
My Choice System

A young man dies after an accident on a school trip. He gets reincarnated in this new world of magic as Nox with the role of Demon Lord. With the help of his system, Grimmy he embarks on this arduous journey to fight against other reincarnated who have a five-year head start and fulfill the deal he made with God Scarab, hoping to return to his world. A/N Many thanks to Sera Execfia for the gorgeous Cover art. You can always drop by for milk and cookies: https://discord.gg/ny2SrvHp

Wicked_Snail · ゲーム
50 Chs

Sand Flower

Soft sand becomes solid and chilly wind covers the area as needle-like ice crystals shoot out from Nox's hand. They break in an instant on the hard exterior of the Desert Scorpions, and sparkling flakes scatter on impact, but their movements become sluggish.

By instinct, the creatures cover their heads with their calipers. Nox brings his other palm forward and creates a larger area of effect with his spell, intensifying the density and number of crystals, bombarding the creatures non-stop.

Crystallized sand particles mesh with the surrounding air. When the Scorpions inhale them, a chain reaction freezes them from the inside out. Different parts on their bodies form patches of ice.

The young man with the glowing purple eyes stops his spell casting. He exchanges looks with Roi, and they both charge at the same time. They jump and each land on a scorpion. Nox punches through it while Roi uses his dagger, slicing the other one in half.

Their tails slam into the half-frozen desert. The impact cracks the ice and a cloud of dust parts in opposite directions, with the poisonous tip in the middle. Nox walks closer to the tail and snaps it.

Malia and her little sister stare bewildered. They look at each other and rub their eyes. Kali returns to her father's side and holds him in her slender arms. Malia keeps her cautious gaze on the duo. Watching their every move.

Nox approaches the two girls with a smile. "Hey, my name…"

Before finishing his sentence, the young man drops to the soft ground, making a puff sound. Roi runs to aid him and Malia jumps from the scare. "I-Is he ok?"

Roi nods. "He lost a lot of blood, and the spell earlier consumed an enormous amount of mana...!"

Roi then turns to look at the old man resting in the arms of Kali. "How's his condition?"

The youngest daughter, trembling, shakes her head. Tears flow like an endless river down her face. Malia, with one swift motion, brings her slender arms around her and hugs her.

The bright full moon replaced the sun with the sizzling rays. Once again, the night is chilly. Nox is resting by the fire. Roi tended to his wounds earlier, and he's now treating the old man. "Without the antidote, there's not much I can do…"

Malia looks down and clenches her small fists. "B-Because of me…"

Kali, who's sitting beside her, stands up and faces her with tears in her eyes. Before Malia could utter a word, the girl slapped her. "Daddy… He protected you… Don't insult him…"

Malia holds her reddened cheek. "I-I know…"

Roi interrupts them. "Keep your father comfortable until my companion wakes up… I'm sure he'll know what to do!"

Malia gazes in his direction with a glint emitting from her eyes. "By the way, you haven't told us yet… Who are you?"

Kali jumps in the conversation with excitement written all over her face. "Never mind that, mister…"


"What was that move when you went swoosh and cut that thing in half?"

Roi looks at her with visible confusion in his eyes.

Malia keeps staring at him and sighs. "It's an assassin move, right?"

Roi nods and checks the hilt of his dagger hanging from his back. "My name is Roi, and I'm an assassin. My companion is Nox and apparently he's the Demon Lord!"

The girls look at him, then at each other before bursting into tears from laughing too hard. "Him? Demon Lord?"

Roi doesn't understand the reason they are laughing. "But it's the truth…"

Malia looks at the serious Roi once again and ponders. "Wait, you are not joking?"

Before the young man could answer her, a yawn next to them interrupts their conversation. "Can you keep it down?"

Excited, Roi turns towards the young man who gets into a cross-legged position. "Nox! You are awake…"

He lets out another yawn. "As always, you are loud…"

Drowsy, the young man, looks toward Roi. Behind him are the two girls watching with curiosity painted all over their faces. "I will ask if you are ok. This time, try not to put another blade in my gut, please…"

He gets up and approaches the girl with unbalanced steps. While walking towards them, he sees their father sleeping in the carriage. His attention directed elsewhere changes his demeanor. "How is he?"

A deafening silence follows his words. Malia and her sister are hesitant to speak with him. Even though they didn't believe what Roi said, in their hearts they can feel it. When Nox got closer to them, the girls felt his presence, pressing down on them, as if he was unconsciously forcing them to kneel.

