
My Cultivation System in the world of Magic and Witchcraft

'Where am I...ahh......it hurts...' As Leon regains his consciousness back, he finds himself in a dark ally and a huge amount of pain rushes all over his body. "Hey, Mike! Look this shrimp is fucking moving!" He saw a bulky guy near him with his blurry vision. "Damn! Is your brain in your fucking asshole? Of course, he moved!" He heard another voice saying but Leon couldn't see his face. "Wh....why..are..you...do..ing..this to m..e.." Leon asked in a broken voice. "Kid! You have offended the young master and he wants you dead, so don't blame us kid but you have to die!" The guy named Mike said with an emotionless voice. "Shrimp, blame your shitty luck in hell, hahaha" the bulky guy laughed at Leon's misery. 'What did I do wrong? I don't remember offending those rich so-called young masters!' He muttered as he looked at the sky as he was about to die. "Jake! Let's go, eventually, he will die of cold out here!" Both left. After they left, Leon was lying on the ally in a bloodied body on the verge of death. Because of the blood loss, he felt numb and slowly he couldn't feel anything. His vision became much blurry than before. Suddenly, heard a voice in his head. [Ding! You have been given a second chance to live, will you take it?] [Yes/No] — After getting a cultivation system, Leon transmigrates into a dead body. The strange thing is the world he transmigrated was not a world of cultivation but rather a world of magic and witchcraft, he will become an existence that will defy the world with his unparalleled cultivation. In his journey, he will get many women from various races even Dragons and Vampires. _______________ Additional tags: Dragons, tsundere, Yandere, Slice of life, Vampire, Demons, Elves, anti-hero, Overpowered MC, Every 100 power stone 2 bonus chapters. Discord link↓ https://discord.gg/wR7KyerXgc The server isn't complete yet, there are a lot of things to add!

Immortal_Basterd · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Emily's Suspicion?

«SP:15↑» [can be distributed to the following stats]

'I have 15 SP now, I should distribute them! just like in the game..hehehe' Leon said inwardly. The system was like a game interface where you can customise the stats of the characters, you are playing with.

Leon immediately opens the system interface and allocates the SP.

«System interface»

<<Name: Leon Anderson>>

<<Age:17 years>>

<<Cultivation: Body Refining third stage>>








«SP:0↓» [can be distributed to the following stats]

<<Inventory>>> [1.3↑ cubic metre space]

<<Shop>> [Locked]


«Heaven's Forbidden Arts»

«Grade: Divine»

«Mastery Level:1»


«First Forbidden Art– Heaven Devouring technique»


«Mastery: Level 1»


(Author: if you guys are wondering why the stats raised so much then let me tell you, in each stage of Leon's breakthrough he would receive 5 stat points for each stat.)

Leon looks throughout the stats he had now, he knows very well what those numbers meant. he had 35 stat points each stat except for intelligence, so he could consider that he had become very strong by breaking through each stage. He could feel the energy that was running through his body, his body has muscles now. before he cultivated was like bamboo but now he has a great shape.

'let's check out the clothes given by the system..' He took out the clothes from the inventory. The clothes look very high quality, it has a weird aura around them. the clothes were black and has a golden line around the neck.

He wears those clothes imminently, after wearing the clothes he felt like it was too big for him to fit. but to his surprise, the clothes change their size and now it fits him perfectly. the clothes were very lightweight, he felt like he was wearing nothing at all.

[These clothes were a kind of artefact that can change shape and size and also will keep the wearer comfortable according to the weather.] the system said.

"Only now you are some use to me!" Leon said while his nodding his head in an understanding manner.

[You are saying up until now, I was useless!!! What a heartless Host, humph!!] The system snorted at Leon.

"Hahaha" Leon let out a small chuckle.

Meanwhile, Emily who was bathing on the other side of the huge rock heard some noise scattering air. she immediately get out of the river and wear her new set of clothes that she brings with her, She was worried that a Magic Beast might have attacked Leon.

After wearing her clothes, took a dagger that she covered using her clothes. she walked toward the opposite side of the rock, where Leon was bathing. when she came, she saw there isn't any magic beast at all. Leon was sitting on a rock and he was wearing a new set of clothes that she had never seen with him.

'Where did he get those clothes? it looks very unique and also, I have never seen such unfamiliar clothes!!' Emily was very surprised to see Leon in this way.

"Hey! Leon what happened here? what was that noise a moment ago?" she asked, she heard a loud noise of air scattering but now there is nothing at all.

"It's nothing to worry about, I just made a breakthrough in my cultivation!" Leon said while scratching the back of his head.

"Cultivation, what are you talking about? you have said that word before as well!" She was very confused about what Leon said.

"It's a little bit complicated stuff, I will tell you but not here!" Leon said.

"Okay! I won't ask much if you do not feel like telling!" Emily said.

"Let's go back to your house then!" Leon said after taking a deep breath.

"My place? I can't risk my life with you!" Emily said. she had to consider many things if Leon's parents find him in her place she will be enslaved by them. it would be an end to her.

"You don't need to worry, I did not lose my memories or anything like that!" Leon said.

"Then how did you get those injuries earlier?" She was very shocked to know that, Leon didn't lose any memory when he was injured.

The question is how did Leon get those injuries? she could not understand at all.

"It's very complicated than you think so I will tell you in your place!" Leon insists to tell at her place.

"Okay, but you have to tell me everything!" Emily said, after knowing that Leon didn't lose his memory, she have to put a guard up in front of Leon.

"I promise! I will tell you everything but you have to make a promise not to tell any third person!" Leon said he has to be careful in this world if he wants to live longer.

After thinking a little bit, Emily nodded her head in agreement with Leon.

Leon seeing that Emily nods her head and lets out a small smile on his face. he previously thought that she would be very angry with him for lying to her.

Leon and Emily both leave the river and went towards the slum area, where Emily lives. Emily lives alone in the slum area where if you are not careful you can't even last a day here. in the slum, there is no rule only the strong ones can make rules here. Emily was born and raised in this slum and had been living here her whole life, so she knows a lot about it. that's why she was very careful about Leon, she doesn't know anything about Leon at all.

While walking she was looking at Leon's body, which has changed very much. Before Leon's body doesn't have any muscle at all but now it became a little more muscular than before and she could tell that he was now stronger than herself.

After walking for around 20 minutes, Leon and Emily reached their place. The place that Emily lived was very small and looks like a broken old little house. Emily couldn't repair this place after her parents died in a beast tide, from then on she has been living like this.

They both entered the broken house, Leon sit on the ground also Emily as well. she wanted to know what causes Leon to become this strong in such a short amount of time. The main thing she wanted to know was the origin of Leon, she used her magic on Leon before to know if he was lying or not and she didn't find a problem that's why she help him but later he told them that he didn't lose any memory, which makes her very curious about the origin of Leon.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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Immortal_Basterdcreators' thoughts