Thomas struggles to enter the prestige academy of the capital. Against all luck, he is somehow bestowed a second chance and passes his entry. Later Thomas finds himself doomed to repeat certain events to prevent their certain outcomes. In hope to change the future, he takes advantage of his wits and smarts to overcome any unseen obstacles tossed his way.
Thomas immediately turned around the corner and fell flat on the ground upon seeing it. A foul looking demon that towered about the same height as the ogre, but twice its size was standing there. The demon appeared conflicted and in pain, giving off weird growls.
It had two thorny black horns and a dreadful aura of pure death pulsating from it. The aura struck fear right into Thomas' heart and made his legs feel weak. Alex noticed Thomas by the corner.
"What are you doing here, run!" Alex screamed but Thomas' legs remained frozen in place.
His entire body felt numb, the fear had completely overwhelmed him. Two students were behind Alex, one of them was back from the stairs incident. Thomas barely managed to recognize the second student from somewhere before they turned to high tail out of there.
"Where do you think you are going?" The demon cackled and lunged its arms, while stretching them endlessly and dripped some kind of ooze on the floor.
Alex clenched his right fist together then used his left palm to slowly pull Fire energy outwards from his fist. He stretched it out and formed a blazing sword, then swung to cut one of the demons' arms.
One of the students screamed. The demon's other arm managed to catch up to him and strangled his body.
"Help, get me out! AHH!" He screamed.
Thomas' legs trembled hard and he leaned against the wall for support, to try and pick himself up. Once he stood up, Thomas faced the demon to see if they could find any weaknesses.
[Scanning Demon…]
[Scanning complete]
[Name: ----- -----]
[Appearance: Four Legs. Black horns and claws. 13']
[Race: Tier-2 Demon, Pit-Lord]
[Ability: X]
[Level: X]
[Vitality: X]
[Strength: X]
[Agility: X]
[Intelligence: X]
[Stamina: X]
Thomas was perplexed, not only about the name being in lines, but also the "X" regarding everything else. The question mark was clearly him being underleveled or locked, thus causing more confusion for Thomas.
[Daily Quest: Complete]
[+10 Exp Has Been Rewarded]
[Experience: 15/100]
[A New & Second Main Quest Has Been Added!]
[Main Quest: Slay The Demon]
[Reward: 75 Exp]
"This is no time for a quest, let alone slay the thing!" Thomas manically laughed to himself while reading the new quest line that appeared before his eyes.
Meanwhile the other student tried to help his friend, using his abilities and failing completely to separate the arm. The ooze spread against his body and Alex turned around to try and sever the other arm. However the demon let out a screech which floored all of them as a defensive mechanism, and caused their ears to hemorrhage.
All three of them yelled out in pain and were on the ground when the next traumatizing scene happened. Albeit, the scream was not as loud as someone else's. The ooze began to move and press against its target. They heard bones being compressed.
"AHH HELP ME!" He screamed in agony.
Then one of his eyes popped right out, splattering blood all over, and you could hear the ribcage being fully crushed. The scream only stopped once every bone in his body got squashed and blood seeped through his ears, eyes and mouth.
The other student had a strong urine smell coming from his trousers and a dark stain formed.
"No… no… I am leaving!" He shook his head in disbelief and began sprinting in full panic once he realized his friend was long gone and beyond salvation.
However the arm let go of its first target, and a thud was heard when the corpse landed on the red carpet in the hallway. Then it rapidly flew across and grabbed its next victim.
"Do not think I would let you go? Especially after what you did…" The demon altered its voice in the second sentence.
One could hear both its agony and feel pure hatred coming from the demon. The second guy began screaming and the entire event unfolded before Alex's and Thomas' faces once more.
They stood powerless and pale before the demon. Alex ran towards Thomas to try and go grab to head for the stairs.
"And where do you think you are going?" The demon turned around.
A new arm was instantly regenerated from Alex's previous cut one and lunged towards them swiftly. Thomas was still spooked and in slight shock, and saw Alex jump to push him aside, right before the hand grabbed him, taking Thomas' place.
"Wha…" Thomas came to his senses, "Alex, I will save you!" he yelled and ran for the arm that was now pulling Alex back.
Thomas managed to grab Alex's hand and pulled as hard as he could. Alex stared back at Thomas with a smile.
"Run, you idiot," he cried grinning and slapped his hand away, causing it to let go.
Alex was quickly pulled back and the demon pulled him close up front to his head.
"I think this one, I will have to devour and eat alive," The demon laughed.
"NOOO!!" Thomas cried out and before he could even take a step it happened.
The demon had already bit Alex's head off, and blood spurted out from his neck, leaving his body to dangle. The splatter covered everything red around him and kept on spurting. Thomas turned around and ran in tears for the stairs.
"This cannot be happening... this cannot be happening!" He repeated in full shock, "That is right, I just need to find help, then I can save Alex, ha-ha…" Thomas was out of his mind by this point.
"I do not recall needing any witnesses," The demon lunged its arm in the shape of a sword and missed, thrusting through Thomas' thigh.
Thomas was by then at the start of the stairs and yelled out in pain, then fell, rolling down the stairs rapidly. His head and body got knocked and hit several times, and once he reached the next floor, Thomas heard a large crack.
"Huh… I cannot move…" Thomas' vision became blurry and his body went completely cold.
Upon landing, Thomas snapped his neck on impact.
"Sorry… Alex… I…" And everything faded into complete darkness.
After a few seconds dwelling in utter darkness, a familiar voice was heard and shun through the empty void.
"Rise and shine boys!" Alex grinned first thing in the morning.