
The Operation Room (Part 1)

A woman who had elegant poise and wore a shawl hiding her face entered the floor along with 2 other individuals. One was a man and the other was a teen, the man held a cane in his hand as he looked at the beds on the floor curiously. He went and sat there as if it was his home. Serf's mind was blank, and he couldn't comprehend what was happening. He kept thinking of bad scenarios, what if he couldn't be cured? What if he had to be blind for the rest of his life? He fidgeted with his hands anxiously, seeing this Liz held her son's hand. On one side she was happy her son still needed her, but she was also feeling quite anxious. Though she still held doubts about the miracle-working Physician, she couldn't understand because if he was a reputable physician why would he build his clinic in a forest?

"Hi, there. Are you guys next on the list", a polite voice resounded catching the trio's attention.