
My Beautiful Master Is A Yandere

Yan Shun. The Eldest Brother Of The Divine Sword Peak. Or...the weakest of the Divine Sword Peak. All four of his Junior Sisters hated him to the bone. The reason? He really doesn't know... He only tried to save them, but that always led to a big problem which made him look like the bad guy... And if he's the bad guy...obviously, there's a hero... He didn't know...but it seemed that the world was always against him... But, his fate changed... When, Luo Xueying, his beautiful master... Confessed to him... "Beloved disciple... Truth be told... I... I love you~!" [The Affection System Has Been Activated!] "Uhh...?" . . . Addition Tags: Anti-Hero MC, Beautiful Heroine, Calm MC, Devoted Lover, Extremely Handsome MC, Reverse Rape, No-Yuri, No-NTR, Mature Beauties, Divine Goddesses, Immortal Goddesses, Yandere, Demonic Goddesses, Witches, Immortal Fairies, Ancient Beauties, Unparalleled Sect Masters, Evil Empress, Gorgeous Empresses, Battle Between Harem, Yandere Harem

LuknameFanfics · アニメ·コミックス
55 Chs

Gao Yue's Break Down

[Ding~~! Gao Yue's affection has risen tremendously!]

"!!!" Yan Shun's eyes widened in astonishment.

He never anticipated that his Junior Sister would actually kiss him.

However, this time, Yan Shun's thoughts remained crystal clear.

Without hesitation, he gently pushed her away, causing her to tumble onto the soft bed sheets.

She gasped for breath, her trembling hands reaching up to touch her own lips.

Yet, when she met Yan Shun's gaze, her whole body shuddered.

His eyes bore into her with an icy intensity, devoid of any emotion except for anger and coldness.

In an almost disdainful gesture, he extracted a handkerchief from his pocket and meticulously wiped his lips, all while maintaining his cold stare.

"Disgusting," he uttered, deliberately speaking loud enough for Gao Yue to hear in a tone so ordinary it was chilling.

To his astonishment, her eyes widened, and she averted her gaze, biting her lip in frustration.

"Get out," he ordered, his lips parting to release a cascade of cold words.

But it seemed that Gao Yue had no intention of leaving.

She knelt down, locking her gaze with his, her cheeks still flushed with a reddish hue.

"Why...?" She hesitated before daring to ask the question that hung between them.

"Why...?" He couldn't help but chuckle, his laughter echoing with bitter irony.

Gao Yue, bewildered, couldn't comprehend his reaction.

When he finally stopped laughing, he fixed her with an even colder and more distant stare than before.

"Remember that time when I accidentally fell on top of you? You didn't give me a chance to explain that I had injured my leg. You were furious, said things I'd never expect to hear from my own junior sister. But now... Hahah."

"You boldly fondled my muscles while I was in the middle of cultivation, and then... kissed me. And you expect me to react as if it's all perfectly fine?"

"Hahah, you're disguting," He declared.

His aura began to emanate, and with a swift surge of Qi, he forcibly expelled her from his honest abode.

In one last act of finality, he erected a protective barrier around his abode, blocking her from his view.

"Don't you dare come near me," He projected his thoughts to her.

Gao Yue found herself utterly lost, her emotions in turmoil.

She stumbled backward, her heart racing as the realization of her actions weighed heavily on her.

Her cheeks burned with embarrassment and regret while she  stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do next.

Her mind raced as she replayed her impulsive actions in her head.

She had never acted so recklessly before, and it had all spiraled out of control.

But mostly of her thoughts wavered on what Yan Shun said.

'Remember that time when I accidentally fell on top of you? You didn't give me a chance to explain that I had injured my leg. You were furious, said things I'd never expect to hear from my own junior sister.'

Those words kept ringing on her head, like some kind of Inner Demon trying to take over her body!

It was basically telling her the mistake she made.

And, then a flashback appeard in her mind, except this time, she could see what really happened.

Today, it was just another day for her.

Except that this time, she had to accompany her Senior Brother to another Sect.

Master's Orders.

She really didn't have a bad impression of her Senior Brother, but neither she had a good one.

For her, only cultivation truly mattered!

Because, since she was young, she always heard the same thing over and over again.

Only Strength Truly Matters!1

And with those words, she trained herself to not let emotions get the better of her.

So, her impression of Yan Shun was simple.

It's her Senior Brother.

And that was it.

But, as they walked, she started to get a good impression of him actually. He didn't try to speak with her a single time.

Which made her quite comfortable.

Each time, one guy would just try and go talk with her, which she immediately denied!

But, Yan Shun, surprisingly wasn't even looking at her.

It was like he was treating her like a normal person.

And that really, made her quite comfortable.

However, as they finally reached their destination, Gao Yue's insticts suddenly sharpened.

