
My Crystal System

A normal school year for an 18 year old girl named Quinton is turned into chaos when she discovers a family secret that changes her life forever. The past is revisited, secrets are revealed, and an organization run by an unknown individual is revealed to be the biggest threat of all. {story also on wattpad, Pocket FM, Scribble Hub, Royal Road, and soon Goodnovel} (Originally know as: Decisions: What is Quinton's secret?

abstractwritzerr · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Finding Souls

Quinton got up from the couch, she had so many questions and nobody to ask at the moment, nobody in the room with her knew about the system she had just magically sprung up. "fuck, what am i meant to do now? i don't even know what it means by 'collect souls', does the thing want me to kill people or something?!", Quinton thought, the horror of having to take someones soul made her feel like the grim reaper, in fact, now that she thought about it, what exactly was she anyway? what was a Soulet?

"Quinton? earth to Quinton!", Candice said, waving her hand in Quinton's face. "Ah sorry! spaced out for a second there.", Quinton lied, and laughed a little. "so, where exactly are we?", Quinton continued, looking around the cabin, and Dashi walked over, "if you haven't noticed, were inside a cabin, but the real question is are you okay?", Dashi asked Quinton, and Quinton nodded, looking at her hands and arms, "i think i'm okay? i didn't die so that's a plus!", Quinton said with a small smile. her gaze drifted around the room till it landed on Alexandra, and the both of them kept staring at each other, Quinton remembered her from that afternoon when she came to her house, questioning her about that dead guy, like she knew what happened. 

"so we meet again Quinton?", Alexandra said with a Calm tone, and Quinton smiled, "Mrs. Gebroski, it's nice to see you again!", Quinton responded just as calmly, and Alexandra laughed a little, " maybe not in these circumstances.", she said with a heavy sigh. Athena looked on in confusion, she didn't know her mom and Quinton knew each other, " you two know each other?", Athena asked in confusion. "we met once, it's a long story", Quinton explained and Alexandra nodded. 

Wendy walked over to them and cleared her throat, "hate to break the reunion, but here Quinton, sorry i doused you in water.", Wendy said, handing Quinton a new pair of clothes. "uh-", Quinton looked at the clothes and was about to ask where Wendy got them from, but Wendy cut her off, "i found them upstairs, this place has some useful stuff, like this!", Wendy said holding up a bottle of dark purple liquid in her hand. "what exactly is that?", Amelia asked, looking at the bottle with a disgusted look. "this? i don't know how old it is, but it's a potion that restores health, i'm totally keeping this on me, never know when we might need it!", Wendy smiled. "and how do you know that's what it is?", Amelia asked, raising an eyebrow. and Wendy shrugged, "I'm a mage, learned many things about potions and magic and all that crap, i know what i'm talking about", Wendy said, putting the bottle into her bag and walking over to the door of the cabin. "oh no, looks like we have company, looks like two people are coming this way.", Wendy said. "wait what?! they found us already!!", Amelia said, pulling on her hair again, as she stressed out. " well what do they look like, are they wearing Void uniforms?", Dashi asked. 

Wendy nodded, "both of them are, what do we do?", she questioned, and Alexandra looked around the cabin for a moment before nodding. "we hide and wait for them to enter, then we ambush them, it's the best plan we have.", Alexandra said, and the others hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. 


the two Void officers walked up to the Cabin, their eyes darting around, "i swear i heard voices in here.", one of the officers sighed, "Fred you idiot, we may of just wasted our time coming in here because of you!", the other officer scowled and slapped Fred in the back of his head. "owe, that hurt Jay!", Fred snapped back at the other officer. Jay rolled his eyes and shut the door, and the moment he did, the cabin lights went out and the both of them we're knocked out. when Jay woke up, he found that they we're tied up by their arms and legs and couldn't move, "Gah! what the hell?!", Jay yelled, looking around frantically, and Fred was still out cold, Jay immediately kneed Fred in the stomach, not hard but it definitely woke the guy up. Fred coughed loudly as he woke up from the kick, "What the hell Jay!", he snapped, when he opened his eyes and noticed they were tied up, he started squirming around, "what the- where the fuck are we?!", Fred said in panic. 

Finally after a while some footsteps we're heard as someone walked over to them, it was Alexandra, she looked at the two men as she walked over, "Who sent you.", she said in a serious tone, she was good at getting information out of people, it was kind of her job as a detective after all. Fred frowned and spat at her, "we aren't telling you shit!", he snapped, and Alexandra sighed, "i will ask you again, who sent you.", Alexandra asked the men a second time, "you heard him lady, we ain't telling you nothing!", Jay snapped, and Alexandra sighed, "then you will stay here until you tell me who sent you.", she said before walking off.

when Alexandra made it back to the others she shook her head letting them know she couldn't get any information from the two men. they all had been up for quite some time, and it was really late, so everyone decided to turn in for the night, everyone but Quinton. for some odd reason, she couldn't sleep. she was currently taking the couch since she asked to take the couch, the cabin looked a little old, the floors creaked and it was a little dusty, but the decorations made up for it, not to mention that everything seemed to work quite well so that was a plus. 

Quinton walked around the second floor of the small cabin just enjoying the quiet time she had to herself, the only ones who slept down stairs we're Quinton and Dashi, Dashi chose to sleep downstairs because he had good hearing, if anything was coming he'd be the first to know. "huh..?", Quinton said, her eyes landing on the rope that was laying on the floor, it looked like it had been cut, and that was when she realized that those two men may of just got free. 

her initial instinct was to go and tell the others, but by the time she told them, the two men would be gone, and could probably give them away before they even knew it, this led her to one of her only options. she quickly went upstairs and grabbed the first weapon she could thing of, she didn't have anything to fight with, and even though her stats were higher than the average humans, she still didn't have much of an advantage. the first thing she needed to do was find out where the men had gone, luckily for her, when they cut the rope, one of them cut themselves, as they led on a blood trail that went outside of the cabin. 

