
My Bothersome Life

I was captured and put onto a stake to be lit on fire as part of the ongoing witch hunt conducted throughout the land. I had to do something. But, this life really sucked. This all started when I was accidentally killed by God. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill you. It was just that I was overworked lately by my superior and I just wanted some time to relax and vent my stress out," he confessed. "So, while I was snacking, I accidentally dropped one potato chip into the human realm where the child tripped over the potato chip onto a den of steep stairs." God guilty admitted. So I reincarnated into the most adorable girl with the largest orange-speckled eyes that contrasted her pale white skin void of any imperfections. 'How could someone look this pretty?' I thought as I admired my new appearance. I was nowhere close to this pretty in my previous life. Did God put me into this new vessel as an apology? But some things were too good to be true. *** "We can do this the nice way or the hard way," My fiancé’s brother started off. "The nice way is where you willingly come with us back to the first district and the hard way is where we forcibly take you back, which would be hard for all of us," Lucius gave me a warning. Why was my life so depressing? He practically meant I didn’t have a choice! *** Few months later, I was at a party that I planned to escape from my fiancé’s family. "I still get to continue with my naps on the weekends?" I tried to confirm with them. No one answered as I almost cried from giving up my rare nap times from the mess I got involved with. This life was too bothersome!

hye4654 · ファンタジー
703 Chs

Reflecting (2)

By the time I stopped crying, there was only Luke and I inside the dorm room.

Crying never really worked in the first place with Luke. I gave up using the useless tactic as I tried to think of better ways to persuade him.

I tried to recall my memories of Luke frowning when he interacted with other people that weren't in his inner circle.

From what I observed, Luke didn't like people who were obsessed with things just because they were expensive.

He pretended to listen to their conversation so he could politely answer questions when asked as he focused on other thoughts.

Luke also despised people who got way too close to him as they extensively touched him due to their admiration for his handsome appearance that resembled a fairy tale prince out of a storybook.

And most of all, he hated it when I didn't act accordingly to the Roselia family name.

But, this was exactly what I was going to do until he put the necklace off.

I would act like the most detestable and disgusting person to Luke until he finally broke down to listen to my command.

I instantly snuggled up to him as I schemed, "Of course it doesn't matter if you don't put the necklace off."

I fidgeted with Luke's soft hand as I knew Luke hated excessive skinship.

After I quickly got bored of playing with Luke's hand, I decided to braid some tiny braids into Luke's hair with my dexterous hands.

My hands drifted through Luke's soft hair as he ignored me to read the assigned reading that was one month ahead for class.

This was strange. Luke usually tried to shake someone off when he got annoyed from the unrestrained contact, but he just left me alone as his neat hair turned messy from the disastrous braids.

I sniffled a giggle when some of the strands of his hair poked out in weird directions as he calmly flipped to the next page of his book while he was unaware of his appearance.

This was clearly not working as Luke wasn't getting distracted by any of the tiny contact I made.

What other things did I not try yet?

I recounted all the other methods of skinship in my head. A long hug, holding hands, ruffling his head, and a kiss?

I already messed with his hair and fidgeted with his hand. The only thing left was a hug and a kiss.

I took Luke's book away from him as I placed it on the tiny table beside his bed and pulled Luke into a long hug.

I was definitely going to change my clothes and take a shower after this.

"Are you done Rika?" Luke asked me after a long minute.

Luke's expression didn't change as he waited for me to finish hugging him before trying to pick up his book again.

Seeing that hugging him wasn't effective, I let Luke go as I contemplated about the last option on my list.

Did I really want to kiss Luke over this?

I took a glance at Luke's unflustered face as he stared back at me in confusion.

Luke grew up wonderfully as his sharp jaw line and long eyelashes made him stand out from the countless good-looking children in the first district.

I closed my eyes as I got the courage to reluctantly kiss his forehead.

Bleh my lips. I was going to wash my face more carefully after this too.

I opened my eyes as Luke sat frozen on his bed.

His expression showed that he was absolutely clueless of what just happened.

Luke looked like he was dumbfounded as he stared at me blankly before he blinked several times while picking up his book again to cover his face.

Why wasn't he shaking me off like he usually did to other people? I was pretty sure that I covered everything on my list.

However, Luke didn't reject any of my advances as he sat there quietly while resuming his daily routine like nothing had happened.

What else did I miss?

I tried to recall all the shoujo manga I read in my past life.

The protagonist usually bumped into the male lead as she accidentally bumps into something or lands in some kind of trouble.

The most used scene was the female lead pushing the male lead down as she 'accidentally' kisses the male lead on the lips as she falls in love at first sight.

But would that popular scene work on Luke? I was annoying Luke on his bed anyways as I already disturbed him from peacefully reading his book.

I had nothing to lose at this point.

I threw the book that Luke was holding onto as I pushed him down on his bed by grabbing both of his shoulders.

'You can do this Rika!' I encouraged myself.

I kissed Luke on his soft lips that smelled like roses and tasted like the honey lip balm.

Luke's eyes widened in surprise but quickly recovered to unexpectedly kiss me back with gentleness like he was cherishing a precious item.

I immediately separated from Luke as I pushed him away as my face flushed in shades of pink and red after the short kiss.

"What is this?" I screamed when a big blue magical circle scripted with incantations suddenly appeared under us.