
What am I?

"And make sure to study chapter six on the history of the Epic Stage Drachs." Kento managed to finish before all the Class D students ran off.

The bell had rung and the first day back was officially over.

"Ahhh. That was a bit of a stress but it's worth it. Now let me get back to my novels, I might even get a new idea for a new Drach Weapon." Kento said to himself as he picked out a tablet from his compartment bag and walked off.

* * * * * *

After school, Arina headed to the First Years' library. It was a smaller building located at the back of the Korodu Dormitory.

It was a small silver building with a large stone image of an open book along with a small statue with one of the past Great Five leaders, a man.

Arina's intent was to learn more about the Four Races because she hadn't been feeling okay, as if her body became foreign and strange to her.

She needed to find out by herself because she was afraid to ask anyone for information because one of her fears was people accepting her.

She walked into the large library with a ten foot door which looked more like a gate. Not many students were there, only five or six she didn't know.

After being guided, she headed in the section about the different races. She picked up a book on Casters and began to read it.

After about ten minutes, she closed the book in dissatisfaction and kept it back on the shelf. She then kept looking through the other books but none of them had any information on what was going on with her.

"Maybe it's just something special with Light Casters but they haven't been any Light Casters before.." Arina reasoned. She also learned that her class also had a lot of rare magic types such as Luz's Color Casting, Staria's Mime Casting and Zane's Checkpoint Casting.

The other classes mostly had regular elemental Casting.

"Well I guess I better head back." Arina was about to give up when she accidentally shaked the book shelf and a book from two shelves above falls down.

It was a golden book with a silver wing crest on it. Arina picks it up and begins to read it after finding the cover interesting.

She opened it and began to read.

"Seraphs have the ability to cast spells through the use of wands or by hand and are usually done in rhyme speech. Upon reaching Stage 4, they would gain small wings attached to their backs which are retractable, although not every Seraph gains a pair."

As she read that part, something miraculous happened.

Suddenly, loose spikey like wings with an orange hue grew from her back and lifted her up about 7 feet in the air, making her float.

Arina felt like screaming but she stopped herself because it would cause noise and also more importantly, draw attention.

She tried to get the hang of it but they retracted into her back and disappeared and sge fell down.

"This means I'm a Seraph, no wait 'cos I can definitely perform Casting." Arina looked at her watch which wasn't showing anything different to indicate a change.

"Maybe some kind of hybrid." She thought as she took the book with her and walked out of the large library.

* * * *

About four months later, MCA (My Caster Academia) first session was over and they would be having a one month vacation.

During this period, Arina came up with a plan.

She told her parents that she would stay at Serena's place for a week but really, she had another idea in mind.

Using the money she earned from selling Valuable Items she had gotten from hunting Drachs for Renn, she was going to a nearby city named Vache City.

She would head to a Portal Station. A station where one could travel long distances with the use of magic in transportation portals.

She wanted to go to the only other nation connected to theirs, a Seraph dominated nation named Obsidian. She was going to sneak into one of the Seraph Academies of which they were three whose sessions were starting.

Arina had gotten a ticket and was waiting in line.

"I need to know. A Caster. Seraph. both.What am I?" She thought.