Quinton quietly snuck out of the cabin and followed the trail of blood, running through the forest as fast as she could, it was dark out at the moment, but it wasn't hard for her to see, she had never actually tested out her new self, ever since she got the system not only was her vision better, but she gained adjustment to the dark, like night vision. after running for a while she noticed the trail of blood had ended up ahead and she stopped running, if the trail ended here then she just knew that the two guys stopped here.


Jay, are you sure we weren't followed?, Fred asked nervously. "i'm positive, everyone was sleeping when we left idiot.", Jay explained, "why didn't we just kill them when we had that chance?", Fred asked in confusion, as he grabbed something to wrap his leg up with. "did you see how many there were, we would have died if we stayed.", Jay explained. 

Quinton shook her head in disbelief, not at what they were talking bout, but more because one of them was wrapping his cut in a poison ivy leaf, "eh, makes finishing this quest a little bit easier.", Quinton thought to herself, she pulled up her System again and opened the Quest tab. to her surprise, the second time she opened it, one of the Quest had more information for her. 

2 New Quest: 

Collect 5 Souls. 



[To collect a soul, opponents hp must be halfed.]

Upgrade each stat once.



Quinton looked slightly confused by the information, "is this kind of like Pokemon or something?", she thought to herself, and that was when it dawned on her for the first time, she was actually about to do this, to take someones soul, would this actually make her a grim reaper or something? 

Despite her reluctance to do this, she kind of had to, she couldn't let these guy's get away and risk blowing their cover, that would just mean Candice's family risked their lives for absolutely no reason, and it would also mean that Quinton's dad risked his life for no reason as well, she wouldn't let that happen. 

she prepared her weapon, which was a kitchen knife at the moment, that she got from the cabin. and she ran out at her top speed, she was fast enough to catch the two men off guard and stabbed Jay in the arm, she was never the best with a hand held weapon, but she had to learn eventually. Jay screamed in pain and Quinton pulled the knife out of his arm before he could grab it, the other guy, Fred, had gotten up and turned around quickly seeing the giant cut on Jay's arm, "Jay, what happened?!", Fred said in horror as he looked around for the culprit, but luckily Quinton had ran back into the trees, that wasn't the best plan, not for her quest, she needed to get both of them down to where they couldn't stand, and make sure their hp was at fifty, the only way to do that was to take out their legs, but she'd just revealed herself, so this would be tough. 

taking a deep breath she decided on the best plan of action, she ran out again, the two men we're ready this time, or so they thought. Quinton dropped to the ground sliding on her knees, she cut Jay's leg sending him down to the floor, and then she quickly got up off the floor, she didn't want to give the guys friend time to retaliate, and she threw the knife at his already injured leg, and Fred fell to the ground, Quinton let out a heavy sigh as she tried to catch her breath, and she walked over the the two men, making sure to keep her distance. "now how do i take their souls?", she said to herself in confusion, she suddenly heard a voice talk in her head, it sounded similar to the one she heard a few weeks ago in the bathroom that day, but it sounded more sane this time. 

she followed what the voice said, placing her hands directly on the two men's chests, and she felt a strong tug against her hands as her eyes began to glow a haunting blue, after a while she pulled her hands away gasping for air, when she looked at the bodies they looked empty, all she could see were the whites of their eyes and their pale skin, and for the first time she felt afraid. "i-i killed them... i really actually killed them...", she said, covering her mouth. two new notifications popped up in front of her.

2 souls have been added to your storage:

2 of 5 souls in storage

Quest in progress:

Collect 5 Souls. 

2/5 complete.

Quinton looked at the Quest and took a deep breath, "don't worry, it will get easier as you go.", the voice in her head spoke, and Quinton rolled her eyes, she was convinced that this would never become easier for her. she then turned around and headed back to the cabin, she needed to wash her hands and toss the knife somehow. 


Barron looked around in caution, he didn't know the capabilities of the man with the green eye, and he knew he was in for a big fight, in fact looking at the zombies around them, Barron realized they all had green eyes, and looked almost humanoid, "did...that man create these...", Barron said in shock, and it seemed like the zombies were back into action, going after Derek and Reyes, the two were holding their own well. Barron knew there was only one way he could get him, Derek and Reyes out of here alive, he just needed to get to a phone, he dropped his upstairs and couldn't reach it, but Reyes was still up there, so if she could get the phone they'd have a chance. "Mom!! get my phone and call Daniel, tell him Barron needs help, he'll come i'm sure of it!", Barron said. Reyes hesitated for a moment and then nodded, she turned her guns into blades and ran up to the zombies, blocking their attacks and moving as quick as she could to dodge, then she stuck her blades into two of the zombies and pushed them back into the other zombies as far as she could. then she turned the blades into a giant shield and reached for the phone on the ground, picking it up, she made a call to Daniel, letting him know they needed help. "alright, tell Barron we're on the way!", Daniel said, before hanging up the phone. "Hopefully Quinton's there, haven't seen her ever since mom had that talk with her, if mom is right and Void has dad, then there's only a matter of time before they come for us to.", Daniel said to himself as he got ready, putting on his armor, he called up some friends, and then made his way out. "i'll be back mom! going to slay some zombies!", Daniel said, earning a raised eyebrow from Mania, "slay zombies? hm, well be safe... and if you see Quinton, tell her i saved her some banana pudding for when she gets back!", Mania smiled, and Daniel nodded, "you got it mom, she'll have to share it with me though if i have to go and find her.", Daniel chuckled and waved, closing the door behind him as he left the house and made his way to Barron's parents mansion.