
My celestial god system

After humanity almost faced total annihilation,being saved by a celestial being at it's very last moment,the world changes rapidly and is no longer the familiar earth it once used to be. The danger from other terrifyingly powerful beings is still at hand and the world at large is trying their very best to become stronger and evolve. Will the humans and other allied races survive or this is just another futile attempt. Read and follow the journey of Jaiden Cole as he accidentally becomes one of the factors to help in the survival of the world and eventually becomes one who terrifies the multiverse. ________________________________ Tags ; Magic realism, system, harem, world development, R18, action, adventure, world destroying apocalypse. update;4-6 chapters per week(furthering my education currently,so that's the most you could get) __________________________________ Note; this isn't another regular boring system novel as this is the first series of something bigger and wider,the MC isn't a nice, benevolent,good boy. He slowly develops into a cold hearted character due to challenges he's been through. So it's definitely not your type if you can't cope with character development.

chaosdemon · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Battle between life and death 2

Planet Fae...

High in the sky where the succubi stationed herself, her miasma continued pouring into her fiery attack as she looked down on Diane in contempt.

The attack, without releasing it yet was already making both allies and enemies of the succubus tremble uncontrollably.


With a flick of her wrist,the attack was launched towards it's target burning the very air as it grew into a tornado of dark red flames which hungered for destruction as they threatened to conseume every fibre of the elf's being.

Diane,who stood undauntedly,eyes glinting with an indomitable aura wove a protective enchantment around herself conjuring a large shield of water barrier around her that continued to flow. Though the water wasn't solidified,this skill of her's had never failed her before.

*Sizzle sizzle...sizzle*

The clash of powers was a cataclysm in itself as the air singed with burning and steam effects.

The two colorful but deadly powers met head on as the result was a great wall of steam and sizzling sounds,the tornado of dark flames ate away at the shield but the shield continued to spin in retaliation as it kept the flames at bay.


The succubi sneered at the elf as she raised her hands once again this time conjuring balls of flame unrelentlessly. The balls,sent to her adversary found it's mark.


The place where the battle master stood exploded ,sea of dark red flames rained down, bashing solidly against her water shield, creating an inferno that engulfed and blasted Diane to the ground, leaving a small crater in its wake.

This fiery balls seemed to have an additional exploding force to it.

The succubi pleased by her handiwork smirked as she landed on the ground right before the small crater.

"Was that the best the great battle master had to offer" she said aloud tauntingly, trying to wane the morale of the other elf warriors while boosting that of the orcs.

The effect of her words were obvious as the orcs started fighting more ferociously while the majority of the elves started defending as their confidence wavered.


The entire battlefield seemed to be momentarily dominated by orcs and demons as they pushed the elven armies back, but suddenly the sky darkened with what seemed like storm clouds.

The elites in the battlefield could feel that the sudden appearance of the storm clouds were unnatural as they could feel great oppressive discharge of mana in the very sky.

The succubus, feeling uneasy tried to fly up once again to overlook the charred battlefield but her legs were buried in the ground without her awareness.

Using her perception to the highest magnitude ,she suddenly shouted.

"Damn bitc—"

But unable to complete her words,Diane jumped out of the steamy crater with strength that not even the orc king could rival this time. "I bet you taught you were all-powerful high up in the sky right?" she looked at the demon with chilling darkness in her eyes as her great sword pointed towards the Storm clouds.

*Rumble* *Rumble*

The stormy dark clouds started rumbling like a great storm was about to pour.

With great powerful magical force,the storm started twirling and twisting with great speed. Water tornadoes were formed instantly jutting down to the earth, connecting both sky and earth like pillars holding the very sky.

The battle master was going all out in her attack as she continued to infuse great mana into the brewing attack.

The orc king who stood a safe distance from the two rampaging battle lord's was shocked that the elf actually hid this much strength,she could have easily blown him if she went all out like this previously.

The arriving orcs and demons were terrified as they watched the apocalyptic storm that threatened to devour the entire battlefield.

The succubi trapped in place scrunched her nose in ugly irritation " do you want to drown your army alongside us?....with this level of power you'll be the undoing of your kingdom " she tried to dissuade the general as she felt something inexplicable at that moment.

"Being the great general of the elves is not just because I am strong.... it's because I put the well-being of the race before mine" with that curt reply she directed the tornadoes towards the jungle where the orc and demons were still pouring out.

No,she didn't forget to launch a powerful tornado attack in the succubi direction along with the abstinent orc king.


The attack,like a dropping water meteor slammed into the succubi heavily so much that all the other people who witnessed it thought if she didn't die then she was to be on her last legs.

The attack didn't stop there though,with the elven war general still pointing her sword forward,she directed the storm-tornado to the orc king who was rooted with wide eyes in place.

Facing a large AOE attack in the form of a raging flood,he looked like a cat before a rushing sea ,the orc king knew his fate at that moment, there was no second chance this time.

A few minutes later after the AOE attack from Diane,the battlefield gained a sense of serenity and quiet as the supposed powerhouses of the orc-demon alliance were literally flushed. No traces of them were seen on the scene,this included the unfortunate demons and orcs who were also flooded to death.

The elves even though they had lower numbers of soldiers and warriors compared to the orcs,they prepared well for this war but no matter how good one's plan was ,the final outcome of the war would be settled between the opposing powerhouses...and in this case haven't the elves defeated the invaders?

The elves with roaring jubilation and vigor, viciously turned towards the surviving orcs and demons who remained and started helping their kin to hack those abominations to pieces.

"Are you two okay? " An elven soldier asked a particular duo,an archer and a legion leader as they lied on the ground with large wounds while panting heavily. A certain giant orc was also decimated in pieces all around spreading it's gore.

Elroy was about to answer affirmatively to the elf when suddenly an explosion struck the land,to be precise,it struck where the general was standing victoriously. What was horrifying though was the death of hundreds of elves that stood close to the place....they were burnt out of existence instantaneously without being able to register what happened at all.

Everyone's head turned towards the sky,there a being stood proudly on an approaching ship, flames flickering out of his hands, red eyes that were ominous even from far scanned the battlefield.

"How presumptuous of you to think you won this war..."

The elves only had one word to describe this being