
My Beloved Rose

Xu Anyi, the cherished daughter of the prestigious Xu family and the beautiful red rose of City A, lost her family and her freedom one winter day. Wrongfully accused of murder, Xu Anyi was sent to jail for five years. When she thought that it couldn’t get any worse, her husband, the man she loved her entire life, divorces her and gets together with her best friend, who tells her the true despicable story behind her parents’ death. For five years, Xu Anyi tried to figure out where everything went wrong. . . How did she go from being the proud, most beautiful red rose of the entire city to a forgotten criminal? Five years later, everything she once had was gone. . . Her parents, her status, her friends, her husband, her innocence, her life, everything was shattered. However, she was going to take it all back! Perhaps it was a coincidence or maybe it was fate that Xu Anyi meets Si Mu, the powerful Si family’s young master and the president of the Si Corporation and. . . the man Xu Anyi rejected eight years ago! With his help, Xu Anyi’s road to revenge would be much easier, but without her old status and beauty, would she still be able to win his heart? — Xu Anyi is seductive, sexy, and confident. Although she had lost a lot of her arrogance and pride after five years in the mud, no one could take her attitude away from her. Even after going through hell once and coming back, she was still Xu Anyi, and she was going to take back everything that belonged to her! — This is an original work and not a translation. Follow me on Instagram: @helemon_author Follow me on Tiktok: @helemon_author Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/FVwPydp

helemon_ · 都市
87 Chs

Sleeping Together

"Can you stay with me tonight?"

Si Mu froze for several seconds, surprised at her request, and then he quickly nodded his head, walking back over. She looked scared as she watched him, and he smiled as he grabbed onto her hand and the two of them walked back into her room together.

She sat down on the bed, and he helped her lift the blanket up as she crawled in, her eyes on him the entire time. After she had laid down, he walked over to the lights again, "Can I close them?"

Xu Anyi looked hesitant, but she slowly nodded after a few seconds.

It was dark again, and she could only hear the sound of him walking across the room to the other side of the bed. Then, she felt the other side of the blanket lift up as he entered the bed.

The bed was definitely big enough for two people, but it wasn't spacious either, and after Si Mu crawled in, he did not take the initiative to move in close to her.

Although she was the one who requested for him to stay, Si Mu wasn't sure if she would be comfortable with him touching her yet, so he decided to play it safe.

However, it surprised him when the next second, he felt her move closer to him and press the side of her body close to his, flipping around to face him.

At this, he could not control himself anymore, and he also turned his body around, grabbing onto her waist as he held her in his arms.

He heard her let out a breath of relief as Xu Anyi finally closed her eyes, her heartbeat slowing down once again.

She took in a deep breath, taking in his fragrance, which seemed to calm her as she tried to fall asleep again. Although she was still scared of having that same nightmare, she felt better knowing that she could open her eyes and he would be right next to her.

Slowly, she fell asleep.

She did not have any nightmares for the rest of the night.

The next day was a Sunday and neither of them set any alarms, so they slept in until they naturally woke up. When Xu Anyi opened her eyes, the sun was brightly shining through the curtains and into the room already.

She was slightly stunned when she saw Si Mu's face right in front of hers upon waking up, but then after remembering what happened last night, she took a deep breath and relaxed again.

He still had his eyes closed, and knowing that he was asleep, Xu Anyi was not afraid to look at him, admiring his breathtakingly perfect face.

A smile slowly crept on her face as she comfortably rested her head against the pillow, continuing to stare at him shamelessly.

Although his face always seemed to be cold during the day, when he was asleep, he seemed quite peaceful. He still looked serious, but looking at him made Xu Anyi feel at peace.

What did she do in her past life to get herself a husband as perfect as Si Mu? Just looking at his face in the morning was enough to put her in a good mood for the rest of the day!

Just as Xu Anyi was getting lost in her thoughts, she did not realize Si Mu's eyelashes move in the slightest until she suddenly heard his deep voice ask, "How long are you going to keep looking at me?"

She gasped as he blinked his eyes open and smiled, "I can't pretend to keep sleeping for much longer."

He looked at her amusedly, watching her expression change from surprise to embarrassment, looking like a little cat that had been caught doing something bad.

Xu Anyi's face turned red immediately, and she opened her mouth to try and defend herself, but she did not know what to say, so in the end, she rolled around and quickly got off the bed.

Si Mu chuckled as he rested his elbow on the bed, pushing himself up as he placed his head onto his hand, watching her as she entered the bathroom, her cheeks puffed out angrily.

Seeing that she was embarrassed, he did not make fun of her for much longer, as he left the room to also get ready for the day.

Half an hour later, the two of them were seated at the dining table together, eating breakfast. Xu Anyi had her face buried into her bowl, still embarrassed at being caught in the morning, and Si Mu watched her with a smile.

Ah, his wife was so cute!

Xu Anyi peaked up from her bowl slightly to see him staring at her, and she frowned, "Stop sta-"

However, her words were cut off as her phone began ringing, and she looked at the unknown number on the screen, raising an eyebrow.

She put down her chopsticks and picked up her phone, "Hello?"

"Hello, Ms. Xu! It's been a while!"

"Hello. This is?" Xu Anyi asked, looking at the unfamiliar number on the screen again.

"Oh, this is Xi Penli, the marketing manager of Design!"

Xu Anyi's eyes widened slightly as she had not spoken with Design since the pictures came out already, "Oh, Manager Xi! Good morning! Sorry, I don't have your number saved."

Xi Penli chuckled, "It's okay. I'm sorry for disturbing you so early on a Sunday. I'm calling because the Design team has all decided that you did a fabulous job on the last shoot, and we want to hire you as a contracted model for Design."

Xu Anyi's eyes widened in surprise as she looked up at Si Mu, who was also looking at her curiously.

"Contracted model?!"

"Yes. The first contract will last three months. It isn't long, but it is how the process works for most contracted models at Design," the manager explained.

Design rarely had any full-time models, and there were only a few contracts that were given out to models they liked, so this was definitely a fantastic opportunity for Xu Anyi.

Xu Anyi smiled brightly as she was tempted to agree right away, but after meeting Si Mu's gaze, she paused and then said, "Thank you so much for letting me know, but I need to discuss it with my manager first. I'll get back to you by the end of the day."

"Yes, yes, of course. Have a great day!"

"You too."

Xu Anyi hung up the call and told Si Mu the news right away, and after hearing it, he nodded his head, "It is a good opportunity."

Xu Anyi nodded, "Right?! So. . ."

"Do it!"