
Chapter 3 The Seven Exquisite Needles_1

"The patient's condition is already extremely critical," the doctor said. "If we do not perform surgery within three hours, there will be no chance for recovery."

In the ward, after Yang Yiyi lost consciousness, the chief physician came over to check on her.

"Doctor, please proceed with the surgery immediately," Gu Qingya pleaded. "I'll go and raise the funds for it right away."

Zeng Yang had already agreed to lend the money. Now, all she had to do was to find him. If it weren't for Yang Yi's arrival, Yiyi's surgery would have been arranged by now.

"The surgery is ready to go," the doctor said. "You can start as soon as you pay. If you miss the payment deadline, the surgery will be canceled."

After finishing his sentence, the doctor left with an expressionless face.

At that moment, Yang Yi burst in.

He had just run to the traditional Chinese medicine department and brought back a box of silver needles.

He knew that to cure his daughter's disease, he had to use a miraculous ancient acupuncture technique—the Seven Mystical Needles.

"Yiyi, don't be afraid, Daddy is here to save you!" he exclaimed.

Yang Yi walked over to Yiyi's side, opened the box of silver needles, and placed it beside him.

After that, he concentrated and gathered his energy, and a "True Dragon Qi" slowly settled into his internal organs.

"Doctor, what is that family member trying to do?" asked a nurse, noticing the scene.

"Don't mind it. Notify us once they pay for the surgery. If they don't pay, it will be canceled," the doctor said coldly before leaving.

Gu Qingya, who had been ready to immediately find Zeng Yang, stayed concerned after seeing Yang Yi like this.

"Yang Yi, what are you doing?" she asked anxiously.

"Saving my daughter," Yang Yi replied, placing the seven silver needles in his palm.

The "True Dragon Qi" inside his body gathered in his palm, making the seven needles line up neatly, floating a slight distance above his hand.

"You're crazy, Yang Yi! You don't know anything. You're going to harm Yiyi! Get out of here now," exclaimed Qing Ya, frantic with worry.

Yang Yi, hearing her words, raised his hand to signal Qing Ya to be quiet.

His hand, holding the needles, danced in front of Yiyi. Driven by a powerful qi, the seven needles pierced into Yiyi's seven acupoints in a serpentine motion.

"Yang Yi, you…" Qing Ya said, becoming even more worried, wanting to push Yang Yi away.

But Yang Yi held her shoulder with one hand, using such a strong force that she couldn't move.

Continually, Yang Yi's right hand infused qi into Yiyi's body. Under the influence of the qi, Yiyi's diseased hematopoietic stem cells underwent transformations.

As the qi flowed, Yang Yi's strength was rapidly depleted. Sweat streamed down his forehead like raindrops.

Although Yang Yi, who had just received the inheritance, was not particularly strong, he was willing to give his all for his daughter.

As the last thread of qi was infused, a smile appeared on Yang Yi's lips.

He knew Yiyi was saved.

Gu Qingya also watched as Yang Yi's brow dripped with sweat and felt the strength in his hand suddenly vanish.


Suddenly, Yang Yi collapsed, falling to the ground.

"This is incredible! Using silver needles for acupuncture can change the structure of mutated hematopoietic stem cells, making them return to normal. This is unbelievable!"

"Yes, Dean, I have been a doctor for decades and have never seen such a thing," another added.

"Dean, this needle technique is nothing short of a miracle, no, it should be called a divine miracle!"

Inside Yiyi's ward, the dean and a dozen experts watched in amazement.

No one could believe that in just a few hours, Yang Yiyi's condition had undergone a drastic change.

Her current state was dozens of times better than if she had undergone the best bone marrow transplant surgery.

One could even say that Yang Yiyi was now a normal person. It was just that her body still needed some time to recover from her severe illness.

"Daddy, daddy!"

As soon as Yiyi woke up, she called out for Yang Yi.

Gu Qingya, who was by Yiyi's side, held onto her little hand tightly, and tears of excitement immediately gushed out.

"Yiyi, mommy is here, you've finally, finally woken up."

"Mommy, don't cry, Yiyi is fine. Daddy, where is he?"


Gu Qingya hesitated.

Yang Yi had passed out and had been rushed for emergency treatment. Now, his life and death were still uncertain.

"Yiyi, how are you feeling now?"

Just as Gu Qingya was hesitating, Yang Yi pushed open the door of the ward and hurried over.

Seeing that Yiyi had already woken up and that her complexion was gradually regaining health, the anxious expression on Yang Yi's face finally eased.

"This... didn't they just say in the emergency room that this family member's condition was critical and might not be resuscitated? How is it now..."

"Yeah, this is too astonishing! His body's self-healing ability, it's so strong?"

A dozen specialists looked at Yang Yi in utter surprise.

With miraculous medical skills and such a heaven-defying self-healing ability, this young man in front of them was undoubtedly one of the most prominent figures in the medical field.


Seeing Yang Yi, Yiyi's face bloomed with a happy smile.

"It's nothing, Yiyi, you'll get well soon."

As Yang Yi spoke, he formed an image of a True Dragon in the air and then almost instantly removed seven silver needles.

His speed was so fast that Yiyi didn't feel any pain at all, and the onlookers could hardly see his movements.

After taking the seven silver needles back into his palm, Yang Yi glanced at them. To his surprise, the tips of the needles were tinged with black.


Yang Yi thought to himself coldly.

The blackness on the silver needles was clearly due to poisoning. And since all seven needles were affected, it indicated that the poisoning was deep and potent.

"There really are such malicious people!"

"Yang Yi, what did you say?" Gu Qingya asked when she heard Yang Yi muttering to himself.

Yang Yi saw that there were still many people around and did not explain; he simply shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I'll tell you about it later."

"Mr. Yang, hello, I am the dean of this hospital, my name is Bai Changming."

At this point, the dean came forward to greet Yang Yi himself.

"Dean, I will gather the funds for my daughter's hospitalization fees very soon. She still needs to rest for a few more days, and I hope the dean can give us some consideration."

"No, no, no, sir, your daughter's medical fees are waived. She can rest as long as she needs, and our hospital will provide the best resources. But, could I invite you to stop by my office for a chat?"

Bai Changming was very polite. With Yang Yi's skills, if he could work in the hospital, wouldn't they have the world's top level in treating leukemia?

"Thank you for the invitation, dean, but I still have some things to take care of. I'll visit personally when I have the time."

"Good, as long as Mr. Yang agrees, that's enough. I will be in the dean's office of the hospital, waiting at any time."


"Then we'll leave you now, and if you need anything, just let me know."

After saying this, Bai Changming left with the specialists.