
The rest of Sun Five

"Thanks Sila." An injured Krueger student said as Sila had taken her to the healers. The Healers were those at the very back that were away from the war and were under the protection of the Krueger Soldiers. They consisted of seven people, with two of them being a female First Year and a male Second Year.

"No problem." Sila said as she bent her knees back and jumped back into battle. Ever since getting her gloves, she had gotten an increase in agility but that wasn't it's only aspect.

In mid air, two blasts of lightning came towards her and since she was still in the air, she would not be able to dodge.

"Huh?" Sila placed her palms in front of her and casted the Repel Spell except this time it was much stronger and blasted them back to whoever had shot them.

  Sila finally landed on the ground next to Vanessa and Zake.

Zake had summoned up two Lions with fire and ice magic. The first lion's mane was made up of flames and was a dark brown color while the other was made up of icicles.

A Seraph came towards them but when it tried to reach them, the Flame Lion got in the way and released a blast of fire towards him, causing him to create a forcefield around him.

But then, he was stabbed in the back and fell unconscious.

"Yeah, dipping these daggers in a sleeping potion was definitely a good idea." Vanessa smiled. She had made daggers out of the Valuable Items of the Hyspiks. Unfortunately, the daggers did not retain the magic ability of the Hyspik apart from it's sharpness so this was the best way she could use it.

The daggers were pretty regular. They had a black handle with silver blades.

Just then, a chain came towards her and grabbed her wrist and she was dragged away from them.

  "Vanessa!!" Zake and Sila shouted as they tried to chase after her but a barrage of magic blasts were shot in their direction which put them in a pretty tight spot.

It was mostly because of Vanessa's Luck Casting that they were able to avoid attacks and now she was too far away from them.

"I hope she can take care of herself." Another reason why she was with them was because she herself didn't have any offensive Spells, at least not the current set of Spells she had.

* * * *

Vanessa found herself being dragged by a chain which was so long that she couldn't see who was holding it. But she didn't need to in order to escape.

"Luck Casting: Conveniency."

As Vanessa said those words, a stray blast of fire appeared and burned right through the chains which freed her.

When she got up, she realized there was a thick mist surrounding her.

Vanessa pulled out her Daggers and said, "Just come on out."

Suddenly, a chain burst through the missed and aimed at her.

  Vanessa seeing this, jumped to the left but then quickly, another chain had come from the left which made her dodge.

The chains dissappeared after that.

"Oh, so you can only shoot two at a time! If that's all you can do, I don't see why you should be called a soldier." Vanessa said which angered the Seraph soldier a bit.

"Suddenly, four chains from different directions came towards her.

"Luck Casting: Clovered Field." A pink aura surrounded her and suddenly, the chains began to retract themselves back but Vanessa jumped on top of one and hanged on to it as it retracted back.

Passing the mist, they could finally see where the chains were coming from.

They were coming out of the hands of a Seraph Soldier.

The Soldier upon seeing her shot chains from his other hand but Vanessa jumped off the chain. Still, the chains were still coming towards her but they suddenly stopped just a few inches from her face.

The Seraph looked to be a bit dizzy until they fell on the ground. On his leg, two daggers were seen that had pierced through it.

Before Vanessa had jumped, she had thrown out her dagger in a particular direction and used the Clovered Field Spell to control it.

"Now to get back to the others." Vanessa was already on the move heading back.

As she headed back, she noticed a body on the floor who was alive but barely breathing as they could be heard gasping for air. Moving closer, Vanessa noticed multiple other dead bodies around.

"That's.. Felix! What happened to him?

* * * * * *

After a while, Sila and Zake could finally see Vanessa approaching them but she was also holding a body.

"Wait, isn't that..." Sila and Zake wanted to say something but Vanessa interrupted.

"No time. Sila, get him to the healers quickly. He's losing too much blood." Vanessa said as she gave Felix to Sila.

Felix was surprisingly very light and easy to carry.

Sila activated another Spell she had learned.

"Force Casting: Floater."

  Green magic began to surround Felix's body and soon he began to float into the air with a forcefield around him, his destination being where the Healers were.

"Who could've done such a thing?" Zake thought.