
My Bastard Ex

[From the novel: Jason is talking] "Choose any of them..." - I bend the corners of my mouth in a mischievous smile, showing my new friend the room full of women jumping in the air to the rhythm of the music, showing their smooth legs when their skimpy clothes rise and leading me to pass my tongue between my lips, while my gaze becomes darker and darker when I meet the eyes of a blonde staring at me from afar.   "And she will become yours." - I conclude with a more mischievous tone than before, throwing him a quick glance to make sure that he has not regretted and that he will follow our game for the rest of the year.   "I want her." - he finally opens his mouth, lifting his chin towards my shoulders after taking a long look around, definitely looking for the woman with the shortest skirt and the most showing off boobs. At the sound of his voice I sneak my fingers through my disheveled hair, following the direction of his perverted gaze a couple of meters behind me, but the smile dies on my lips when my eyes fall on the figure of a woman sitting in a corner of the great hall, with an annoyed expression on her face and her cheeks swollen with anger, as if she had been forced to come to this party. "Do you know her?" The muscles of my neck tighten when my friend continues to insist, while my expression goes from perplexed to serious instantly, without ceasing to stare at her from afar.   She came to a party with one of her usual black sweatshirts: she looks like a black sheep among a thousand models. I raise an eyebrow when I notice that she is holding a book in her hand, while her friend tries to get her attention, playing with the long brown locks that I only now realize how much they have grown.   "She's seriously reading a book at a party. Who is she?" - I straighten my shoulders when the fucking voice of the man next to me catches my attention, taking my eyes off the figure of the woman behind me with an annoyed grimace: "My ex."    

EmaOqu · 都市
12 Chs

First (5)

My cheeks start to color when I realize that he has no intention of taking his eyes off, but after a couple of seconds of silence the elevator stops and I finally decide to open my mouth:

"I know." - I mumble with a deliberately annoyed tone, looking away as soon as the doors open, and then hurrying out to direct myself to Bartol's office, knowing how much he hates delays.

I seem to hear a chuckle behind my back, but I convince myself that it was just a figment of my imagination and I just follow the instructions written in the email, looking for my boss's face with my legs still trembling.

I don't know how the interview will go, knowing the expectations of that man, but I also know that Bartol knows me well to remember how committed I have been in the last university years.

I look around when I arrive at the end of the large corridor, slightly embarrassed by the curious glances of the employees looking at me from their large offices, while I curse the fact that the offices are completely open and surrounded by large windows.

If one day I have to work in this company, I don't know how I will feel about the idea that everyone can look at me from the outside.

I snort in frustration, trying to focus on the numbers set next to the glass doors of the offices, but squaring my shoulders when a familiar voice behind me catches my attention:


Mr. Bartol's tone is so sweet that I shudder at the mere memory of the past, when his asshole son used to take me to dinner at his house.

That monster and Bartol have never had a good relationship as father and son.

He has always been the father with so many pretensions, so much that he wanted to leave the whole company to his son, but my ex seemed to do it on purpose and always disappointed him.

Now he finds himself working for his father only when he wants to do it, one day he is in his office and the other he isn't, and from what my sister's boyfriend says, he spends his free time in his room ... in the company of that bitch he betrayed me with.

That bastard is like that. He disappoints everyone. He disappointed me.

My ex was the biggest disappointment of my life.

"Bartol." - I whisper in a faint voice, forcing a smile with my almost frozen lips, as I slowly turn in his direction.

The last time we met was over a year ago, but looking him in the eye again makes me blush with embarrassment, as if I felt guilty for never saying goodbye to him as he deserved.

After all they have always been nice to me, both he and his wife, but when their son cheated on me I didn't want to have anything to do with any of them anymore.

Instagram: ema_8570