
My daily life

Okay so today I woke up I was pre smashed from the day before but I had my shower to wake up and start the day. I then sat down and started to check my phone and reply to the messages from friends because I have friends in different parts of the world I have a group chat with almost all my friends I made on Xbox, we text each other every day and talk about the stupidest stuff some stuff but it's perfect makes me really think wow I'm blessed to have theses guys in my life so after texting everyone I go onto my Xbox and start a stream I only usually have 1 viewer but the night before I had a maximum of three viewers so I was pre pumped to start my stream the I get I message on Xbox that my friend wants me to join then in a party on Xbox so I join and meet a couple of mates from America and United Kingdom's so we chat and she tells me not to bring up her friend she's texting because she doesn't want them to know yet so I text back saying all goods girl and we just chill for about an hour I then leave the party I've been streaming for about 135 minute by then so I tell me stream imma head out and get some more drinks to drink for the day that's when my brother asked me if I wanna go yo shop to get more beer to drink I obviously say yes and we head up, and buy Some beer and that's my day for now I'll keep you updated tomorrow just read tomz I guess cya now