
I'll soon be back

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

While running forward over the endless lake, Ary halted while gasping, saying,

"Were you jesting with me, Almita?"

Then, his gaze shifted to his right hand. He added, looking at Almita,

"It's been around an hour since I've been here. But it's endless. I didn't find any portal or anything even after galloping this far."

<No, host. You got it wrong.>

Almita commented, then suddenly, some light started shining from it.


Ary reacted as he closed his eyes due to the light, and soon enough, Almita morphed into her human form while landing on the water.

"It's not what I meant."

Almita said as her green gaze fell toward Ary.

"They what did you—?!"

Ary responded while shifting his gaze to Almita, but suddenly he halted.

He diverted his eyes, asking,

"Why are you naked again?"


Almita responded as her gaze shifted to her slim body and snow-like fair skin.

"Oh? I forgot to equip my astral dress."