
Eight- Morals and Obligations

The next morning I wake up quite early. I lift myself up just to see Elijah gone. Where could he have gone? That's kinda weird. I get up and slowly make my way out the door to the living room, I see Alex and his mom making breakfast. Mrs. Edison doesn't even notice me till I get close to her.

"Morning Mrs. Edison."

"Ali good morning honey! Could you go wake Elijah up? Breakfast is almost ready!"

"You mean Elijah's not with you?"

"No, I thought he was with you? When I woke up he was gone."

Mrs. Edison and I give each other a worried look. It's as if we could read each other's mind.

Where is Elijah?

I can feel my palms sweat with nerves and myself breathing heavy as if an anxiety attack was about to happen. My stomach drops and I feel as though I cant breathe despite y deep breaths.

Stop I got to pull myself together.

I try my best to calm myself as me, Alex and Mrs. Edison search all over the house.


There was nothing.

He was gone.

"Guys!" I hear and whip my neck around to see Alex holding his phone "I know where Elijah is!"

"Where?!" I practically scream at him.

"He's at the hospital." Alex grabs his car key and shouts "come on let's go!"

Hospital? Is he hurt? Why would he be at the hospital so early in the morning!

I feel thoughts racing in my head as Alex drives us to the hospital. All three of us sitting in panic as he races threw cars to make it to the hospital.

As soon as Alex pulls up to the hospital I leap out not even waiting for the car to stop and almost trip trying to run inside.

"Dear wait!" I hear Mrs. Edison say behind me but I don't stop.

I bolt towards the front office and right before I go through the door I hear a yelling in the background.

I look over to see Elijah and my dad fighting.

"ELIJAH STOP!" I yell as I start to run over at full speed not even fully seeing what was happening. Alex and Mrs. Edison race after me, they parked crooked right in front of the hospital. They try to help me and catch up but I couldn't stop running.

As soon as I got close, I saw Elijah face splattered with blood and filled with rage despite his swollen cheek. Elijah's fist where bloody and raw from punching, my dad's face is swollen with a bloody crooked nose.


"Stop! Stop please!" I jump in front to stop him from hitting but my dad pushes me out of the way that makes me trip and fall on the the tiled floor.


Elijah leaps in to punch him again but Alex jumps to hold him back and hospital staff that was standing around watching finally rush in to help pull them off each other.


I go to Elijah and hug him to calm him down. "Elijah thank you… you can stop now it's ok."

I hug him tight and feel his heart slowly relax as I pull him further away from my dad.

We hugged for god knows how long until he calmed down but we just stayed in each others arms ignoring everyone around us.

It was about 10 more minutes till the cops showed up, I explained everything that happened with my dad, what did to me, how Elijah was just protecting me.

After everyone gave their statements Elijah got off with a warning and a court date while my dad was arrested on spot for assault.

One of the nurses checked out Elijah just to make sure he was ok. I was holding his hand just basking in the fact that he protected me.

"Elijah, Thank you… I mean it"

He kisses my lips and smiles patting my head "no need to thank me princess, I probably should thank you."

"Why?" There's literally no reason for him to thank me for anything.

"I probably would have stopped until that bastard stopped breathing."

I giggle a little "you can't do that, it would be to easy." I shrug at him with a tiny smirk.

"Your right," he laughs a little at me and pulls me in closer.

Elijah's mom walks up to us with Alex.

"Let's get Ali here checked out by the hospital for her own wounds and how about Alex drives Elijah home to get her stuff?"

"With all due respect mom I wanna stay with her" Eli grabs my hand and interlaces our fingers together.

"Elijah I understand but someone needs to turn off the stove, I left it on when we were looking for you and I got to clock into work."

Alex eyebrow pops up "I thought you didn't have work today?"

"I was called in while we were driving to the hospital, I figure I should just go to work while I'm here and look after Ali" she smiles.

Elijah sighs and let's go of my hand and cups my cheeks with his hands and makes my head look at him "I'll head straight back ok cupcake?" I nod and give him a hug before he leaves with Alex.

I'm a tad embarrassed not gonna lie. He is so flirty in front of his family I can barely suck up my embarrassment to say goodbye. I feel nervous but I figure I have to be strong, after all everyone is helping me.

Mrs. Edison leads me into the hospital and puts me in a room to be examined.

I feel everyone staring at me wanting to ask questions about what happened and why my dad, the star of the hospital, was being arrested. Our town is small so I know the news it gonna travel really fast weather I want it to or not.

I close the door undress and put on that thin blue hospital dress.

I hate this.

I feel anxious when everyone's looking at me… I mean what if they think I'm lying? Well, I guess I have proof I'm not.

I fidget with my fingers and sit on the bed.

I see Mrs. Edison come in.

"Hi …" I say trying to break the awkwardness.

"Hi Ali! I'm going to give you a shot, ok? It's just to help you calm down with all the stress that you have been under. Is that ok with you?" she looks at me waiting for my consent before even drawing up the needle.

I nod and suck it up pulling out my arm.

She locks the door.

Weird, why would she lock the door? I mean it's Elijah's mom right? She wouldn't do anything weird. Am I just being paranoid?

Yaaaa know i had to have the dad get beat up lol. What do you think of Mrs. Edison?? HMMM

TheQuietestVoicecreators' thoughts