
My Brother’s Best Friend || PJM

Warning 18+ ⚠️ - What happens when Kim Jaehee falls in love with her brothers best friend? Jaehee has three brothers in total. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung’s best friend is Park Jimin, they’ve known each other since they were young. Jimin loves to tease Jaehee and it doesn’t help that she’s always had a crush on him- but she doesn’t like to admit it. Sometimes he’s nice to her and other times he’s rude, leaving her confused. What will happen when the two start to develop feelings for each other? What will happen when her brothers find out? - Posted: September 13, 2019 Finished: On Going

ACup_OfTae_ · セレブリティ
9 Chs

Chapter 1

𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓙𝓪𝓮-𝓱𝓮𝓮

I decided to come visit my brother's house since it's been a few months that I came to visit and actually hang out with them. All three of my brothers live together and they have three other roommates.

My brothers are Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung. Jin being the eldest, he's 26, then Joon being 25, then Taehyung being 23, I'm the youngest at 22. My birthday isn't until September 13, it's funny since Joon's is September 12.

I still live with my parents, but that's all going to change when I return to college, I want to study culinary arts. I mostly like to make pastries. Ever since I was little I loved to bake cakes, cookies anything you name it. I wanted to open up my own bakery, and I still do.

It's the beginning of the summer so I've still got about 4 months left.

I've been waiting in my brothers house for about an hour alone. My brother Seokjin, texted me saying they were going grocery shopping and then they were going to stop by to bring some pizza, and let me say thank goodness because they literally have nothing to eat here.

So here I was in their living room sprawled on their couch snacking on some popcorn and watched a movie as I waited. I would go outside, but it's too hot out and I'd like to relax here in the house where there is air conditioning.

I texted my best friend, Jungkook to come over later so we can all hangout, he said he'd be here in an hour. So he'll probably arrive around the time my brothers return.

About thirty minutes later I didn't realize I had fallen asleep on the couch until I felt someone carefully lift me up from the couch.

At first I thought it was one of my brothers picking me up to take me to their room to sleep but suddenly remembered the evil spawn lives here too.

My eyes shot open and I saw Jimin. He was walking towards the back doors and the pool came into view. Clinging onto him for dear life I yelled at him "Don't you dare, Jimin! Put me down!" 

Jimin looked down at me and smirked "If you say so." My eyes widened as I felt myself flying into the pool below and I quickly held my breath the moment i touched the water.

When I resurfaced I frantically wiped my face trying to see where he was, then I saw him standing by the edge smirking and laughing.

"Yah! I can't stand you!" I yelled splashing the water at him.

"You looked hot so I wanted to help cool you down." Then he smirked and walked into the house laughing

I gritted my teeth and sent him glares from afar. Then swam to the edge of the pool and climbed out, I wrung my hair trying to get all the water out then looked around for a towel. "I'll get you back Jimin, just you wait."


After showering I joined everyone else downstairs to eat pizza and watch movies as we had originally planned.

"You know what we haven't done in a while?" Hobi said sitting up from the couch

"What?" Yoongi asks and everyone, including me turn towards Hobi and wait for him to speak

"We haven't thrown a party in a while. We should do it next week!" Hobi said waiting for everyone's reactions.

Hmm now that I think of it... the last time they threw a party was about four months ago and that was for Yoongi's birthday.

"Oh your right, it has been a while hasn't it." My brother Joonie spoke tilting his head, I guess thinking about the last time they had a party.

"How long ago was it?" Jungkook asked. On that fateful day something happened, with a certain someone in this very room and I vowed to never speak of it again.

"About four months ago..." jimin and I said at the same time and our eyes locked for a couple seconds and I quickly looked away

"Right, it was for my birthday." Yoongi spoke "Wow, it really has been a while, hasn't it?"

"Well, I'm down for a party." Jin said and everyone else nodded.

"Your coming right, Jaehee?" Taehyung turn towards me and everyone looked at me.

Ever since that party I've been avoiding coming to this house. I didn't want to see him, the last time I came was probably a month or two ago, I mean I did drop by a few times to drop stuff off for them or I came when he wasn't here.

"Oh... uhh..." I trailed off shifting on the couch, thinking if it's a good idea to come. "Sure, I'll be here."

"Great!" Taehyung clapped his hands then smirked looking at me. "You can bring your lovely friend, Kim Ji Won"

I glared at him "right..." he's still trying to flirt with her. I know they both have crushes on each other but they both act like they don't. It's not like I'll get mad if they end up dating, if they do then I'm happy for them but my brother, we'll all of my brothers are players and if they ever hurt one of my friends then someone's catching these hands.

I sighed thinking about the last party. Jiwon ended up leaving me alone at the party to go play beer pong with Taehyung and Jimin. I was bored and alone at the party so I decided to join them and I ended up getting drunk and before I knew it I was alone with Jimin, one thing led to another and I'm sure you can imagine what happened.

At that time I really liked him and I was happy that he was paying attention to me, of all people. When I woke up the next morning Jimin wasn't in the room and when I would come over to hang out he would ignore me or he would act like an ass. He would leave me confused, he acted like he liked me but then the next moment he would ignore me, like I didn't exist.

I tried to confront him about it but he acted like he didn't remember and said he didn't want to be seen with me. After that, I stopped trying to talk to him, I stopped coming to the house as much as I use too.

Yea we talked every now and then, but that was only when my brothers or friends were around. We didn't want them asking questions. He still teases me every now and then, like this morning when he threw me in the pool. We argue with each other all the time, he makes me want to strangle him, but other times he's nice to me, he snuggles up with me if we're sitting close to each other or holds my hand.

My brothers sat there trying to figure out the details for the party, I wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying.

Soon it was getting dark out and I was getting tired. I had to head back home before mom and dad flipped. They knew I was visiting but they told me not to stay out too late since it was going to rain later tonight and they don't like me driving in the rain because of how dangerous it is. I have been in a car accident a couple years ago. Ever since they have been paranoid that something will happen again.

"I should probably get going." I said and looked at my phone to see the time, it read 9:35. "It going to start raining soon and you guys know how mom and dad are." I said looking at my brothers

They nodded and everyone stood up, I grabbed my things and they walked me to the door. "Well, it was fun hanging out with you guys!" I said smiling "I'll see you guys next week for the party... unless you guys want to hang out again before then."

They nodded "hey, we should go to the beach on Wednesday, it's going to be nice. We can rent a house by the beach and just chill." Jungkook suggested and I smiled

"I'm down!" I replied and everyone agreed excited. "Well, ill see you guys in two days."

They nodded and they all came, one by one hugging me bye. Jimin was the last one to hug me "bye loser" he mumbled and I glared at him but he couldn't see it since he was hugging me. My face pressed against his chest.

Everyone was taller than me, while everyone was 5'8" and taller I was only 5'3". I stood on my tippy toes, trying to whisper in his ear. "Remember.... I'm going to get you back for what you did today."

Jimin pulled away and looked down at me smirking "we'll see about that." He chuckled "what's the worst you can do."

I smirked at him "your not going to see it coming."

Hey thank you for reading my story!! This fanfic is also available on my wattpad. Along with my other stories. Please check them out :)


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