
My Billionaire Mafia CEO

In her previous life, In a moment of profound desperation, she made the dark and sorrowful decision to sell herself to Alexander Salvatore, bound by a contract of marriage. Aisha's hopes were pinned on the money that Alexander could offer, enabling her to lift her family out of destitution. Conversely, Alexander saw Aisha as nothing more than a mistress to satisfy his forbidden desires. Theirs was a cruel symbiotic relationship in which Aisha's body was exchanged for financial security while Alexander indulged in his hedonistic desires. But Aisha was fine with it because she loved someone else and their contract was coming to an end soon. Yet as their difficult journey progressed, things took an unexpected turn that changed their relationship dynamics. Her presence causes Alexander's feelings to become intense. But she refuses to accept Alexander's emotions, so Aisha runs away from him and seeks refuge with her boyfriend Callious. However, her heart shattered when she uncovered his infidelity with her cousin, Penelope. To make matters worse, Callious betrayed her with her cousin by feeding her drugs and revealing their complicity in her tragic fate. Aisha's life also ended tragically, just like the innocent members of her family. But fate had a different plan for her. She was reborn, returning to the very night of her ill-fated wedding. Having gained a renewed sense of resolve, she vowed to take revenge on everyone responsible for her and her family's deaths. While setting out on her quest for vengeance, Aisha also commits to defending her loved ones and those who had previously shown her kindness. With her unwavering resolve, she sets out to confront the people who wronged her, ensuring that they pay for their deceit and betrayal. Will she succeed in avenging her family and finding true happiness in the process, or will the ghosts of betrayal continue to haunt her?

Flora_2480 · 都市
14 Chs

Chapter 13 :- The Cat Eye

The longer Aisha remains silent,

The caller started feeling apprehensive.

"Who is this?" There was a hint of suspicion in the voice as it growled.

Aisha took a deep breath, steeling herself before speaking.

"I identify as someone. Moreover, someone who can provide you with employment and compensate you for it.

With a voice as cold as ice, she spoke.

There was a brief pause before the voice responded, softer this time.

"It has been a long time since someone used my number to place an order with me."

Aisha let out a loud laugh to mock the person on the phone.

"What is it that you require?"

Aisha felt a wave of relief wash over her.

She was unsure whether or not this person would complete the task.

Aisha leaned back in a chair nearby,

"I need you to hack into the Greenhouse Hospital's database and retrieve the personal information of all the employees," she said with a determined, cold voice.

The voice on the other end was silent for a moment, processing her words.

Then, with a deep sigh, that person said, "I'll do what I can do, but what exactly do you need?"

"The hospital employs a nurse who has green eyes and a simple appearance. I want you to find her phone number and deliver a message to me."

As she spoke, Aisha's eyes glittered with malice.

The mysterious person on the other end of the line remained silent for quite some time.

"If you don't give me more details how am I going to find that person?"

With a laugh, Aisha remarked, "I have heard that Cat Eye is the most well-known & skilled hacker; they can break into anything and, if they so choose, even locate an ant. You are saying that all of those are fakes?"

Aisha persistently makes fun of Cat Eye, who is regarded as the world's greatest hacker.

"Even if I did what you asked me to, how are you going to compensate me?" with gritted teeth the Cat eye replied.

"You will receive payment upon completion of your work, so do not worry,"

"Okay, give me two days, and your work will be finished after that."

"No, you only have this afternoon if you are late you won't get paid and your number and address will be known by everyone."

"What! Women, are you insane? You..."

"No, I am not, I am perfectly fine. However, I will not enjoy being the latter." Aisha's firm tone makes cat eyes shiver.

"All right, what should I explain to her?"

"Nothing much, just say It's up to her how will she use this time, she has two choices and she can choose one of them wisely."

Aisha paused for a moment.

Before Cat Eye can respond, she says, "The same goes for you; I suggest you work wisely rather than trying to find me."

Aisha ends the call before Cat Eye can say anything more.

As Aisha finished her call she cautiously opened her room door,

Ensuring no one suspected her movements.

After that, she headed to the bathroom to take a much-needed shower.

The steam from the hot water enveloped her, calming her nerves as she let the water wash away the stress of being caught.

Aisha emerged from the shower, wrapping herself in a towel.

As she enters her room, she strokes her damp hair.

Her gaze landed on the clothing Alexander had spread out on her bed,

Before he went to his meeting.

A mixture of gratitude and conflicting emotions welling up within her.

She noticed the simple outfit consisting of a yellow shirt and black jeans.

Just like how she prefers to dress,

A warm smile graced her lips as Aisha picked up the clothes,

Appreciating the simplicity and thoughtfulness behind the gesture.

Moving towards her bedside table,

she saw a glass of water and medicine placed carefully,

A stark reminder of her situation.

A somber expression crossed Aisha's face as she realized the implications of the medicine.

"So, in the end, it's a worthless marriage, huh!" she muttered to herself,

The weight of her circumstances settled heavily upon her.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, thoughts of her future clouded her mind.

"Who am I deceiving here? No matter how much time I spend as his sleeping partner, I don't want children. If I were to get pregnant and give birth, my child would have no parents, nothing at all just like me."

There is no relationship between us,

The only thing between us is I am using him and he is used in return,

And my relationship with him is until I could exact my revenge on those who wronged me and repay my debt to those to whom I am owed.

After I achieve my goals,

I will run away from here, I will go to a quiet village,

Where I could live a simple and normal life,

Far away from the superficiality of my current surroundings.

Divergent feelings whizzed through Aisha's head.

her resolve grew stronger as she envisioned a future free from the constraints of her current reality.

As she dried her wet hair, thoughts of her past and the reasons that had led her to this point flooded her mind.

She remembered the betrayal she had experienced at the hands of those she once trusted,

the sense of being used and discarded haunting her every thought.

Her heart burned with the desire for vengeance.

Propelling her forward with a steely determination to right the wrongs done to her and to those she cared about.

Taking a deep breath, Aisha turned away from the mirror,

She put on the clothes that Alexander had taken out for her.

Then her gaze lingered on the medicine left on the bedside table.

She picked up the medicine, and examined it,

Then she swallowed the medicine along with a glass of water.

With a steely gleam in her brown eyes, she whispered to herself, "Everything will be solved soon enough."