She felt a sudden killing intent being emanated from a place close to themselves.

She immediately projected her divine mind.2

But, to her suprise, she didn't find anyone.

However, her instincts still remained the same.

Because, if that person appeared again, this time she would be prepared and would immediately attack or even kill that same person.

"Junior Sister Gao, we should go back. I've already sent the letter to the Golden Lotus Sect." A soft voice called out to her.

She just nodded her head, and then started accompanying her Senior Brother the way back to their sect.

Although she didn't know why would her Master sent her along with her Senior Brother to just deliver a letter, she didn't mind.

Her Master was declared as one of the strongest in the whole Human Dynasty.

So maybe, she had plans for herself.


Suddenly, she felt the same killing intent being eminated and activated her divine mind once again.

She looked around, and this time, she found the person that was emanating killing intent towards them

She was about to grab her sword, but then...

"Ack!" Her Senior Brother exclaimed in pain.


His body fell onto hers causing both of them to stumble into the ground.

Their position was awkward, especially when Yan Shun had literally one of his hand in her crotch area.

Her cheeks reddened, and she immediatley pushed Yan Shun away, making him roll a few meters back!

She rose onto her feet, and pointed her Sword at his neck.

"I'll forgive you this time, because you're still my Senior Brother. But, don't you ever try to approach me." She said coldly.

Her eyes were full of killing intent as she was looking at him.

Her initial good impression casually turned into bad one just in a split second.


She jumped on her sword and left Yan Shun in that same place.

"Disgusting..." She even uttered before leaving.

"Why...am I so unbelievably stupid?" She cried out in anguish.

She had indeed heard her Senior Brother exclaiming in pain, so why had she assumed it was on purpose?

She couldn't believe how utterly foolish she had been, as if her IQ had plummeted by 80% in that moment.

The urge to shatter the protective array and apologize to Yan Shun gnawed at her, overshadowing her previous determination to excel in cultivation.

She felt as though she had irreparably marred Yan Shun's life, and she had no right to do so.

It was all due to a wretched misunderstanding that had twisted her relationship with him, turning the tables so that instead of her disliking him, it was now him who harbored resentment.

Normally, she would confront hatred with fierce resolve, but this time, her Senior Brother had every reason to despise her.

As she reminisced about the intense emotions she had felt when touching him and kissing him, she recalled that heavenly moment.

But now, she couldn't simply relive it or attempt to reconcile with her Senior Brother, all thanks to her own impulsive actions.

The consequences were entirely her own doing.

Gao Yue felt really bad.

So, gathering up her courage, she went up to the array that kept her away from Yan Shun's place.

She got on her knees, lowered her head, and began to speak, her voice shaky and sad.

"Senior Brother Yan!" She said quietly, almost whispering.

"I'm really sorry. I can't believe how dumb and careless I've been. I never wanted to hurt you or make you feel bad. Please, try to forgive me."

Tears filled her eyes as she kept apologizing, her voice getting stronger as she spoke.

"I promise to fix things and prove I'm not the person you think I am. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust."

She looked at the array, hoping to see any sign that her apology had reached him, but nothing happened.

The wall stayed there, a silent reminder of the problem that she, herself caused.

Gao Yue's knees hurt from kneeling for so long, but she didn't move.

She stayed there, determined to show Yan Shun how sorry she was and how much she wanted to make things better.

As time passed, it felt like it was taking forever.

She didn't know if her Senior Brother would ever forgive her for the big misunderstanding that had come between them


Yan Shun was directly looking at her from inside the array.

Although his eye conveyed a hint of sadness, his face had a small faint smile.

"Maybe, I really am a Sadist." He retorted to himself.

Although, he didn't like people being polite to him...

He liked when people were desperately trying to get up his trust, or when they cried just because of him.

It felt oddly satisfying.

And what was more satisfying than this?

The notifications ringing on his head.

[Ding~~! Gao Yue's affection has risen tremendously!]

[Gao Yue's affection has reached Best Friends (Tier 2)!]

He really could claim the rewards, but he decided not to.

It would be weird if he actually grew so fast.

Although, it would be good to have a hidden card, he could simply claim the rewards if he really needed them.

Most of his problems were solved after all.

Cultivation Talent?

Now he basically had an godly one that came from his new physique.

Body Talent?

It increased a lot because of the Exalted God Body Tempering Art.

Maybe, it even reached the Supreme Grade.

What more could he ever want?

"Oh...resources." He exclaimed inwardly.

He really needed to increase his cultivation still.

"System...Can your convert rewards into cultivation resources?" He asked bluntly.

He did have some expectations, but even if it couldn't, it would be alright.

[I can certainly convert rewards into resources if you'd like.]

[Would you like me to do that with Gao Yue's reward?]

"Oh, yeah!"

"Claim those rewards!"