhere to run.


A wide smile appeared on Dan's face but not as large as the one on June, her eyes took on a bright blue glow, and as if practiced a thousand times, she twirled her wrist and jumped up to place her foot on the dragon's head and pushed herself off while pulling Dan with her,

Her feet landed gracefully on the ground but only for a brief moment as she rose her leg, aiming for her heel to hit Dan head but instead Dan placed both legs on her chest area while bending his spine in an odd angle to avoid getting hit, he pushed his legs forward, tearing apart their limbs and putting distance between them.

June charged in once again crushing Dan's hope for an easy victory,

His movements became a blur as he activated Demon Sprint for the third time in the spar, his left foot planted firmly into the ground, his muscles tensed as they recieved orders from his brain and his otherwise blue eyes took on a sinister red glow, June charged in regardless and when she was within reach, he performed a tornado kick.

*Bang* Dan had managed a hit.

June was sent flying back but she regained her strength as she skidded to a stop, her left gauntlet had taken the brunt of the attack,


Multiple cracks ran across the surface of the gauntlets before they broke apart.

Many students stared in awe but most in fear Dan's kick had destroyed one half of a pair of gauntlets and albeit basic, it meant he could kill a basic class demon with a kick,

June took off the other gauntlet and threw it, she brought out a string and tied her blonde hair into a bun, she cracked her neck, she was ready to stop holding back.

The real sparring was about to begin.

AN: Please reach out to me on Discord at
