
My Copies Fight For Me

In a world of Swords, Magic, and Dragons, Drac uses an unusual power to fight back. The ability to multply himself.

RMLionheart · アクション
36 Chs

Chapter 33: Creep

Mist settles on the empty street. The Moon Glows large and white in a starry sky. A carriage, black and gold, wades through the mist, stopping by the pavement. Its lanterns coat the mist in an orange warmth. The younger servants stepped from the driver's seat, ready to wait on the masters. Drac stood beside the curly servant, Helio. His attitude towards Drac is unaffected by their ride together. The carriage door opened. Mr Montgomery appeared first sporting a puffy white wig. Next was his old wife, dressed in a high-collar red dress. Face caked in pale makeup, her white reaches high like a manicured bush. Helio held his hand out for her. She accepted unwillingly as she watched Drac. Once escorted onto the pavement, another woman rose from her seat. A burgundy dress fit her form, arms wrapped in black lace gloves. Gems burrowed from the Madam reflected the lantern light around her bosom. Her natural blonde hair was fashioned high in curls. Make-up highlighted her soft cheeks, and red lipstick on her full lips. 


Marina coughed. "Servant?" She lifted her hand. Drac breaks out of his momentary stupor to grab the hand but is shoved away by an eager Mr Montgomery. He offers her a hand that she gracefully accepts. The old man escorted her to the front of the Saloon and examined Marina's features. His eyes crawled about her like insects. Maina pretends to be unaware of his nasty gaze. 

Three knocks at the door, and a servant opens. One look at the husband and he gives way for them to pass. Inside a fog of cigar smoke hangs in the air. Music rings through walls, and chatter and laughter come from each room they pass. The group arrived at the last room. The husband opens the door, revealing a middle-aged man clique. Wearing the white wig of the era fashion, he lazed around the sofa blowing smoke and inhaling from golden pipes. Surrounded by women in different states of undress. Their clothes were disorganised and on the floor. At the opening of the door, the man straightens up and smiles wide.

"Harold! Fancy meeting you here! Thought you forgot this place. Wife got you by a very short chain." The two older men embrace. Mr Montgomary pulled down the stranger and rubbed his head with a knuckle. 

"Alan! The wife's here! And I would never forget my home away from home."

"Oh bugger! Better be on my best behaviour." Madam Montgomery looks upon the scene with indignation. 

"So Harold, what had brought you and your beautiful wife here to my playhouse?" 

Marina steps up. Skirt up in curtsy "Good evening Viscount Ulgar. Vanessa Rigens. A pleasure to make you acquaintance." 

The Two old men stare. The madam sticks up her upper lips and tuts.

"Wow!" Alan exclaimed. He bends to kiss her hand. The dark-haired viscount smiled, used to his handsome to swoon any lady he met. "No, my lady. The pleasure is truly mine."

Mr Montgomery pulled the viscount back from the shoulder. "Alan, I would like the young lady to be brought into the fold."

Ulgar Turns around. "Are you sure? Such things for young naive eyes… " The husky friend pointed to Drac standing behind. Tall and built. Muscle shows through the white shirt. Full lips, and cheekbones carved by the best sculptures. 

"She knows a bit of the world. And…" Mr Montgomery whispers in the viscount's ears. They giggle as they look at Marina. Drac balls his hand into a fist. The way they look at her. 

Wait Drac. We know their fate.

"I understand," Alan said with a wide grin. "It will sent to you soon. The next auction is in four days. The garden will provide you with the details." Alan walked back to the girls, was handed a pipe and walked back. "You didn't come here just to be invited, did you? Here." The viscount shows her the pipe. Smoke trails from it. 

"Calm down with us." 

"Yes… calm down." one of the women from the sofa chimes. They smile like demons of temptation. 

Drac, masked and hooded, bounds from one rooftop to the next. The Moon lights the way across the mist. Drac arrives at a sky window. Using Gove's directions, he finds the viscount's office below. Drac makes Ignis on his finger. He increases the heat while keeping the shape condensed. He put his finger on the window lock, melting through. Drac cuts a circle enough for him to fit in and drops in light using Levitation on the desk., activating aura sense. 

A rune was located on the bottom of the bookcase. Using his finger, he flicked a ball of fire at the rune. With the rune destroyed, Drac rushed to use Ventus to quickly extinguish the flame. Drac jumps down the table. 

Ledger and notes.

Drac starts looking through. Many are about daily issues, maintenance, and family problems. 

Bin on the floor over there. 

The bin contains burned paper. 

Burnt after reading. 

Drac digs in the bin. His fingers coated in ash pulling out pieces of unburnt paper. Some are legible enough to be brought back with him. 

A door creaks. Drac fliches. With levitation to lessen his weight, he jumped on the bookshelf. An older bald butler came inside letter in hand. Dropping it onto the desk, the servant leaves no the wiser. 

Drac. The seal on the letter. Take it! 

Drac falls to the floor in a roll. Swipes the letter. Gathering aura in his feet and light as a feather, he jumped. Flying through the open window into the mist outside. 

"Lady Vanessa. It's about time we left. There is an early hair appointment you need to rise early for." Drac interrupts. 

Marina took the hit. "Oh! Of course. How did it cross my silly mind? I am so sorry gentlemen. I will have to leave early. But rest assured that I see you soon." She winks at Mr Montgomery. He reacts with a blush.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay any longer?" He holds up the pipes. Marina looks at the smokey pipe, and a hint of disgust shows on her face.

"Gosh, Alan! Leave the poor girl. You'll scare her away at this rate. We will introduce her to this life, slowly but surely." His smile can't hide his hideous thoughts

"But how will you get back, Lady Vanessa!" The Viscount asks.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I am a resourceful girl." She turns to leave. 

 "Ah, and goodbye to you too, Madam." The old lady ignores her. 

Marina primly walks back to the exit, her manservant walking behind. 

A carriage awaits them. Bob is in the driver's seat. A hooded man sits in the coach. 

"It's done?" Marina Asks the Man in black

"Second part done. Now we prepare."