

Julia Davis, a very beautiful,smart, hardworking 24year young lady finds herself working in a noble business institution as an interpreter under her strict boss Kerry Harrison ,whose seen as a workaholic and a "no joke, no distractions" when it comes to business. Although she dislikes his whole being and personality including the way he treats women, she makes sure everything she does goes into accordance with his instructions, especially business matters. She works in accordance with his rules because to hell she needs this job to take care of her mother and young sister, her worlds. She knows her boss very well and doesn't want to mix personal feelings with work. Nervousness kicks in when she has to work even closer to her strict boss as his personal assistant for six months. Kerry Harrison, the 27year youngest owner of Harrison &Sons Corp . He's known to be cold, a workaholic business man who doesn't mix personal feelings with work. Being the youngest and only son to his parents,he had no other options than to inherit everything his father left, upon a long time separation with his mother. Although he's main objective was to become a doctor owning his personal hospital facility and not to become the next of kin to his father's company. His dreams was shattered right after college when he had to save his father's company from collapsing and going bankrupt. Now, the raising of his father's property is entrusted to him and that explains his personality. Although he does not do relationships but he adores women who possess good work ethics most importantly when they're very hard-working towards their job. He easily discards anyone who tries to pull him back when he's progressing. Now, there's Julia to whom he made his personal assistant for six months. Will she be able to meet his criteria, standards and love codes? Will he be able to tolerate her? Will she ever get used to him ,let alone get attracted to him? **** Let's dive into their world

MartFord21 · 都市
18 Chs

Chapter Seven

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Julia's POV

At home....8:45pm

My eyes was glued to my 32-inched flat screen TV as I watched my favorite series "Girlfriends" when I received an incoming call .

"Oh my god", I said checking the caller ID and not recognizing the number.

"Hi,hi,hi Julie. It's Ann", the voice booms.

"Hey! How are you doing?", I said upon recognition.

"I'm fine and thank you so much for helping me out"she said

"My pleasure", I told her then I felt the presence of my sister behind me but I ignored not turning her direction.

"Um Harrison invited me out for dinner tonight".

"Wow he did?!. Way to go girl!", I exclaimed happy for her.

"Yeah. So, I just want to know if there's anything I should know, act or say,you know I.. I really like him and I don't want to ruin things", she said stuttering.

"You know... just be yourself ok?. "You're beautiful and drop dead gorgeous Ann", I said making her laugh at the other end of the call.

"Thank you".

"What are you wearing?

"A gown?

"Ok ....skin?", I asked

"Oh c'mon it's only my shoulders and it's linen gown actually".

"Good. He doesn't appreciate skin", I told her giving her the gist about Harrison's taste in women.

"Oh really? Well noted.

"Ok makeup?


"Perfect, you're good to go", I said chuckling with her.

"Thank you".

"Welcome. Umm..you know what? Just chill and have fun ok and also make sure to talk about family ok? He loves family.

"Oh right".

"Ok have fun!!!", I exclaimed excitedly chuckling alongside as I hit the end call button.

Juan came facing me with a grudge on her face and chuckled as if she couldn't believe me.

"Julie?",she said with her hands on her waist.

"What?", I responded confused about her behavior.

"Are you serious?. No wait, did I hear you speak to someone on how to meet Harrison?",she said taking a seat on the couch next to me.

"Juan, I just told her one or two things, that's it".

"Ok wait, I have to let this get in your skull. If this guy falls for  this girl then it'll be the character you created ,do you hear me",Juan said to my astonishment.

What the hell is this girl talking about?

"C'mon Juan, it's not that deep.

"It is..it is",she stressed.

"Juan..-ok..fine. What do you want me to do?. "I'm just offering a helping hand. Ann likes him and wants to know few things about him what do you expect me to do?".

"Huh?! A helping hand? Unbelievable! . Leave her let her figure him out by herself,the same way he's trying to figure her out. " That's how it works. I mean that's how relationships works",she said as I laugh my butt of not believing her.

"Whatever, relationship expert oh please".

"Look,I'm still trying to understand how you're trying to set your boss up. I don't understand and it's not nice"she continued.

"Mmhm.. I just forgot that you are the imaginary girlfriend. He's your boyfriend right?", I said not able to control my laughter.

"That's not what I'm thinking. I can't believe you are not taking this serious. Really? Are you teasing me?",she said looking at me.

"Don't worry he'll wait for you eh?

"Really? . That's not what I'm talking about?

"Then what?", I asked her raising my brows.

"What",she asked

"You like him Juan", I said in a say sing voice.

"Of course! But I'm..-",she trailed but I interrupted cutting her of her next comment.

"Whatever, I need a drink", I said rising up on my feet.

"You know what? . "I don't need a rival with him because he's my man",she said

"Oh really?", I said laughing

"Of course! You know right",Juan said while I kept on laughing as if she has lost her mind.

"I hate what you're doing Julie",she glared my way while I still couldn't contain my laughter as I head towards the kitchen to find myself a drink.


Dinner at Five star restaurant... Marigold Ave..St....6: 39pm

Harrison's POV

*Wine glasses clicks*

"Cheers", I said after clicking my wine glass to Ann's,then took a sip on it.

"Do you still think your dad's  crazy about your mom?", I asked Ann after she took a sip on her wine glass.

"Yes. I mean, I love them." You know a love like that is very hard to find these days",she continued

"I don't think it's impossible", I told her .

"Mm..ok but maybe it's just a few here and there",she said batting her eyelashes.

"Hmm .. what about your brothers?".

"Crazy bunch but I love them",she said chuckling

"I like the way you talk about your family".

"Really?! Thanks",she said excitedly. "What about you?",she asked  as she took a sip on her wine glass.

"Well..my family's fall apart".

"Oh.. divorced",she asked raising her eyebrows.

"Not really".

"Ok so they are not just together?", she continued to ask.

I looked at her and smiled  then sipping on the wine .

"Something like that which  I hate so much but you know you can't force people to come together", I said shrugging.

"Yeah true..",she said biting her lips which caught me staring and she noticed.

"What?",she said when she felt my gaze on her.

"You're beautiful", I told her.

"Thank you",she said flipping out her hair to the side and blushing.

"And elegant", I continued with my eyes on her.

"Ok ..ok don't flatter me",she said chuckling.

"I never do", I told her.

"Well..you don't look bad yourself",she said shrugging.

"You know you didn't have to say if you didn't mean it".

"Well I do. You know I'm not good at flattering",she said batting her eyelashes.

"Uh! I'd love us to do this again".

"Me too",she said grinning.



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