
Chapter 279: Deep Sea

"Seeing Through"

The Little Demon Eye can directly aim at both physical and magic attacks.

It can reveal the course of physical attacks and decipher their 'weak points'.

It can penetrate the internal structure of magic and their flow patterns, analyzing the whereabouts of the 'magic core'.

Let's take the Fireball Technique for example.

Once you can accurately break the core during the flight of the fireball... the fire element itself will no longer be restrained, unable to maintain the form of the fireball... thereby achieving 'Demon Breaking'.

Han Dong invited Dumps to spar, precisely to verify this point of Little Demon Eye.

On the ground.

Han Dong's short swords, each carried by mushroom colonies, returned to his hand.

"Hmm... Has his aura changed?"

Han Dong frowned and quickly looked towards Dumps.

'Demon Breaking' is an insult to mages in itself.

Dumps was no longer smiling, he started to take this competition seriously.

His ice element receded.