

Lilninjacat18 · 都市
15 Chs


They were currently in Evie's grandma's garden. It was almost sunset and the breeze was cool and serene. The was filled with different varieties of snacks as per elder Whites' instruction.

" Where is grandma?" Evie asked when she didn't see the old lady around.

"She has gone to the royal manor to assist with the preparations." Her grandfather said as he sips his tea.

"Preparations? For what?" Evie asked nonchalantly.

"For your uncle's birthday, Evie how could you forget." Elder Whites sighed. He wasn't surprised that she was clueless about the event. Evie has never bothered herself with events like this as she has never truly accepted them as family. The only people he was sure she had warm up to was he and his wife.

"Ohh!" She made a disinterested face.

"The celebration is very important and all members of the royal family must be in attendance. " Elder Whites said while observing Evie's facial expression for any slight change.

"So you are going. Wish him on my behalf. " Evie said lightly.

"Yes... I'm going..." He paused as he watch Evie stuff her mouth with cookies. " and so are you."

Evie raise a brow at his words. She gave him a look that says 'You are kidding, right?'

"No! Evielyn Charlene Rozeèrò Whites. " Old man Whites called her full name to remind her that she was also royalty. "And your grandmother ask me to bring her dear Charlene. So you don't have any choice. " He tried threatening her by mentioning her grandmother's name.

"You should persuade me not threatening me. Tch" She clicked her tongue in distaste.

"It's also your father's birthday. " Old man Whites decided to use his last card. Even his wife had told him that the only way to make Evie attend the event was to mention her father's or mother's name. And it seems like she was right because Evie became quiet at the mention of her father.

"This was grandma's idea isn't it? " She asked her grandfather. When he nod, she chuckled humorlessly. "Of course, she's the one."

Old man Whites frowned at her statement. "Are you saying your grandma is smarter than I? " He asked with narrowed eyes.

"Isn't she." Evie gave another nonchalant reply.

"Shameless brat! How dare you curse at your grandfather. Just wait till we meet your grandmother. I will tell her how you are bullying this poor husband of hers." Elder Whites hollered.

"Grandma won't believe you." Evie said.

"Why? Why do you think so? Who will she believe if not me." Elder Whites jeered at his granddaughter. Martins who was watching the whole show by the side, shook his head in amusement. This grandfather and granddaughter duo were something else. Ever since the young miss regained her voice, his master had never failed to enagage her in a little squabble. His reasons was that he wanted to spend as much time as he had with his granddaughter.

"If your grandmother and I were thrown into an ocean, who would you save first ?" Elder Whites asked Evie as he scoot closer to her.

"I can't swim." Came Evie's bland reply. Elder Whites face crumpled when he heard her bored answer.

"What if we were about to be shot, who will you choose to protect? " He asked again. Both Evie and Martins wondered when the topic changed to who is your favorite but nevertheless Evie answered. "Your bodyguards can take care of that. "

Elder Whites lips twitched in annoyance at her bored reply. He glared sideways at Martins who was in the corner trying to hold his laughter. He was about to ask another question when Evie cut him off. "Is this another reason you called me here?" She asked with a blank face.

"Of course not. can't I spend some time with my beloved?!" He said sullenly. Evie didn't reply so he continued with his questions. "Who is your favorite between your grandmother and I?" He asked directly.

Evie looked at her grandfather in amusement. " Did you and your wife quarrel again?" She asked him.

"She said she is your favorite. " He grumbled excepting Evie to take his side but his invisible heart shattered when he heard her reply.

"Well... she is not entirely wrong." Evie said with a straight face while staring directly at her grandfather.

Martins could no longer hold his laughter. His master's face right now is funny that he couldn't control himself. Only the young miss truly.. knows how to irritate and at the same time make his master happy. Elder Whites glared at him before facing Evie with smoking ears. "You.. Ungrateful brat! How can you say such a thing to an old man like me." He huffed angrily while glaring at her.

Evie sighed. She had to appease this old man of hers or she wouldn't hear the end of it, knowing how good he is at keeping grudges. "Stop screaming GP, you are old now and you should look after your health..." Elder Whites' face crumpled even more. 'She.. Did she just say I was screaming? ' He was about to explode when he heard he next words.

"I wouldn't want anything to happen to my fave." She winked at him before drinking her juice to hide her smile.

The dark grey clouds on Elder Whites' head dispersed when he heard her. He grinned like a young boy who received his favorite video game. "I knew it... Hahaha..." He laughed heartily. "Ooooh your grandma will be so jelly when i tell her."

Evie spent the rest of the evening listening to her GP telling her stories of his younger days. When it was almost twilight, Evie left despite her grandfather's pleas. He wanted her to spend the night in his mansion but she refused.