
My Dear Duke(BL)

On his 20th birthday, Asher's mother confessed something he never expected. After the truth was revealed, she died giving her last blessing to him. That's when Asher found himself all alone, confused about his own identity and worrying about his future. What did she say? -He was someone special? -Someone people would come after? She said he was coming from a very rare but also a very special race called omega where men could get pregnant. Was it real? At first, Asher strictly refused to accept his mother's confession. But in the end, he had to believe it. Because it was the bitter truth. If he was really coming from such a rare race, and had such a special body, did he have to live all his life hiding so he wouldn't get caught and become someone's plaything? Was that the only way to avoid getting the bad ending his father got? Why was he even born as someone like this?! He just wanted a peaceful life. So, it wouldn't be as dangerous as his mother said if he just forgot he was special and lived like a normal person, right? People would not notice. Alas, it's been a long time since people last saw an omega and they must be believing no omega exists now. At least that's what he thought... He thought people might have forgotten about his existence and he would not have to face any problems in the future.  Whether he was special or not, he still became a target. When he was kidnapped and auctioned as a slave, he regretted ignoring his mother's last advice. "Don't trust anyone easily. Your safety is in your hands and protecting yourself is your duty." He could only blame himself and except for the worst if his special identity was to get revealed and meet the same end as his father did. However, his fate gave him a second chance along with a huge surprise which changed his life for the better. Hopefully, Asher was saved by the so-called 'bloodthirsty monster' duke and brought to his mansion to babysit his spoiled 10-year-old little sister who threw tantrums declaring she wants Asher to pat her head and comfort her. Just to babysit this adorable, little girl.  He was safe. His secret was still a secret. Thanks to that chaotic sister and brother, Asher's life slowly took new turns and continued with almost no obstacles. The surprise? The duke happened to have some kind of a 'strange' illness that had no cure. Not long after when Asher discovered it, he ended up becoming the perfect cure for his illness. But how? -Remember? He was 'special'! Where would his specialty as an omega lead his life to? What kind of mysteries would he have to encounter with this duke wishing comfort from him?  Will the duke's 'strange' illness ever get healed? How would their story flow to that perfect happy ending with the twist of love landing in the middle of their 'just a deal'? ________________ Note:  This story continues in a historical timeline. Similar to omegaverse, but not the same omegaverse universe. Magic, revenge, dukes, royal families, curses, spells, heats, ruts... (The book cover is from Pinterest. Respect to the artist.)

Sweet_Vanilla553 · LGBT+
93 Chs

The Past(4)

Rose and Nick who were listening to her felt as bad as the woman was feeling at that time. It felt just inhuman.

Selling a baby?

For what?

Rose was disgusted.

"After that man couldn't be sold anymore, he brought the baby to the stage. I actually didn't expect that baby to turn out special too. That baby was given birth by that man just a week ago. They believed the baby would also grow into a very valuable omega.

The baby was priced even higher since it was a child and he even said virgin...I don't know...How could they talk about such things about a baby?! The child was bought by a young man for the price of 348 million gold coins and 180 silver coins. 

I...sigh… What should I do? I could only pray for that baby's future. I guess he will also suffer in the future because of his specialty. It was actually a curse...

The young man that bought the baby was actually sitting behind the place where I was cleaning. So I heard them talking too. That man said he would raise that baby and sell him for an even higher price or use him to breed a few more omegas."

The woman couldn't continue anymore. She sighed and sighed. Just recalling that auction made her feel sick. She never thought people could be so inhuman.

"No- No way!"

Nick was very shocked by hearing they planned such a thing about a newborn baby. 

"After that day, I resigned because I was very disgusted with that place. Let those people sit on shits. I would never clean those asses again!

The woman said angrily and turned to Rose who was sweating all of a sudden.

"Rose, are you okay?"

The woman placed her hand on her shoulder and shook her a little.

Rose, who was immersed in her thoughts, came back to her senses but suddenly broke into tears.

"Nick! I am scared. Is Blake also gonna face the same thing? He- No! We must do something! I won't let anyone harm him!"

She couldn't control her voice. She cried and shook Nick while begging him to do something.

Whether to believe Blake was an omega or not, it didn't matter anymore. What mattered was they needed to save Blake. If not, he would end up in a situation like that man they heard about.

"Blake? Don't tell me he is also an omega? No way!"

Rose actually forgot that the woman was also hearing them. She was too anxious and she suddenly forgot her existence.

"That- "

Nick wanted to give an excuse. But he felt guilty for lying to her.

"Don't worry. I will keep it a secret. But Blake...Sigh... I hope he will not have any bad experiences."

The woman looked up and prayed. But wasn't it already late for that?

"Aunty...How would they find omegas? I mean, we have never felt Blake was abnormal. Is there something common in them?"

Nick had wondered about that from the moment he heard there were actually men like that. 

He just discovered a new world.

"I also don't know. There must be something, if not, how could they catch the right person?"

After their confusions and questions were answered, Rose and Nick came back.

They realised things were more serious than they thought. 

Blake was already found out by them and as Nick heard, he had already had sex with the count. 

He might end up being pregnant!

But will there be any future for them?

Nobody knew…

Rose couldn't just sit and watch. 

"At least, I want to meet him and ask what is going on! I want to know…if he is okay!"

Rose hugged her head and thought of a way to meet Blake.

However, this time Nick didn't like her idea. He just came from the prison and he didn't want his sister to sneak into those dangerous places and suffer like he did.

Because of his refusal, they started an argument and in the end, Rose ignorantly left the house in anger. 

Nick didn't want her to be involved in those matters. It was right Blake was in danger, but just for him he couldn't let Rose mess with her own life.

Actually, he didn't tell Rose a few things. He actually met Blake before coming out from prison.

And, it turned out to be that Blake had begged the count to leave Nick and Rose alone. Since the count was interested in Blake, he had agreed on a condition.

Blake had to promise that he would not try to run away.

He had promised to be a slave for the count his whole life.

Tortures and insults had made Blake very restless and he looked very sick. He had lost a lot of weight and he had bruises all over his body. He didn't look like he was in good shape.

Blake asked Nick not to tell any of those things because he was disgusted with himself. And, he asked to take care of Rose well. Even asked to leave the city for their safety because he couldn't trust the count.

But Nick ended up telling things out of the emotional breakdown. He had made a mistake. He should have made up a lie and let Rose live her life.

He ruined it.

While Nick was regretting his decisions, he didn't know how far Rose had moved.

She actually dared to sneak into the count's mansion prison!

She knocked down the guard and disguised herself as a guard. Walking past the cells, she heard groanings, curses, and prayers but couldn't hear or see Blake.

Just when she was about to search the cells on the other side, she heard some guards asking to join them to guard inside of the mansion. 

She took the chance and joined the group. Maybe she was lucky, she was appointed at the door of the count. The guards were clueless about her disguise. They actually fell for it.

While guarding the room, she decided to walk around the mansion to see if Blake was somewhere. However, just when she was about to walk away, she suddenly heard a trembling and weak voice.

"Please don't! You promised! You can't harm them. I will give birth to your child! I will let you do anything to me, but please don't do anything to them. I beg you!"

'...Blake? It's Blake!'