
My Cat Bullies His Tiger (BL)

Ilari is the youngest child of a renowned magical family with an enormous fortune, and his family is both proud and protective of him. Over-protective, even, if you ask him. But that's because there's a secret identity that resides within Ilari - something that even he isn't aware of. With the short-tempered but caring cat Alair as his magical familiar, Ilari doesn't have too much to complain about - except his family's over-protectiveness. Ilari wants to be a magical detective, you see, and his family is dead-set against it because they consider it a dangerous profession. They'd rather that Ilari be a magical scholar instead. Kir, on the other hand, is an orphan, and there isn't anyone around him to care about his welfare or the danger that surrounds him. Despite his talents, he likes to keep a low profile. There are more shadows in his closet than he can count. With the broccoli-loving tiger Kai as his magical familiar, unusual and mysterious is the norm with Kir. Kir never thought that he would be able to step out of the shadows and openly love Ilari and accompany him in his chosen profession. However, fate and Ilari's over-protective family have other plans for the two of them.

Jaywalker_Holmes · ファンタジー
22 Chs

11 - Dinner and Discussions (1)


*Old Note*

April 11, 2005

I had a dream last night, it was really scary. The shadow talked to me, but it didn't back then? I can't remember...

I hope you're well,

Your Friend


*Present Day*

"I believe it's not a problem with your theory," Kir answered slowly. "But with our technological inability to track down… some more subtle changes."

Ilari stopped abruptly in his tracks and looked at Kir.

"You know the latent lines research," he said with sparkling eyes. "The one about the third type of magic lines, ones that we are currently unable to track!"

Kir nodded hesitantly.

"That's great!" Ilari almost jumped in delight. He purposefully did not mention this detail in his paper as the latent magic lines theory was widely believed to be unfounded, or even one of the conspiracy theories. Researchers who were trying to prove it right were greatly looked down upon.

In a bout of joy, Ilari threw all caution to the wind.

"I'd love to talk with you about my other studies, too! And I wonder what's your area of expertise if it's not confidential, I mean," he added, suddenly embarrassed.

He was not the only one though, judging by the blush on Kir's cheeks.

"I'd be happy to," Kir said earnestly. "I specialize in history and...altering active shapes."

Ilari looked at his fiancé wide-eyed before laughing.

"It's a shame your job is so good that I can't poach you into my detective agency when I'll finally establish one! Looks like I'll need to settle down for after-hours consultations," he muttered, half-serious.

Before Kir could answer, Alair suggested pleasantly, "You can use pillow talk on him and see how long he'll manage to resist."

Both humans spluttered, unwittingly giving the cat enough time to continue.

"I'm all in for the two of you working together, more time with Kai for me," Alair continued without an iota of care for the two humans turning redder than the tomatoes in their shopping cart.

The tiger yet again gave off that almost purring sound.

It might've been just Ilari's imagination but people in the store seemed to look at them with rising incredulity.

It was time to conclude the shopping and go home, fast!


If the dinner was a somehow overwhelming affair for Ilari, Kir must've felt like a helpless inhabitant of a city currently under siege, like one in those zombie apocalypse movies. The only difference was that the zombies wanted to hug him instead of eating his brain. And feed him. Not brains, of course. Ilari's cooking was way better than that!

The man's eating habits fiasco from a few hours ago had, in the eyes of Ilari's family, turned a respected scholar into a… well, still a respected scholar but one that needed to be pampered and cared for at every step, or else he would hurt himself the moment they'd taken their eyes off him. Ilari, who was used to the overprotectiveness of his family directed at him could only sympathize with his unfortunate fiancé for awakening this particular streak in his future in-laws.

Ah, and that was even before his Dad and Ivor started on the older twin's recent thesis...

"It's not always like this, I promise," Ilari said after everyone had their fill and the engaged pair was finally left to their devices. They went to the small studio on the second floor that was Ilari's work-room. All the books on the shelves were connected to his own interests and research, all worn-out but cared for lovingly.

Ilari slumped onto his desk chair while pointing Kir to a softer seat next to the big window. The man, though, seemed more interested in Ilari's books.

"I don't mind talking research during the meals," Kir said quietly, as he traced the book spines of a few older titles on the shelf closest to the door. "My family used to do so, too. Especially my Grandfather."

"Ah, I'm sorry…" Ilari murmured.

Kir shook his head.

"It's alright. I'm…grateful to your family…for welcoming me."

"And I thought they scared you to death, poor human," Alair interrupted, jumping onto Ilari's lap and gracing him with his direct presence for the first time since his eyes laid on Kai. The tiger followed his human as the other took a slow walk around the room.

Ilari thought that he couldn't disagree with his cat, he had sincerely thought so, too.

"It was a little overwhelming," Kir admitted, stopping in front of a bookshelf that held Ilari's favourite but also the most feared books. He seemed thoughtful.

After a moment of silence, Kir spoke up unexpectedly, "After studying your papers and working for a while with your father and brother, I find it fascinating how, while they both focus on reading how the magic lines will move in the future and what that will mean to the people, you're way more focused on the present. And the past."

On a normal day, or maybe just on a day that wouldn't follow the night's nightmare, Ilari would laugh and ask teasingly what Kir meant by 'papers', did he actually read more than one? They didn't have a chance to discuss it yet. Instead, these words made him feel bitter. He pouted. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm adopted."

Unaware of the false note in Ilari's words, Kir smiled slightly, his golden eyes soft and indulgent. "I doubt that," he said. "You look very much like your father."