
My Celestial Alchemy System

Lazy_Aslord · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Giving The Test

After Some time Both Ray and Eric Reached The Outer sect hall of Azure Dragon Sect in Amethyst Valley City.

Soon when they reached The Hall Numerous people were talking The Crowd Was Huge And between The Crowd at The stage Stood a figure Who had a domineering Aura around him He announced "Before We start The Test You all have to get Registered From Elder Su"His Voice with no emotions stated that.

As he said that he pointed his fingers towards a Table where Elder Su was Sitting his surroundings also emitting A Majestic and Calm Aura.

Soon people started making a line For registration.Ray also with Eric Stood in the line waiting for his turn after some time.

it was Ray's Turn The Elder asked for his name "What's your Name ?"

"Ray Black"Ray stated

"Hmm your registration Number is 69.Now just wait when elder Long calls you then you may go on the stage to check your talent"

"Thank You Elder Su!"Both Eric And Ray said In Harmony After being registered they came in front of the stage and started seeing the event

just as he was seeing the talent awakening He asked system'System,What are all the Talent grades'

[The Talent Grade For Cultivation goes from

[Mortal Grade]

[Earth Grade]

[Heaven Grade]

[Royal Grade]

Only these four talents exist in this lower realm and The rest of higher talents can be find in Higher Realms.In this Realm All of these Talents are divided into low tier,Medium Tier,High tier.A Mortal grade talent is considered common people can cultivate with this.The Earth grade talent appears only once in 100 year.The heaven Grade talent only appears in 1000 years and The Royal Grade talent only appears in 10000 years]

'Oh I see So is my Royal Grade talent high tier'

[Yes Host]

After that Ray stayed quite and Just watched the Awakening Event

"Number 46 Su Long,High tier mortal grade talent"





"Number 54 Victor white,Low Tier Earth grade talent"





After numerous announcements soon it was Ray's Turn.

Elder Long Said"Number 69 Come on stage"

After Ray heard This He immediately Walked on The stage The Elder then said Ray to keep his hand on a ball which was kept on the table apparantly in was a Crystal Talent Ball Which showed The Talents with their Names.

"Put your hands on the ball and Insert your Qi"Elder said

As soon as Ray Put his hands on the ball and inserted his qi Everyone Got shocked

Elder Long Couldn't believe what he saw and said to Ray "Remove your hands and do the process again"

Ray Did the process again

Still The results were same

The Crystal ball still said (Royal Grade High tier Talent).

As Soon as Elder Long Saw This He knew that he was checking the talent of the person who was a genius who would become someone very big In this world.

Elder Long Roared"Number 69 Ray Black,Royal Grade High-tier Talent"

As Soon as Ray Heard This His Lips curled into a Grin As he stared at his Father Eric Who was still In shock with his mouth Wide Open It looked like a fly would go inside his Mouth at any moment.

But As Soon as The Crowd heard this they went in an uproar.