
My Choice System

A young man dies after an accident on a school trip. He gets reincarnated in this new world of magic as Nox with the role of Demon Lord. With the help of his system, Grimmy he embarks on this arduous journey to fight against other reincarnated who have a five-year head start and fulfill the deal he made with God Scarab, hoping to return to his world. A/N Many thanks to Sera Execfia for the gorgeous Cover art. You can always drop by for milk and cookies: https://discord.gg/ny2SrvHp

Wicked_Snail · ゲーム
50 Chs

Rodena Town

Bright sun floods the world with its warm rays. Bathing below it are streets buzzing with life masquerading the bleak nature of the town. People walking around carry smiles on their faces, yet their happiness isn't a factor.

Nox turns to the silver-haired beauty, commenting on the vibes he gets. "What's going on here?"

Mirena shakes her head and urges him to keep moving. She utters with a whispering voice. "Later. For now, try not to think too much into it"

They stand before a run-down building. Fractured wood and splinters point out. The grey stone base has some pieces missing. It has a crooked door as well. It's a place that isn't going through maintenance.

Alone, it contrasts the surrounding buildings that look pristine.

Before entering, they come across a group of people making a ruckus at the entrance.

A young man with neat blonde hair and expensive-looking clothes with ornaments decorating them steps forward and voices. "Your time runs out at the end of the week, old-timer!"

"\Ice Shards/"

A barely audible voice echoes from inside. The people from the group interact with one another, not paying attention. The sudden disruption of the old voice makes them twitch their eyebrows and walk closer. The leader of the group utters with a smirk. "What's that?"

A blast of chilly wind blasts through the door, shuttering it, and icy shards impale their bodies, painting their clothes red. The attack didn't kill them. Instead, it causes them enough pain, forcing them to run with tears in their eyes.

Nox and Mirena take a few steps back, as to not get caught in the attack. Despite that, the icy wind reaches them, causing them to shiver.


[Affinities Updated]

[Codex Unlocked]

[10 Exp gained]

[Codex Updated]

Hearing of his acquisition, Nox can't help but ask Grimmy. 'Codex?'

['It is like the Beastiary book, only it contains spells you can unlock and learn']

[5 Exp gained]

'But I already have a spell status'

['You can add more spells after leveling up and those will register in your status screen. The codex contains all the spells you can use if you decide to equip them']

'I see'

At the entrance of the building, drawing his attention, is a scrawny old man who walks to the door laughing. "Serves you right"

Mirena sees the old man and smiles. Her eyelids flutter with excitement.

At a fast pace, she walks towards him when Nox interrupts her by putting his hand in front of her. "H-Hey!"

Mirena gently lowers his hand and nods smilingly. "It's okay"

[Elemental Resistance updated]

[5 Exp gained]

With his guard up, Nox follows the silver-haired girl, all the while looking around.

Out of the blue, Mirena calls out. "Grandpa!"

Nox looks at her in shock. "Huh?"


The old man turns around to the voice calling out to him. "Oh, if it isn't little Mirena!"

As soon as he sees her, he smiles and opens his arms. The girl runs and hugs him ever so tightly.

With hesitation, Nox approaches while keeping his guard up.

The old man glances in his direction. Like daggers shooting out of his eyes, coldness pierces the young man's soul, causing him to tremble. His voice is thundering in their ears. "Who's this?"

Mirena blushes and looks down. "This is Nox…"

"Nox, you say…?"

Following behind Mirena, Nox stops, lets out a few coughs, and introduces himself. "Good morning, sir. My name is Nox and I'm friends with your granddaughter"

He raises his hand towards Nox. A cold aura envelops it as he smirks. "Cheeky"

[Affinities Upgraded]

[5 Exp gained]

Nox flinches at the sight while Mirena steps between them, shielding Nox. "What are you doing, Grandpa? Nox here is helping me get mom and the others back"

The old man turns to Nox. "Is he now…?"

Nox steps in front of Mirena. "That's right!"

"Hmph. Youngsters these days"

The old man turns around saying nothing and walks towards his house. He looks back for a few seconds, changing glances between the two, urging them to follow.

Nox and Mirena look and nod at each other before matching up his pace and walk inside.

