
my demon's

Monday_Goodness · ファンタジー
7 Chs

chapter 2 rage

I quickly let Andrew before something happens to him .school that day went as usually form one class to another ,form chemistry to physics to economic then it was lunch time .Ah I so much hate lunch time because I get to be alone and the bully get to do their work .I did everything I could to avoid getting in their way it not that I am sacred of them ,I am sacred for them ,because I know my demon it like to dominant .I sat under a tree to eat my lunch after that school business went on as usually .then it was time to go home .I got home feeling very hungry only to meet and annoying senior brother who make me do the house choir all by my self . Mr I "what wrong with your arm can you not use them to do the house cleaning "James my Almighty Mr perfect brother who is the hard working but sneaking brat of the family replied" Are you in your right sense can you not see I have prepared dinner if you love your self you better do what I ask you or you Will sleep hungry "I know you are thinking were are my parents well they are both working so they don't have time for their children. and I am let with this selfish brother of mine who all he thinks about it him self .I got feed up of trying to bottle my angry inside .I let out my demon rage for the first time in my life I feel like I have the strength of a thousands men ." James I will not do it and you will give me my dinner "I said with a bold voice that even I was surprised ,James turn and looked at me he facial expression show he too was also surprised at my boldness as I was usually the cold type .James replied " I see you have started using drugs because you must be high to think that I will be sacred of you ,idiot "my demon start rumbling I felt something in my chest it was at first cold then it became hot it flow through my veins like blood it consumed me so much that I didn't know when I through a punch at my brother and I hit he so hard he fall unconscious