
31 nov 23

I'm in Warri now even though I don't really want to. But it's all good at least I got a phone out of it.

So what brings me here you might ask, well I came here to find a job. Anything will be fine except working in my aunt store or warehouse, I don't even know what to call it.

Anyway I'm job hunting which is just me lying down on my bed trying to scout the internet for something suitable for me to do that doesn't involve me leaving the house. Hope I get one quickly.

So today I was supposed to go register at a recruiters shop( I don't really know what to call it) but I didn't go cos cooking took most of my time today. After I was done cooking I was just too tired to do anything else but sleep. Which I didn't by the way. This house sucks the sleep out of you. I went jogging ( more like walking sha) I'll try to go everyday cos it's good for the body. I'm feeling sleepy now and would like to go to bed. Tomorrow is a bright new day. Good night darlings