
My Cheater Magus System

The death of his father, King of Perrath, and the destruction of his country were so painful for Foger that he, his mother, and his little sister were forced to flee to a country inhabited by the Great Magus because built the Magus Academy. Foger entered the magic academy and practiced hard. He was determined to avenge the mysterious Magus who had destroyed his happiness. However, unfortunately, he was not talented and was eliminated. Foger was stricken with despair until he finally received a system that could give him internal power. However, the missions got him into a lot of trouble. Will Foger continue to fight or bury his dreams?

Varjomies · ファンタジー
2 Chs


"Whose voice is that?"

Suddenly, a transparent screen appeared before Foger, taking him by surprise.

[Name: Foger]

[Status: Magus]

[Basic Skill: Fire]

[Rank: F]

[Other Powers: None]

"What is this?!" Statistical data appeared in front of him. "Why did it appear suddenly? How does he know about me?!"

"Tsk! How dare the thing judge my skill so arbitrarily! Foger was exasperated. He spontaneously wagged the thing. "Get out of my face!" However, his hand went through the screen so it couldn't disappear.

[New Quest Appears: You must re-enroll in Gezegend Academic]

"Who are you?!" Foger looked at the screen, irritated and alarmed. The voice was so close it was like buzzing in his mind.

[Reward: You will unlock a Power Card item]

[Bonus: Mystery Card]

"Show yourself!" Foger shouted angrily. Its controller couldn't be far away if that strange object were magic.

[I am the system. I am one with your soul and mind. I have nobody]

Foger was wide-eyed. "Who are you? A genie? A ghost? A god?"

[I'm just a power system]

'Am I dreaming?'

Foger patted his cheek lightly, but the thing did not disappear. That meant the strange screen was not just her imagination.

"How do you know about me?"

[That's not important right now. You should immediately re-enlist and complete this mission. Otherwise, I'll choose someone else]

"You can't be ordering me! Besides, registration is held every three years! They'll kick me out. Especially, I've just been eliminated."

Suddenly, a red writing appeared in front of Foger.

[WARNING! If you refuse, then this System Cheat Magus will disappear!]

[Do you want to ally with me?]

[Yes] or [No]

"I'm not afraid of your threats!"

[I'll give you the power you've been dreaming of. Don't you want a cheat to become Grand Magus?]

Foger was speechless. He had always been interested in power enhancement, but he couldn't believe there was an instant power-giving thing in the world because Master Markius said power could only develop if trained and honed.

"But ...." Foger pressed the "yes" button. "even they are not willing to help me."

[Congratulations! You have allied with the System Cheat Magus]

[Warning! You must obey all orders given by the system. Otherwise, all the power you have gained will be lost. Forever!]

Foger felt a little guilty. "I don't know if using this system is cheating or not. However..." He looked up at the bright blue, cloudless sky. "I have no other way. I must achieve my goal. That is to kill the Death Magus and create peace while becoming the new King of Perrath. No matter what!"


The next day.

"Isn't he Foger, who student never passed? Why is he still coming to academics? Hasn't he already been eliminated?"

"Tsk! He's so embarrassing. Does he want to beg Master Markius for a pass?"

The young man laughed. "How pathetic. Is he that stupid?"

'You don't lower, Foger.' He clenched his fists tightly, trying to strengthen his resolve as all the Magus in the corridor sneered at him.

He had to focus on his goal, which was…

Foger stopped in front of a giant door carved with a three-headed dragon. The words "Master Room" were written in front of it.

His heart was beating so fast that he could hear it very clearly, making his hands and body break out in cold sweat.

"F*uck! What is Foger doing in front of Lord Zaptos room? Does he want to die?!"

'I have to do it.'

Groggily, he grabbed the doorknob and opened it.


"Argh!" Foger bounced so far that he hit the wall when the fireball hit him.

"Don't just trespass without Lord Zaptos's permission, or you'll get tired of living!"

Three Magus Guards came rushing toward Foger. Their faces were fierce and terrifying.

Foger felt their overwhelming aura of power.

'They must be the legendary Magus Guards.' Foger's eyes lit up, seeing that one man and two women wore the golden red robes that were the proud emblem of the S or Divine Rank. The breeze fluttered their robes so that they waved in splendor.

They were chosen for their talent and taught directly by Lord Zaptos.

"I-I just wanted to see Lord Zaptos," Foger explained nervously.

"Lord Zaptos is not willing to meet a Magus loser like you! Hurry up and leave!" Flora, the woman with red hair and eyes, scolded him.


"Do we have to kill you!?" Vasson, the young man standing at the front, advanced towards Foger while showing off the Black Fire Ball. It was the highest of all fire techniques.

"Calm yourself, My Older Brother. He's just the lowly Magus." Valicia smiled kindly at Foger. "Just do as we say. Don't get my nails dirty just for killing fleas like you." Although the pink-haired woman looked gentle, she was still very terrifying. Her beautiful face seemed to hide a manipulative nature.

The group of Junior Magus swarmed the area to watch the debate between Foger and the Magus Guards members from afar.

They shouted, "You can't possibly defeat the Magus Guards! You'll turn to dust!"

"You must die, loser! You're a disgrace to the Gezegend Academy!"

The sound of their mocking laughter aroused Foger's anger.

He clenched his fists tightly, and his body trembled violently from holding back the anger that was about to explode. However, he had to restrain his rage because there was no way he could defeat the thousands of Magus who were intimidating him.

'If I become a Grand Magus, I vow to exterminate them like killing a group of ants!'

"Isn't Foger poor?! Maybe that's the reason why he's weak and stupid!"

"You're right. I heard his father died as a lowly Magus, and his mother was a vegetable farmer. He even has a younger sister who is disabled. No wonder she's weak!"

Foger was like being struck by lightning in the daytime hearing that curse. "WHAT DID YOU SAY, BASTARD!?"

The mocker lifted his chin haughtily. "Are you offended by that?! If you dare, fight me! What can you do to get back at me?!" He grinned mockingly, confident three Magus Guard would protect him.

"YOU ALL MUST DIE!" Foger raged uncontrollably and lost his self-consciousness. He shot thousands of fireballs in all directions until the Junior Magus was knocked down and severely injured, while the Middle and Senior Rank Magus managed to avoid him easily.

However, that was different from what concerned them. Instead, how could a lowly Magus who had never passed the selection have such great Mana?


A glimmer of light emerged from the open doorway, revealing the silhouette of a well-built man.

"Lord ..." All the Magus were stunned.