
My Assassin

Book exerpt: Not deterring, I try my hardest to get to the door. As I feel my fingertips graze the door, my body starts to fall. Oh no! I'm not going to make it! I look over and see my attacker is suddenly back at my side again. He grabs me as I slip further into the floor. I try to hit him, but my arms aren't responding. This was the most terrifying thing to have ever happened to me. "Don't be afraid," he says as he gently lays me down, my vision starting to blacken in a haze." I'm here to kill you." Samantha Howell has everything: a large fortune she doesn't need or want and the perfect fiancee. On the night of her annual family gala, she is kidnapped and imprisoned by an Assassin for hire. Will she find out who is behind this, or will she die trying?

JLisette Gibson · 都市
124 Chs

Chapter 87

As he throws LeAnn's body into the pool, I take the opportunity and run towards the front door. I am trying so hard not to sob! I muffled my cries while grabbing the car keys and LeAnn's phone, thrown on the floor in the entranceway.

"Oh, Samantha!" The man taunts.

My heart drops as I drop the keys. I quickly pick them back up, not bothering to turn around!

Sergio is coming inside as I run out of the home, which startles me! I point the gun and shoot him in the stomach!


"Oh, my God!" I yell as I reach for him. He puts his hand on his stomach and examines the blood on it, a look of terror on his face!

"I'm so sorry," I cry out. "It was a mistake! I didn't see you! I thought you were!"

He staggers and drops a huge bag. Stacks of euros pour onto the ground. I look at the bag and then back at him in confusion.

Sergio falls to the ground, reaching out to me. I stumble, trying to help him!