
Chapter Three Your mama taught you NO respect for your seniors 2


" The night was fast,it looks like i just slept for an hour." it was unexpected joy at dawn because my sister didn't cause any problems yesterday night." i first study till it was around 6:3 a.m."

" i quickly prepared ,ate my breakfast and went to school while dropping my brother Named DAVID at his own school".

* LATER THIS AFTERNOON BY 12:05 P.M.*A rich girl named " Ruth Valentine was in a fight with a girl named peace,no one ever imagined that a rich girl would know how to fight ."

"peace Rita was in the junior class. that was peace mistakenly barged into Ruth."

"Instead of peace to apologize to her senior,ruth the senior was apologizing the one apologizing."

"immediately after Ruth apologize,peace still got the mind to slap her ,right on the face."

"Soon, they were fighting,and in the process peace gave ruth 2 heavy blows on her stomach and this angered ruth who did not want to beat her before, tore her school uniform badly and used her long nails she was training to dig into her neck. at the sight of this, students quickly separated them ,while, the right side of peace neck was bleeding profusely."

" The news didn't get to the school authorities".


"I felt my body becoming hot and a headache starting to build up.i went to the bathroom and took my shower to avoid the worst of it".


" I woke up my headache was almost gone but ,i still felt my head throbbing a little."

"I saw my sister's phone unlocked i quickly used that opportunity to go through her phone."

" i went to her gallery, it was locked i tried her name and it opened

it suprised me that she had a lot of cute boy photo's on her phone

in each photo she wrote i will try you ."

"while there was a particular boy's photo she wrote "ME AND YOU HAPPILY MARRIED".i didn't know when i opened my mouth wanting to scream "WHAAAAAATTTT????".

"Though I recognized the boy it was one of her classmate brother who followed his sister everywhere.it was kinda creepy following someone everywhere."

"i heard the footsteps of my sister approaching fast and furious i quickly took to my heels".

Later this evening i didn't know that david my brother who was tough to handle saw me when I was checking through her phone." He also wanted to check what I saw when i almost screamed."

when he took the phone he tried all sort of password that my sister might use,i admit that was smart of him ,still one finally opened.