
My Assassin

Book exerpt: Not deterring, I try my hardest to get to the door. As I feel my fingertips graze the door, my body starts to fall. Oh no! I'm not going to make it! I look over and see my attacker is suddenly back at my side again. He grabs me as I slip further into the floor. I try to hit him, but my arms aren't responding. This was the most terrifying thing to have ever happened to me. "Don't be afraid," he says as he gently lays me down, my vision starting to blacken in a haze." I'm here to kill you." Samantha Howell has everything: a large fortune she doesn't need or want and the perfect fiancee. On the night of her annual family gala, she is kidnapped and imprisoned by an Assassin for hire. Will she find out who is behind this, or will she die trying?

JLisette Gibson · 都市
124 Chs

Chapter 1-Deception

"Please! I beg you! No more!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

This pain is unbearable! The guy uses a surgical scalpel to cut fine lines into my skin. I have oozing cuts all over my body.

"I don't know anything else! If I did, I would tell you! I swear! Please let us go!" I yell, sobbing.

My wife and children are tied upstairs. I'm terrified for them. Now and then, I will hear their cries, their pleas. It is the most gut-wrenching sound alive!

I have been hanging from these chains for almost three days now. My feet barely touch the floor, and I am given nothing to eat or drink. Sweat and blood are constantly dripping from every part of my body. I'm in so much pain, and they still don't understand that I don't know anything.

What else do they want from me?!

I have given them all the information I have. For my family, I am an open book. Not to mention that they have us trapped in our own home.