
My Cute Wife is Mitsuri Kanroji

I am Kotaro Kenshin. Despite having the 'Kenshin' in my name, unfortunately I am not a swordsman. I am is just a normal person living a normal life in this old times. Being a teacher, having a sufficient and slow life is all I want and I have it all. All I need is to have a beautiful wife. And today is the day for one of the many matchmaking date. And then I met the girl with long black hair tied in braids, having a very beautiful face. "Nice to meet you. I am Kotaro Kenshin." "N-Nice to meet you as well, Kotaro-sama. I am Mitsuri Kanroji." What?! Mitsuri Kanroji?! The Love Hashira?! I am in Demon Slayer World! --- To Support, Go to -- www.patreon.com/cherryblooming

CherryBlooming · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

Chapter 3. Guilt and Love

The small wind blew again making the pink leaves fall. But the sun was coming down so the leaves gave more a tint of red rather than pink.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Kotaro was the first one to break the silence. After the date, it was the time to determine whether they liked each other or not. And Mitsuri was shivering in fear of being rejected once again.


Still not to disappoint him, she replied with a fake smile trying her best to not show her sad side.

Not able to bear it more, Kotaro turned to her and looked at her face.



Mitsuri turned as well and looked at him and his clear eyes looking at her. Suddenly she felt the guilt of hiding her faults in front of him.

Her parents told her to hide her abnormalities in front of her suitors, and she did it but one or another way she always gets caught and the marriage gets cancelled.

But despite that she in her heart feels the guilt that she hides something about her from her possible suitor.

And because of that she evaded her eyes from looking him straight in eyes. But how could Kotaro let it go?

It was a small time indeed. But Kotaro was indeed fallen in love with her. And he didn't like her fake smile and behaviour all the time during the date.

He wanted to see her original smile once again. Her shy nature that defies the realm of cuteness. And for that he knew what he has to do.

"So, tell me Mitsuri. Are you hiding something from me?"

Mitsuri eyes widened and she trembled in guilt. After all, she was hiding about her abnormality in hope of getting married. But Kotaro noticed it.'

"Tell me."

Kotaro looked at her with a kind gaze which made her unable to refuse. She was afraid of getting rejected but she also didn't knew what to do now anymore.

So, she opened her mouth and told the truth with teary eyes.

"I-I am sorry for hiding about my body from you. I-I have a weird constitution which made my body stronger than most people and I also eat more than normal people. I-I am sorry for deceiving you, Kotaro-sama! I-It would be best if you don't marry someone like me."

She looked at him with sad teary eyes. She was bawling and telling him not to marry him because she was deceiving him.

In this short time, she got the kindness she never felt in her whole life from him. she wanted to marry him but the guilt for deceiving him filled her heart making her feel that she was unworthy of marrying him.

'Sorry, for deceiving you, Kotaro-sama!'

She said in her heart trying to erase her love. She looked up trying to see his eyes of fear and disgust.


But all she could see was the same clear serene and kind eyes she saw from the beginning. And there was a tint of happiness in them for some reason.

"Mitsuri. When people love someone, they don't want their loved ones to see their bad side. But you know that is wrong. You see, when people are really in love with each other, it means they love everything about them. It means they accept everything their love has let it be good or bad."

Mitsuri looked at Kotaro looking at her with very kind and lovable eyes.

"And that's why… I love you, Mitsuri. I love all the good and bad things about you."

Kotaro bended a little to meet her height and then slowly kissed her cheek. Mitsuri who was suddenly unable to process that happened was stunned with a face full bright red in the orange sky.

"So, you don't have to hide anything from me, my cute wife."

Kotaro slowly whispered in her red eyes, and then he finally smiled looking at her bright red blushed face unable to say anything.

'This is what I wanted to see.'

After this brave move, Mitsuri was silent unable to say anything. And Kotaro himself was a bit embarrassed since he kind of pulled an ikemen move.

But in this silence, the stench of love was overflowing. Anybody in this place can easily tell that both of them love each other.

"So, it seems this is all we have to say today. Then, it is time to part, Mitsuri."

Kotaro smiled at her. And he turned back ready to leave and tell Aunt Aiko about her success. But before he could leave, Mitsuri grabbed the ends of his kimono stopping him.

"What is it, Mitsuri?"

Kotaro turned back to look Mitsuri trying to say something.

"Me, too."

"Huh? I didn't hear it well."

Mitsuri took a deep breath. And then with a full blushed face said a small yet audible voice.

"I love you too, Kotaro-sama."

And then she smiled with tears in her eyes. But this time it was of happiness rather than of sadness like before.

Kotaro's eyes widened at her smile. Truly she looked like an angel to him. Kotaro just smiled nodded at her and left the yard happily feeling good towards his future.


"So, tell me. What about it, lover boy?"

Aunt Aiko looked at Kotaro and from a glance she could see that today was the day for her success. She could see, but she couldn't resist to tease the young Kotaro.

"You already know it, Aunt Aiko. Why are you teasing me?"

"Hmph! But you didn't even blush at my tease. Shouldn't you act like – "How did you know that Aunt Aiko?!" and then fluster like a young boy first time falling in love?"

"Well I am not like the most. But you are indeed right. Falling in love is indeed a beautiful thing."

Kotaro smiled lightly full of happiness, which made Aiko very happy. She looked Kotaro as a guardian, and even though Kotaro was very mature she could see him a bit along detached from the world for some reason.

As if he was not from this world. But now, looking at him smile with more pureness than before, she felt very relieved and kind of thanks Mitsuri able to make him more bright.