
My Codependent Yandere Multiverse Adventure

Tereda Chouju just wanted a nap. Instead, he got a front-row seat to the apocalypse. When the world's greatest hero snaps and blows up the planet, Tereda finds himself trapped in a time loop, reliving his death over and over. But death is just the beginning of his journey. Armed with a mysterious cultivation technique, and his undying love for his blue-haired Oni companion, Rem, Tereda navigates a multiverse teeming with danger and opportunity. Follow this chaotic good pair of codependent Yandere's as they accidentally blow shit up while trying to be good! --- Hi, guys, this is my dream fanfiction. I have been working on this idea for years and the outline for over 300 chapters is written in atleast portions. I have poured my heart and soul into this project and I really want people to enjoy it! I did power scaling for multiple universes, made sure that lore matched up between events, made sure that the butterflies and the events they created made actual sense! I would absolutely love it if you guys would love this story as much as I love it!

InterPlanarGod · アニメ·コミックス
47 Chs

chapter 22

"Rem, I have something I need to do," I said, my gaze drawn towards a familiar figure gliding effortlessly through the crowd on a skateboard.

It was Killua Zoldyck, the heir to a notorious family of assassins, his silver hair and piercing blue eyes unmistakable even amidst the throng of examinees.

With a swift stride, I approached him, my voice carrying clearly despite the noise of the bustling hallway. "Sup, Killua, the Zoldyck former assassin."

Killua froze mid-movement, his skateboard wobbling precariously beneath him as his eyes widened in fear.

Before he could react, I scooped him up under my arm like a sack of potatoes, ignoring his surprised yelp.

"Relax, kid," I said, my voice calm yet firm. "I just want to gauge your opinion on something, and to ensure your unbiased response, I need you to drink this."

From my armor's storage, I retrieved a vial filled with a shimmering liquid, a concoction I had brewed during our time in the enchanting chamber. "This potion induces hyper-speed regeneration and removes any foreign objects from your body. It lasts for a full minute."

Killua, recognizing that trying to poison a Zoldyck with literally anything was foolhardy and trusting that I had no reason to harm him when his senses told me I was so much stronger than him that he wouldn't even last a move against me, drank it.

A moment later, a thin needle shot out of his head with a faint ping, embedding itself into the backside of a nearby contestant who was struggling to keep up with his laptop.

The man yelped in surprise and tumbled to the ground, his laptop clattering beside him.

Killua relaxed in my grasp, the fear in his eyes replaced by a look of confusion.

"What...what was that?" he stammered, touching the spot where the needle had been embedded.

"A mind-control device, most likely," I explained. "Your brother Illumi's handiwork, I presume?"

Killua's eyes narrowed, and a flicker of anger crossed his face. "That bastard," he muttered, clenching his fists.

"So," I continued, "what's your opinion on me killing him?"

Killua hesitated for a moment, then met my gaze with a steely determination. "I wanted to kill him myself," he admitted, "but as long as you let me watch, it's a fair game."

I nodded, a grim smile spreading across my face. "Deal."

Finally introducing myself, I handed Killua back his skateboard and watched as he regained his composure, the fear replaced by a newfound respect.

"Names Tereda Chouju," I said as I turned to rejoin Rem, "Illumi's days are numbered."

He grinned in a catlike way, mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm counting on it."

And as we continued to follow the ever-accelerating Satotz, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

Not only had I gained a valuable ally in Killua, but I had also taken the first step towards preventing a future where Illumi disqualifies Killua in the final round.

Returning to Rem's side, I slipped into a meditative cadence, my mind sinking into the familiar rhythms of the Time-Space Divine Death Law. The constant movement of the run, the rhythmic pounding of our feet against the tunnel floor, became a catalyst for my cultivation, each stride propelling me further along the path of power.

Time seemed to warp and distort as I delved deeper into the intricacies of the technique, the world around me fading into a blur of colors and sensations. I focused on the flow of chi within my body, refining it, strengthening it, drawing upon the boundless energy of the universe to fuel my ascension.

Hours passed in what felt like mere minutes, and it was only when the tunnel floor transitioned into a series of steep, uneven stairs that I was forced to break my meditative state. The sudden change in terrain required my full attention, my enhanced senses and reflexes working overtime to maintain my balance and keep pace with the other examinees.

Glancing at Rem, I noticed that she too had emerged from her own meditative state, her eyes bright with a newfound energy. A subtle shift in her aura hinted at her progress, and I realized with a smile that she had reached the 4th level of the Houtian stage during our run.

