

Chapter 1 VOL 1

I ran into the elevator with no confidence as soon as I saw her, I immediately ran out, that girl was...my ex-Girlfriend I know, I know its crazy I couldn't believe it too! And she was my boss's secretary, aghh, she'll make my life a living hell! But this afternoon she spoke with me and asked "H-hi..Laurence..nice seeing you..? Aghh, I can't help but ask, WHY. ARE. YOU. HERE?! Aghh..sorry for the loud voice..its been such a long time since i've seen you 3 years ago!" She asked "Ahh..it's fine..? Well i'm here for a job interview..I didn't know you worked here as my boss's secretary.." I answered "Since you are here..I was hoping we could get back together..?" She asked again "Are you that crazy?! I wouldn't dare date you again after YOU cheated on me with MY BESTFRIEND!! Not to mention, i'm here for a JOB not a RELATIONSHIP! So, don't ever ask me that question because I AM OVER YOU!" I spoke to her with a loud voice "L-laurence.." she then cried and ran out of the room, *2 hours later in Ms. Ćha's office* "Ahh, hello" "H-hi, I never got to introduce myself, My name is Laurence Park Bo-Gung, i'm here for the intetview." "Ahh, why hello, you already know me, I'm Pauline Ćha, lets get straight with the interview shall we?"

..To Be Continued..

What will happen next..?

In this chapter, Laurence finds his ex and had a chit chat, And had an interview with the CEO

I really don’t think anybody would read this novel i’m making, its a bit just for fun!

iiCherripxttcreators' thoughts