
Chapter 136- Verbal Battle.

Kathryn's POV.

**Note: I'm using Kathryn now because that's her real name, she might also be called Raina too in the story when she goes back to the human world as she is known as Raina there, but her name is Kathryn, and it would be used a lot in the Vampire city, I hope you won't be confused.**

I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to believe it, it was just what I thought, what I observed since I came in the training room, I had this feeling I normally got when people started at me, especially with strange stares, it made me feel weird, and I had this till I tested my abilities and was done with everything, and it was still lingering, it was obvious they didn't like me, I don't know if it was paranoia that made me feel that way, but I was very sure of the fact that they disliked me, I felt it strongly immediately Bas, Gabriel, Lyn, and Matteo came in, I felt it more when my father and brother left, it was like the last thread restricting the bad feeling from coming was gone and it came more than ever, I wish I could even read their minds maybe, just maybe I may know what it is they didn't like, or what I did to annoy them, but I definitely couldn't read minds, so I was left with the disturbing feeling their stares made me get.

I pretended to not notice when I saw Bas and stayed with him, I wanted to tell him everything like I normally did, but I didn't even sum up the courage to, but I noticed his glare at them, and how he was watching everywhere keenly even while listening to me, it was obvious he noticed it too and it was obvious he knew why they gave me the stinky eye and what exactly was wrong, or what I did wrong, I wanted to ask him so badly what he could read from their minds, but I had a feeling that he won't tell me, so he won't hurt my feelings, but I was more hurt about the fact that even my own people "the druids" didn't like or accept me, it was very disappointing, obvious and upsetting, I was happy that I belonged somewhere, that I had an identification, but the people who were like me didn't like me at all, which made me feel like I shouldn't have even found out my identity in the first place, they even joined the werewolves I saw earlier to throw stinky eyes my way.

Bas placed his hands on mine and looked at me endearingly shaking his head slowly, I nodded with a smile, I knew what he knew, and that he'll do what he normally did, comfort me.

I smiled, if they didn't accept me I won't force them, it won't change what I am, it won't change anything, and now I wanted to learn more about druids like myself, I don't need anyone's acknowledgment, they could shove it up their asses for all I care.

I told Bas about it, and from his reply and the glares I could feel being thrown at us they heard us clearly and Bas replied loudly so they would hear, it was like he wanted them to come at us, but I noticed how they growled when I told him my concern and how their actions made me feel, I could feel them dig holes in our face and head, the staring got worse, it tripled than what it was earlier.

And I noticed how their growl increased when he answered me reassuringly and he also said something to them indirectly, I knew they would come here and talk to us sooner or later, I didn't expect it to be sooner.

"You're such a bitch." I got startled when I heard the voice, she was a werewolf, her hair was messy,but she looked so pretty, but I shook my head, not all pretty girls had manners, some were mannerless like the one who just spoke to me.

I placed my hand on Bas when I saw him try to talk to the werewolf who stood there staring at me, "I got this okay, I told him while I stood up staring at her, sizing her up, she growled and I knew it made her more angry, and she got angrier when Bas said something that annoyed her.

"Hey asshole, I'm right here, if you have anything to say about me with this idiotic spoilt pampered princess here, then say it to my face, don't beat around the bush." The werewolf girl replied and I scoffed, I could hear Bas's scoff too, she sounded ridiculous, if she thought she could take on Bas.

"Hey basic bitch, I'm right here, you had something to say to me right?" I asked her and she turned her attention from Bas to me, I could feel everyone surround us, Lyn and Gabriel stood closer to me, and Matteo stood closer to Bas, I smiled knowing if we would fight, I had powerful people to back me up, but what I wouldn't take was the insult she was giving.

"Did you just call me a bitch, or even a basic bitch?" The werewolf girl asked and I scoffed, if she thought she could insult me and I wouldn't bite back, she was really wrong.

"Yes I did, you called me a bitch, I didn't take an offense in it, because I am one, but I'm definitely not a basic bitch." I replied with a smirk.

"Oh wow, you're accepting you're a bitch, and you've decided to call me one too." The werewolf girl yellled and I smirked, it was obvious my words were getting to her, if she thought she could win me in a verbal battle, she was joking, it wouldn't happen, verbal battle is one of my speciality.

"I'm not arguing about being a bitch, but you should know that a bitch knows another bitch, and you realized I was a bitch, that's why you called me one, and as a bitch, I know I'm a bad bitch and you're just the basic one." I said with a shrug and Lyn laughed.

"I think you're feeling yourself too much, maybe if you step down that high horse you have, then just maybe I can acknowledge you." The werewolf girl said folding her hands and staring at me,I could hear other werewolves and some druids echo with her.

"Sweetheart,I'm not just on a high horse, I'm practically riding in a flying carriage with you at me feet and me tossing whatever I want to you, like now." I shot back and I heard a chorus "ooo" from the audience, I was sure Lyn was the leader of the choir.

"What did you say, did you just…" I held my hands up and she stuttered shutting up, she didn't expect that.

"I wasn't done yet, and I didn't get to add that I don't need your acknowledgement." I said smugly.

"Oh wow, you don't need it, but you came here to take a test and show how powerful you are to us, thinking we'll jump up and call you princess immediately, you don't need our acknowledgment, yet you sat here with this Vampire talking about how you blah blah, you don't need it and you're talking back at me right now, you're just a spoilt princess." The werewolf girl said.

I shook my head when Bas tried talking, I needed to put this werewolf in her place.

"I'm sorry if you think me coming to test out my abilities and know which one I have and how to use it, is looking for your acknowledgement,then let me tell you something sweetheart, you're really sick and you need your brain and mind to be checked, because of how you blow things out of proportion." I said and she tried talking back, but I raised my hands up, she wasn't going to cut in this time, till I was done.

"I didn't need you to jump up and call me princess immediately, I'm just finding out I'm a princess, I don't even need special treatment, calling me spoilt is just a waste of time, because I'm not one, and why the heck do you think I won sit with my mate and talk to him, should I come sit with you and talk with you, do you want to even dictate who I talk to, when you just met me today, you irritaiting dimwit,", I said and she gasped, almost everyone did, about the fact that, Bas was my mate, and I called the werewolf girl a dimwit, it looks like it hit home because she was vibrating.

"And please, get over your fucking self." I added and she growled, the colour of her eyes changed, she was basically vibrating, I could see the crowd who gathered disperse slowly, it was just Lyn, Gabriel who stood at my side still, Bas stood with Matteo facing me while the werewolf girl was shaking.