
My celestial god system

After humanity almost faced total annihilation,being saved by a celestial being at it's very last moment,the world changes rapidly and is no longer the familiar earth it once used to be. The danger from other terrifyingly powerful beings is still at hand and the world at large is trying their very best to become stronger and evolve. Will the humans and other allied races survive or this is just another futile attempt. Read and follow the journey of Jaiden Cole as he accidentally becomes one of the factors to help in the survival of the world and eventually becomes one who terrifies the multiverse. ________________________________ Tags ; Magic realism, system, harem, world development, R18, action, adventure, world destroying apocalypse. update;4-6 chapters per week(furthering my education currently,so that's the most you could get) __________________________________ Note; this isn't another regular boring system novel as this is the first series of something bigger and wider,the MC isn't a nice, benevolent,good boy. He slowly develops into a cold hearted character due to challenges he's been through. So it's definitely not your type if you can't cope with character development.

chaosdemon · ファンタジー
26 Chs

How dare you; a she orc's anger

A few moments earlier...

On the western side of the battlefield,where the two legion leaders were stunned in place by the grotesque figure before them.

"If both of you surrender and pledge your loyalty to me,I might consider having you as my underlings and protect you as my property from now on,hmm,what do you say?~" the big orc said in it's own seductive voice trying to act more feminine.

The words of the orc snapped both men out of their daze as they felt purely disgusted from their very core towards the actions of the orc. Looking at the giant orc closely,they noticed the small excuse of a cloth that did nothing to cover the muscular chest of the orc. The orc was ....a female?..a female orc trying to seduce them?

The legion leaders were very popular and influential in the kingdom as they had an important role and position within the elven military. The elves had a total of 6 legions, though all six were under the command of the battle master as she was like a 'minister of war affairs' for the elves.

She appointed six other elves who she trained personally as legion leaders who served directly under her. Two of them were Almond and Raziel, infantry and calvary legion leaders respectively.

The two handsome elves had a decent fan base of beautiful female elves who adored them and where willing to get married to them if they proposed on a whim,yet....yet this ugly, disgusting orc was actually trying to entice them?

Raziel, being the more hotheaded one amongst the two,readied his long white and gold spear, pointing it at the orc,he shouted in rage." <Flaming spiral> "

Apart from the fact that he almost died to the orc,he was beyond doubt enraged at the words the giant spouted. Bright red burning flames spiralled out from the tip of his spear shooting towards it's target in full force.


The attack hitting it's target,sent the orc a few meters back with good force as it seemed to want to burn through it's very skin,only the attack wasn't strong enough to burn the orc.

Recovering from the elf's surprise attack,there was no mark or damage done as the orc grinned widely at the handsome attacker on his majestic horse. Only it's clothes were a little damaged as evidence of the assault.

"If you wanted me naked so badly,all you had to do is ask darling~" the orc said to Raziel as it licked it's large lips in joy. "Though you've to beat me in a fight before you can have me...same goes to you cutie"


Crackle! Crackle!

Without wasting any time, Almond took charge this time as he vanished from his position appearing directly behind the giant orc in mid-air as he slashed vertically with both swords aiming for the neck. He wanted to end this charade as soon as possible,the orc made him sick.

what he never expected was for both swords to bounce off the orc's skin which suddenly had a metallic glow to it. This shocked him as his weapon was of magic grade. With his lightening ability running through them,he should have been able to cut through like hot butter.

Being surprised by the turn of events. His movements stalled a bit as the orc swung it's weapon backwards hitting him squarely on the chest.


The double sword wielder was sent flying as the strength of the blow was something he expected to be strong,but not this colossal. Being tossed far away onto other parts of the battlefield,no one knew if he was going to be able to recover,but what everyone who witnessed the exchange knew was that; he won't be back so soon.

The calvary legion leader was rooted on his mount as he tried to quickly comprehend what just happened. 'How could a person's skin resist a magic grade weapon ' it was simply impossible,that too with the primitive orcs,unless.....

Raziel's eyes glinted,as he suddenly understood something, readying his spear once again,he urged his majestic looking horse to run towards the 3 meters tall orc at full speed.

"Oh? "

The orc was surprised that the other elf was actually riding towards her, didn't this orc learn from his brother's mistake? She thought the elves claimed to be of higher race than the orcs,yet here was one acting foolishly.

"Heh! ,I thought you were wiser than this" the orc sneered as it readied it's weapon to smash some senses into this handsome with no brain.

Reaching a few meters before the orc,Raziel suddenly raised his spear and threw it with such force that it almost broke the sound barrier while also activating a skill.


The spear soared through the air leaving flaming trails wherever it passed. A moment later,the orc got confused as the spear not only missed him but kept going further.

'he missed? ' the orc thought before it's eyes suddenly widened.


A small explosion took place about 10 meters from them,the spear could be seen lodged into the head of a green skinned orc pinning it to the ground through the exploded skull while fire kept eating away the remnant's body.

An orc shaman

It was the body of an orc shaman as one could notice a staff beside the dead body. This enraged the 3-meter orc as it looked towards the one who killed the shaman with blood red eyes.

The orcs had high respect for two particular people in their tribe,the orc king who was the strongest, and the shamans.

The shamans were even more respected than their king as the king himself gave high importance to them. Why? ,it was because the orcs worshipped gods. They saw the shamans as priests who were able to communicate with the gods .

The orc's believe in gods was rooted in their very soul,

appreciating the gods who blessed them with strength and courage had been integrated in the core of their very beings ever since they came into existence. The shamans were direct messengers of their so called gods earning them more respect Within the kingdom.

"HOW ...DARE ....YOU!!! " the orc's voice thundered in extreme anger, it's previous smile nowhere to be seen

as the metallic glow surrounding it previously slowly faded.

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