Malia finds it in herself to be brave and speaks. "He's not doing so good…!"

Kali caresses the old man's hair and sings softly in his ears. His sweating profusely and there are times, his shivering is so severe that his teeth grind. Sometimes they try to cool him down or hydrate him.

Roi walks closer and utters in a soft voice. "He needs an antidote!"

The poison meddles with his complexion. Making it harder for his daughters to keep up with him, which tires them out. They can barely keep their eyes open in front of the unknown men that appeared through the desert.

Before passing out, Nox snapped the tails of the scorpions and stored the tips in his inventory. He brings one out and holds it in his palm. "I can cure him, but I need your help…"

Malia and her sister run to him with tears in their eyes. "C-Can you, really?"

The young man smiles and pats their heads, making them blush. "Yeah!"

Malia eagerly grabs his hand and pulls him with her. "Let's go then…"

"You are rushing… Venturing into the desert during the night... you are courting death!"

The girl stops and turns around. Her eyes water the moment they meet Nox's. "I-I don't care what happens to me. I want to save my dad!"

Nox's eyebrows twitch and narrow. His voice carries a domineering tone. "... And who's gonna look after your sister after you die?"

"I-I…". Malia sees the anxious younger sister from the corner of her eyes, who keeps her slender hands by her heart, trying to control her tears. "But…"

Nox sighs and places his hand on her shoulder. "I promise to help your dad, so try not to worry so much!"

Malia lowers her head and nods. Looking down, she walks in her sister's direction and embraces her.

"You should rest for now. Roi will keep watch…"

"Huh? Why should I…"

"Alright, it's decided. Good night!"

Roi holds in his anger. Veins pop on his neck and forehead. He clenches his fists and a dark aura pours out, but before he could utter a word, Nox is already sleeping, and the girls laid beside their father. He could only sigh and accept it.

The following morning, Nox wakes up and sees Roi standing over him with a bucket. "G-Good morning…"

Roi smiles and pours the water all over him. "It is now!"

Drenched, the young man jumps up. "How long have you been standing there, waiting to do that?"

"Long enough for my arms to go numb…"

The girls watching them in the back chuckle, but not for long once their father started groaning from the pain. Malia looks at Nox, who just woke up. "Should we get to it?"

The young man nods. "Have you guys ever heard of the Sand Flower?"

Malia and her sister nod in agreement, and the oldest explains. "It's an all season flower that grows in the middle of the desert."

"Alright. How far is it from here?"

Malia stares into the distance and ponders. "With camels, it shouldn't take us more than a few hours!"


The girl keeps staring at Nox, which makes him feel uncomfortable. He can't stand it and flinches. Irritated with a vein popping on his forehead, he looks at her. "What? What is it?"

Mockingly Malia retorts. "Oh, it's nothing… But just in case you haven't noticed, we don't have any camels!"

Confused, Nox points toward the Elusive Town. "Yeah, I know. I figured we'd drop by the town and buy some!"

The girl blushes and fidgets with her fingers, making the other two laugh. Moments later, she regains her composure. "Wait, you know about Aeptian Town? I thought you were outsiders..."

Nox shuffles his fingers through his messy hair. "Well, until now I didn't know what it's called and to answer your question, we are not from around here, no!"

Kali runs to her sister. She hugs her ever so slightly and buries her face in her chest. Malia pats her head. "It won't take long… If nothing happens, we should be back by tonight!"

She says nothing more and waves her sister goodbye as she departs for Aeptian Town with Nox. Per Malia's instructions, he found and wore clothes native to the town, as they don't take outsiders too kindly.

Along the way, Nox enjoys the silence until Malia voices in concern. "There's one more thing I need to warn you about…"

Nox's curiosity peaks. "What is it?"

"Once we go through Aeptian Town's gates, you will notice certain changes. Try to keep your surprise to yourself. The guards will be wary of you from the moment they see you!"

"What do you mean?"

Malia shakes her head. "Even if I told you about it… In short, there's an enchanted barrier surrounding the town. Once you are inside it, everything gets revealed!"

The young man shrugs his shoulders and sighs. "I still don't get it!"

"Just be vigilant!"

I'd like to thank you all for the support. Do share your thoughts. I'll be happy to read them.

Wicked_Snailcreators' thoughts