
Hell Of A Battle

As Kyle advanced in the sparring match, Dan was in a strange state.

Dan could see himself inside a strange castle whose floors were covered in a strange gold like wood, its furniture made of the finest animal pelt, its walls and ceilings pure black with strange red veins pulsing with power like a heartbeat.

'Where am I?' Dan tried and failed to ask Night, he tried to prompt up the system screen but to no avail,

Even movement seemed to fail him until he stood up and began to walk and that's when he realized he wasn't in charge of his body, it was moving on its own.

'Dan' approached a strange hallway as a being approached him, it looked relatively humanoid with black hair and even darker eyes, pure black horns protruding from its head,

"Mazekeen, report", 'Dan' spoke in a voice that didn't belong to him, "Sir, Divine Judgement has killed the demons and their worshippers in the 8th dimension" Mazekeen said, a timid tone present in his voice.

'Dan' waved his hand and a mirror appeared in front of him and that's when Dan knew this wasn't his body, the person he could see had perfectly light pale skin that still had life in them, beautiful blonde hair with a strong jawline, he was the embodiment of perfection,

"Master Satan, what are you going to do?" Mazekeen started to pace as Satan adjusted his hair, "Simple, Mazekeen, I'll fight, fight till I die. I can sense it, he is about to reach hell" and as soon as Satan said this and albeit a great distance away from his current position, specs of light could be seen gathering.

Satan put the mirror away with a second wave of his hand, he headed to the end of the hallway and there lied a wooden door, he opened it, squatted and in what sounded like a gunshot, he was off.

A few thousand kilometers away, Satan could be seen halting to a stop, specs of light seemed to be gathering above the ground which looked like clay but after further inspection turned out to be metallic fillings that took on a red glow from the great heat of the place he was in, the sky was pitch black and the only source of illumination were the pillars of flames in the background and the red glow of the fillings. The specs slowly assembled and stood, or rather floated, in front of Satan was none other than Divine Judgement.

His pure white hair fluttered as though a strong breeze ran through it, his eyes burned like a white dwarf and his pure white robe provided a feeling of warmth,

"Satan we don't have to fight, just give up" Divine Judgement proposed to Satan who glared at him as a response,

"So be it then" and with those words, Divine Judgement clicked his fingers causing a dome of pure light to surround him,

Satan's figure disappeared as a loud explosion was heard quickly followed by a sizzling sound, Satan had punched the dome but not only did it withstand his full strength but it also burned his hand.

"Virtuous Light" Satan clicked his tongue in disgust, "My demons told me about it. A pure divine light to which no demon is immune. How putrid" Satan flicked his finger in his direction and a strong gale enough to flatten mountains followed, but his adversary released a beam of light to which the gale rebounded off,

"Dance you filthy demon, DANCE FOR ME!!!" Divine Judgement's face twisted into an expression of pure grimace as multiple swords appeared in the air around them,

'Hard light constructs, he really isn't holding back' but rather than panic, Satan smiled, he was going to enjoy this,

The swords started to descend at the speed of light but to Satan, they were as slow as slow could be, he promptly crossed his hands in an x shaped manner and released them with force conjuring a tsunami large Devil's Claw that spread in a radial manner destroying all the swords.

Satan charged in at Divine Judgement and crushed his head, killing him on the spot, "That was too easy" and he was right, the body bursted into particles of light proving it to be a light construct clone,

Satan was about to question where the real one was when Divine Judgement appeared in front of him and then another and another until there were ten.

"You dare to call me filthy, you are literally fighting me with clones who can use that accursed light" Satan taunted Divine Judgement who from afar ignored him,

"So be it then" Satan's hands turned into a blur as he used his runic skills rather than his energy based ones, the Divine Judgement clones charged in each with a different weapon made out of virtuous light but in response Satan clapped his hands generating a shockwave that destroyed nine out of the ten clones and at this point, his skill was ready to be deployed.

He touched the last clone before he seemingly teleported in front of another Divine Judgement, the real one,

"Just as I expected, it didn't take you long to find m-" Divine Judgement was cut short when Satan gripped his head and killed him.

Or so he thought.

A bright light began to emanate from the neck of Divine Judgement and as it settled, his head was there, "Rude interrupting me like that and damn you are strong. That would have killed anybody else but me." Satan had enough, he had to get rid of the unwanted guest immediately,

"I didn't want to do it" Satan started with a smile until it dropped, "Arch Demon Domain: Ability-less field" and with those words, everything changed.

A dome of strange energy spread out from Satan covering everything, Divine Judgement began to fall until he created hard constructs from Virtuous light of which he had a limited amount,

"First time I have heard of an Arch-Demon domain. Stops me from using my ability" Divine Judgement's wings flapped steadily, "But of course that damn virtuous light is immune to it" Satan was more disgusted than ever,

But in response Divine Judgement opened his palm and a giant arm made of pure virtuous light extended to Satan but this wasn't as fast as the rest,

it was five times its regular speed but to Satan it was moving normally as he barely avoided the artificial limb which bent at unnatural angles and after a hundred avoided attacks in one second, Satan realized what happened, he was surrounded by the elongated arm.

The arm shattered, stabbing him repeatedly in his side but at the last second, Satan managed to escape back to his chambers.

And you know the rest.

But contrary to Satan's expectations, his self detonation failed to kill Divine Judgement,

At the last second, he had used the last of his Virtuous light to create a shield to protect himself which almost worked.


The energy of the blast shattered the shield and ravaged Divine Judgement but with a click of his fingers, he teleported back to his home world,

He currently laid of a beautiful green prairie with lustrous trees and colorful birds in the air, he managed to heal himself to the best of his capabilities but he was still in a critical condition.

'God, I know you can hear me, you chose me to be your sword and your sword has gotten damaged. Reforge me so I may kill evil once more' but the being he was talking to gave him an unexpected reply,

"No, you have disobeyed me and caused chaos in my name and for that you shall be punished" a white crystal left his body and floated in front of him, "The will of the Sir Divine Augustus I knew shall protect the light ability until a worthy being is found. Goodbye Divine Judgement" and with those words, the crystal fused with the light of the world and disappeared, leaving Divine Judgement forever.

"NO!!!" Divine Judgement screamed as he punched the ground until a huge crack appeared on the ground shocking Divine Judgement,

"Perhaps all is not lost" Divine Judgement started to laugh.