"Impressive," I remarked, my voice filled with admiration. "You've Really outdone yourself, Rem."

Rem offered a shy smile in response. "I couldn't let you have all the fun," she replied, a smile in her voice.

I could tell she really liked the compliment on her advancement.

I chuckled, admiring the blushing look on her face.

"Stooop." Rem exclaimed.

I kept staring at her with admiration.

"Tereda! You're going to make me slip if you keep looking at me like that!" Rem exclaims again, blush intensifying.

I nodded, "indeed, I will then have to catch you. With you in my arms, my master plan will be complete for I will have felt like I ruled the world for a single moment." My voice was completely serious.

"Teredaaa!" She exclaimed, slapping my arm in embarrassment. "No more!"

I nodded. "Alright, but just for now."

Rem mock pouted.

Together, we navigated the treacherous stairs, leaping across gaps, scaling steep inclines, and dodging the occasional clumsy examinee who stumbled and fell behind.

However, the constant movement and the need for focus made it impossible to maintain a meditative state.

I sighed, resigning myself to the fact that my cultivation would have to wait until we reached a more suitable environment.

For now, our focus was on the Hunter Exam and the challenges that lay ahead.

em and I reached the top of the seemingly endless staircase, our lungs burning and muscles aching. A small group of examinees had already gathered, panting and wiping sweat from their brows. Among them were Killua, Gon, and an unfamiliar raven-haired girl in a black frilly dress, who appeared to be around the same age as the two boys.

"I was clearly first!" Gon declared, his voice filled with a triumphant grin.

Killua scoffed, rolling his eyes. "As if. I was so far ahead, you probably didn't even see me."

The raven-haired girl, stepped forward, her chin held high and her eyes gleaming with a haughty confidence. "Please," she scoffed, "you're all amateurs. I reached the top first, and as such, I expect my reward."

"Reward?" Gon and Killua echoed in unison, their brows furrowed in confusion.

"We had a bet," the girl explained, her voice dripping with a condescending tone. "Whoever reached the top first gets a free meal at their restaurant of choice, courtesy of the losers."

Gon's eyes lit up, and his stomach rumbled audibly. "A free meal? That sounds awesome!"

"I do believe the Tojo Heiress was first," he stated calmly, his voice cutting through their argument. "By slightly more than half a second."

"What?! Sukina won!? But I thought i was faster!" Killua groaned. "Great, now I'm going to be stuck paying for some ridiculously expensive crap. I just wanted more chocolate."

As the three of them continued their argument, Satotz, our stoic examiner, observed them with a bemused expression.

the Heiress, now Identified as Sukina, puffed out her chest with pride, a triumphant smile gracing her lips. "See? I told you so. Now, about that reward."

Tojo Heiress?

The name sparked a flicker of confusion within me.

Why would a group of Yakuza exist in the Hunter x Hunter world?

I chalked it up to the discrepancies between reality and fiction, but the girl's presence, her confident demeanor and charisma in interacting with the two main characters, suggested she would be more than just a random extra.

Shaking off the unsettling feeling, I decided to focus on the present.

It didn't matter what differences existed between this reality and the stories I had paid to be shoved into my brain.

I would adapt, I would overcome..

"We are now entering the Milzy Wetlands," Satotz announced, his voice echoing through the dense foliage that surrounded us. "Also known as Swindler's Swamp."

Before he could elaborate further, a creature with the body of an ape and the face of a man leaped out from the undergrowth, its eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

"He's deci-" the creature roared, its voice a match for any human.

But before it could finish its sentence, Nobara, who had been standing silently beside us, flicked her wrist, sending a miniature straw doll made of a strange, pulsating energy hurtling towards the creature.

The doll exploded upon impact, engulfing both the man-faced ape and its companion in a miniature firestorm that seemed to eradicate them completely.

Satotz, unfazed by the sudden display of violence, continued his explanation as if nothing had happened. "As I was saying, Swindler's Swamp is home to a variety of creatures that will attempt to deceive you into becoming their next meal. Even the plants here are intelligent and predatory, so remain vigilant and trust nothing you see or hear."

With that final warning, he turned and continued deeper into the swamp, leaving the examinees to navigate the treacherous terrain and face the unknown dangers that lurked within.

The second part of the first phase of the Hunter Exam had begun, and for many, survival was far from guaranteed.

Punctuating that thought, a man who veered a bit too far to the left was dragged off by a vine.

His screams were disturbing.