
I Will Help You Develop

翻訳者: Noodletown Translations 編集者: Noodletown Translations

To suck up to Qingfeng, after bringing them to booth number 80, Tao Liu ordered a whole table of dishes. Each dish was a specialty of the restaurant and extremely expensive. In total, the dishes cost more than ten thousand Yuan.

Tao Liu had splurged and the meal cost more than ten thousand Yuan. He was the manager but he acted as a server and poured Qingfeng tea and wine.

Wanqiu Xia, Xiaoyue Zhang and Li Li were all stunned. They also benefitted from the service. Tao Liu thought that the beauties were all connected to Qingfeng so he poured tea and wine for them as well.

Of course, Tao Liu poured red wine for the beauties and Mao-Tai for Qingfeng.

The beauties also experienced VIP treatment as the manager of the restaurant personally served them.

The dishes on the table were all scrumptious. There was jumbo shrimp, crab, bird's nest and shark fin soup, abalone and sea cucumber.
