
My Copies Fight For Me

In a world of Swords, Magic, and Dragons, Drac uses an unusual power to fight back. The ability to multply himself.

RMLionheart · アクション
36 Chs

Chapter 13: Target

The mother and child hold each other. Clothes burnt at the fringes. Thousand yard stares form the brown eyes. Drac lowers his bow. 

"Relax, relax . My friend won't hurt you." Marina steps between. "Water . Do you need water?" Smiling as gently as she can. The child nods his head. Scared, the mother pulls her son close to her body. Her eyes darted around, trying to find an exit. 

"If my friend here really wanted to kill you, you would be totally unaware." 

Drac nods. 

The scared two still hug each other. Fear doesn't leave their faces. 

"Bob." Marina calls.

Bob grunts. He walks over to the two, hands out. The mother and child step back and their bodies shake, from bloodshot eyes tears go down the same track left in their soot covered faces. Amber light glows on Bob's hand. A wave of holy energy cascades on the mother and son. Their cuts and scrapes slowly heal, skin is now less pallid. 

Drac stands. Hood and mask up. Quiver on back. Bow in hand. Auditus works its magic as Drac can hear several different footsteps. 

"Marina, protect them." Drac notches an arrow.

A blue wall surrounds the mother, child and Bob. 

Weightless, Drac skips into the bushes. Drac splits into three. A jump to a tree, a branch and another brings him above. Leaping from tree to tree, he locates his first target. Alone with a sword. Light amour, badly kept. 


Drac hops in the air from a thin branch. Bow pulled and released. The bandit's head knocked forward as the arrow plunged from behind. 

To the left. 

Drac flips his body in the sky to change his trajectory. Finds another tree to hop to another. Second bandit kneels down looking for footprints. Drac lands on the trunk. Body still horizontal, He fires an arrow at the tracker's head. Drac is already at another branch. 

A scream came from the camp. 


Drac climbs up. A hop and he sees the sky. Thousands of trees surround his view till he sees the fire in the distance. Copies come back from eliminating the targets. From behind they javelin throw Drac with aura across the trees. Wind pushes back Drac's face. He lessened his Levitation to slow down. Drac looks down to see Marina protecting the mother and child, with Bob fending off the attackers. Two big men with tough armour, four more of average build. Drac holsters his bow around himself. Pulls out his Hēilóng. Using Levitation, he increased his falling speed. Drac crashes to the ground. Dust and dirt cover the impact area. Dust settles, everyone looks over to see a big armoured man cleaved in two. By the body a man in black finds his stance.