They take a seat around a wooden table. The old man looks at Mirena and utters with a disapproving voice. "Why did you come back?"

The girl looks at him. "What do you mean, why? How could I turn my back on you and mom?"

He shakes his head and utters with a smile, full of worry. "Silly girl..."

His demeanor takes a rapid turn to that of anger. "Those roaches will never stop will they?!"

He gets up after slamming his hands on the table. "They even demanded you get them that treasure"

Gritting his teeth, the old man lets out. "Bastards!"

Mirena looks down. She clenches her small fists, holding back her tears. "Have you found mom? Is she ok?"

The old man lets out a sigh and walks closer to Mirena. He smiles and pats her head. "Yeah. She has some cuts and bruises but like her daughter, she's a tough woman"

Nox looks at Mirena, then the old man, and lets his internal voice make deductions. 'These two aren't blood-related, are they?'

The old man notices Nox's demeanor and smiles. "Blood isn't everything, kid. My daughter raised this girl, therefore she's my granddaughter!"

Mirena looks at the old man with surprise. She realizes he was talking to Nox and says nothing, but a faint smile appears.

Nox remains silent, staring at them.

While the old man chats with Nox, she thinks of what took place a few days ago in the clearing.

[Nox drops in front of her a wooden chest full of Gold Coins.


Nox shakes his head. "Does it matter how?"

Following a sigh, a deep breath, with a warm smile. "We can save your family now, right?"

Lost for words, Mirena takes a few moments to regain her composure. "R-Right!"

The young man nods while pumping fists. "Great! Where to next?"

Without thinking, the name of the town escapes her mouth. "Rodena!"

Nox smiles and says nothing. He secretly calls for his map and searches for it. 'Here it is'

Rodena Town is a few miles Northeast of the valley, where Nox was trying to complete the quests. 'Hm. It should take us a few days to get there...'

They didn't go through the cave this time, instead; they rode Umbra all the way out of the Haunted Forest.]

With fondness, she recalls those memories when a loud thud interrupts her wandering mind. She comes to her senses and in front of her, Nox and her grandfather are pulling each other's hair.

"What's happening?"

"Mirena, will you tell this old man that I will stay by your side?"

Nox puts the old man's head to the table, pinning him on it.

The old man raises his head and pulls harder, smashing Nox on the table, breaking it. "Not happening, purple-eyed bastard!"

Mirena tries to break up their fight. "Seriously you two, stop it"

Both Nox and the old man shout in unison, pointing at one another. "Him first!"

While holding Nox's messy hair, the old man pushes his face against the wooden floor. He utters in a mocking voice. "Seriously. What's with your eyes? A fashion statement or something?"

In all seriousness, Nox replies. "Well, they aren't contacts!…"

The old man abruptly stops pulling and releases Nox's hair. A cold air surrounds him and with a chilling voice, he utters. "You are one of them?"

Nox realizes what the old man is saying and steps back. The chilliness in the room creates a suffocating atmosphere.


Their lungs solidify to the point, breathing becomes a challenge.

[Resistance activated]

The girl stumbles and falls to her knees. "Grandpa?"

Nox musters all his strength and shouts. "Enough!"

Umbra barges in and knocks back the old man while sucking the cold mana.

The intensity of the numbing cold vanishes. Nox helps Mirena stand and supports her until she finds her balance. "Same world, but not like them"

His purple eyes emit a glow of the same color. His voice carries a heavy pressure, forcing the old man to gasp. "I'm the Demon Lord who will stop them"

Umbra lets out a howl as if he's trying to make a point, while Nox approaches Mirena's grandpa.

He extends his hand out to help the old man up.

The old man accepts the assist and gets on his scrawny feet. "Hmph. Stop them?"

Without uttering a word, Nox nods.

"You don't stand a chance, kid!"

The girl runs to her grandpa's side and supports him. "Grandpa…?"

"In the last few years, one of the so-called heroes leached herself in this town. Whomever she approves lives lavishly, while the rest of us, suffer"

The old man takes a seat. "Her goons abducted my family in their efforts to force us out"

Nox gasps and grits his teeth. "Why? Such a thing…"

Mirena wipes her eyes from the tears that form. "Because I'm a half-elf"