

A few weeks after the Drach Hunting trip, the students both First and Second Years were trained on how to use different Drach weapons and increasing their physical capabilities.

Sila had taken the Zenix's Valuable Item to the Third Floor and given it to a forger to make her weapon. Creating a weapon of that stage required about three days depending on how good the forger was. While Vanessa had done the same with the VI from the Hyspiks. Arina, Yuri and Zake both said they didn't need any weapons for now and something about her deserving it but she didn't understand them.

It was about eight in the morning but all the students were already up and training without being told to by their Sergeants.

Arina was currently going up against Yuri in the Combat Hall. They were both holding spears in hand as their weapons. Yuri charged in. He held the spear with both hands and thrusted it forwards but Arina used hers to block the attack. She then twisted her spear in a way that she pushed Yuri's away.

She then tried to thrust at him but he ducked just in time. He then threw out his own spear towards Arina but she performed like wise and their blades hit each other. This caused a high pitch frequency that ringed in their ears a bit. The Spears were Stage 6 and their ability was sound projection so it was no wonder it was so loud.

Arina and Yuri then dropped their spears on the ground.

"Well played." Yuri complimented.

"You too." Arina replied and they both laughed a bit.

Yuri went over to observe other fights but Arina sneakily walked back to their room.

After walking for a while, Arina finally arrived at the room. The room had 17 written on a small golden plate.

Arina looked left and then right to see if anyone was around. There were about three other rooms numbered, 4,9, and 13. Arina then walked into the room and quickly closed the door.

She then walked over to one of the bunk beds and placed her hand on the wall and then she pressed onto a rectangular object that had appeared. Suddenly, the whole room became white. The room almost looked endless as literally every where was a pure white.

The room then began to change again. Then she looked to be in some kind of grassland. There were few large trees seperated here and there. Arina could also be seen in the grassland and finally, three people appeared but they didn't look like regular people.

They were Seraphs. Two girls and one boy. The girls held their wands out and their spell books on the side of their waist. And the boy had some curved shape objects coming out of his back, they were white wings which enabled him to fight.

"Perfect. No problems with the Holo-Tab at all. Now, where were we?" Arina said. The three Seraphs began to move. The boy with wings jumped into the air and began to fly. He then pointed his wand towards her and a stream of highly pressurized water was released from the tip. In reaction to this, Arina leapt away and mid jump, spiky orange wings sprouted from her back and she began to fly. She also had her golden spell book tied on her waist and also activating her Seraph Charm.

Arina had been sneaking into here whenever change she got to secretly train her Seraph powers. Yuri had helped her on some occasions when the other members of Sun Five had almost caught her. She had purchased the Holo Tab a while ago with the remaining money she had left from hunting Drachs for Serena's cousin, Renn. She had to prepare even more than ever. The Seraphs had acted by the north and south but the Yuzuro Family and Hotodari Family had been there to safeguard the place.

After all, not everyone in the nation had evacuated to the Silver Fortress so there were still people there that the other side could take for ransom. This War wasn't a typical one about the last man or army standing. It was more like a game of chess. The enemy would try to get to the Leaders of the opposing country and force them to meet whatever demands they were asked.

But since the nation known as Obsidian was the aggressor, it was the army of Neon's goal. But Obsidian could turn that around and threaten to kill or kidnap people in order to make them turn over their leader and then, they could decide what would happen.

The device was known as a Holo Tab. It allowed the user to programme a simulation to help in training or other things. She had chosen this simulation because she was most likely to get in a situation like this on the battle field.

The other two Seraphs ran towards her and stood just above where she was floating from. They then created what looked like nets from their hands and trapped her in the air.

"How do I get.. out.. of this?" Arina said while struggling to remove the large net.

The male Seraph on the other hand, wasn't going to wait for her. He pulled out his wand and released a blast of fire towards her.

"No!" Arina exclaimed and her complexity changed. Her body became transparent and therefore see through. She phased through the net and avoided the fire ball.

*Pant *Pant *Pant

Arina breathed heavily as her body became normal again. That was a new spell that she was trying. It required an extreme amount of focus and a small waver could cause it to stop instantly. But Arina thought it would be useful in battle and therefore decided to train herself with it.

She was also only going to focus on improving her Seraph abilities.

Arina swooped down, her wings flapping incredibly hard trying to keep up with the fast pace. She flew towards the male Seraph. She sticked out her wand, ready to attack.

But the two Seraphs from below didn't really make it easy for her. They blasted pressurized streams of water which merged together and pushed her away.

Her wings then retracted back into her back and she landed on the grasses.

The three Seraphs then realized a combined fireball towards them but.

"Something that suits, Golden Root." The large root of golden magic then appeared in front of her and blocked the attack.

"Ha!" Arina stretched out her hand and the Light Root sprung out another root from it's body and grabbed the two female Seraphs.

The male one tried to stop it by releasing wind magic from his wand but Arina created yet another root and grabbed his wrist, making him drop his wand on the ground.

Arina then brought the roots back to her. The three Seraphs looked injured but still not knocked out yet.

"What?" Arina was shocked as this was something new. She had never tried to use the Light Root against them before and now they wete adapting to the situation.

The three of them then activated a spell. Suddenly, snow started to spread on the Light Root and soon after, ice particles and finally ice had completely frozen it.

"What?" Arina was shocked as this was something new. She had never tried to use the Light Root against them before and now they were adapting to the situation.

The three Seraphs were reducing their body temperature more than normally possible, causing their bodies to become cold as ice and freezing over the Light Root.

"No, you don't." Arina placed her hand on the Light Root, well more of the ice and snow that had covered it up.

Her hands began to glow blue as well as her Spell Book.

"Amplify!" She shouted as she activated another spell.

It had worked better than she had expected. The Light Root had completely broken off all the ice and snow on it and was glowing more than ever.

The room then began to change again and back into the white color.

Then, a holographic screen appeared in front of Arina.

[Training Completed]

[Training Result: Success]

Arina almost teared up. In all honesty, she had been practising with the Holo Tab for weeks and this was the first time she had gotten a success.

She had lost about thirty nine times if she was correct.

"Yes. I'm finally getting stronger." Arina then ended the simulation.

Suddenly, there was an alarm shouting, "All students. Come outside immediately. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill!"

This made Arina to rush out of the room and arrive back in the main hall where the other fourteen First Years and the Second Years were gathered.

All the Sergeants were also out there along with a few soldiers numbering about thirty which was much smaller than their actually size. Some of them were most likely stationed around Neon.

"The Seraph army has been spotted at Havine City. Students, no Soldiers, it's time for battle." The Sergeants said which caused the students to gulp in fear.