
My daughter is SCP 239

After a failed termination attempt, Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir, also known as SCP-239, appears in the yard of Adrian Rose, an enigmatic teenager with secrets of his own. Taking Sigurrós under his wing, Adrian vows to protect her, even as his own dark past threatens to resurface.

TheKeneticLord5 · アクション
39 Chs

Sibling Showdown

Chapter 15 

Adrian and Elena led the way to the training room, Sigurrós and Sky following closely behind, their excitement palpable. Camile and Shub-Niggurath trailed behind, ensuring everyone entered safely. Stepping into the room, Adrian clapped his hands, summoning a portal before them.

"Alright, everyone through the portal," Adrian said, motioning for the girls to go first.

Sigurrós and Sky exchanged excited glances before stepping through the portal, followed by Camile and Shub-Niggurath. Adrian and Elena entered last, finding themselves in a vast, open plain surrounded by a dense forest.

"This should be fun," Elena remarked, stretching her arms.

Adrian grinned. "I haven't had a good spar in a while."

Camile and Shub-Niggurath positioned Sky and Sigurrós at a safe distance, where they could watch the impending battle unfold. Adrian and Elena faced each other, a palpable energy crackling between them.

"Ready, sis?"

"Always," Elena replied, a playful glint in her eyes.

Silver energy radiated from Adrian's body, his eyes glowing red and silver. Elena's aura darkened, emanating black energy as her eyes gleamed with golden light. They took their stances, their powerful auras intensifying, causing the ground beneath them to tremble from the clash of their energies.

Adrian made the first move, disappearing in a blur of speed and reappearing behind Elena, aiming a swift kick. Elena blocked effortlessly, her movements fluid and precise. She countered with a burst of dark energy, forcing Adrian to leap back to avoid it.

Adrian retaliated by increasing the gravity around Elena, but she shrugged off the added pressure. Dark energy crackled around her as she vanished in a streak of black lightning, reappearing behind Adrian with a lightning-charged fist. Adrian spun to deflect the blow, countering with a powerful punch of his own. The impact of their collision sent shockwaves through the air, cracking the ground beneath them.

Elena leaped back, summoning a massive orb of dark energy above her head, which she transformed into raw destructive power. Adrian activated his Omnikinesis, manipulating order to disrupt and neutralize the orb. However, he realized too late it was a feint as Elena had vanished from her spot.

"A trap?" Adrian muttered, scanning for her.

He sensed a surge of energy above him and looked up to see Elena, surrounded by a brewing thunderstorm crackling with black lightning.

"Oh crap," Adrian muttered.

Elena unleashed the storm, torrents of black lightning crashing down toward Adrian. Reacting swiftly, Adrian summoned a portal to absorb the lightning. As the portal absorbed the energy, Elena exploited the distraction, appearing behind him with crackling lightning in her hand. She struck Adrian's side, sending him reeling.

Regaining his footing, Adrian unleashed a tsunami of white flames from his mouth. Elena countered by splitting the flames with a beam of lightning, showcasing her precise control over elemental forces. The sky darkened ominously, revealing a meteor coated in black flames hurtling toward them, with Adrian hovering to its left.

Elena conjured a sword of black energy, readying herself. With a powerful swing, she sliced through the meteor, causing it to explode into smaller fragments. The debris rained down, but Elena effortlessly maneuvered through it, her sword cutting through the falling fragments.

Adrian capitalized on the chaos, appearing behind Elena and unleashing a barrage of energy blasts. Elena dodged and countered with a wave of dark energy, the clash of their powers creating a dazzling display of light and shadow.

Sky and Sigurrós watched in awe, their eyes wide with admiration and excitement. Camile and Shub-Niggurath stood nearby, equally captivated by the intense battle unfolding before them.

"I so hate Primordial Chaos Manipulation," Adrian commented.

"Oh, coming from Mister Omnikinesis?" Elena teased.

"Yeah, yeah."

"About time we get serious, don't you agree?" Elena asked.

"Yes," Adrian agreed.

The energy around Adrian and Elena exploded, Adrian's hair turning silver and his eyes heterochronic—left silver, right blood-red. Above Elena, two black halos appeared, her eyes glowing gold as her outfit transformed into a flowing black dress. Their powers surged to new heights, the ground cracking and splitting under the immense pressure of their augmented auras.

Adrian moved first, flickering with silver light as he disappeared and reappeared before Elena. He threw a punch, but Elena caught his fist, the impact sending shockwaves that flattened nearby trees. With a twist, she flipped Adrian over her shoulder, slamming him into the ground. The impact created a massive crater, the earth shattering beneath him.

Adrian laughed, swiftly rising to his feet. "Not bad, sis."

Elena smirked. "You're holding back, brother."

"Alright then, no more holding back."

Adrian's aura flared, silver energy intensifying around him. He lifted his hand, causing the ground beneath Elena to tremble violently. Spikes of earth shot up around her, but Elena evaded by leaping into the air, gathering dark energy in her hands to form a massive sphere.

"Try this!" she shouted, hurling the sphere toward Adrian.

Adrian summoned a barrier of white flames, colliding with the sphere to create an explosion that illuminated the sky. The force pushed Adrian back, but he stood firm, his eyes locked on Elena.

Before the smoke cleared, Elena blurred into motion, her speed leaving afterimages as she dashed toward Adrian. She swung her energy sword with relentless precision. Adrian parried her strikes, the sound of their clashing resonating like thunder. Each collision sent shockwaves through the air, the ground around them cracking and breaking apart.

To be continued...

Chapter 15: End