
Exploring Before Class

Thomas idly planned how to complete his daily quest while his little group were exploring the academy grounds. He thought maybe if he inspected certain higher level students as opposed to lower ones, perhaps the system or the inspect skill would level up faster. There was merit in simply trying it.

"You seem in some kind of deep thought, care to share?" Alex looked over his shoulder, hence Thomas managed to slack behind again like always.

"Not really, I was just thinking maybe we should hit the library later after lunch," Thomas expressed one of his few ongoing thoughts.

Both Corbin and Alex gave a hard pass on that lousy suggestion. Neither one of them wanted to spend any time around books, especially right after the entrance exam was finished. Thomas supposed he was to be alone on this one, and it probably will work out for the better this way.

They passed by the large herbal and flower gardens onto the training grounds. Smaller buildings and outside battle fields were stationed in a wide spread. There were all kinds of territory, water, earth, even scorched and desolated ones. The academy had no set limits for any kind of practicing, even if it was something as simplistic as hitting dummy target ones.

The forest lied directly east of the training grounds and was vast. Neither one in their group were confident what they might find in there, if they so decided to venture it one of these days.

"Let's find our class, shall we?" Alex suggested and the lot nodded.

All three of them grew tired of exploring and decided to find their class, since they had already spent about two hours walking around.

It took some time before they reached the fourth floor, and took the right turns to reach the North-Western wing and find the right classroom.

"Two minutes to spare, maybe we are in luck?" And as soon as Alex grinned the clock rang, signaling classes were starting.

"Oh crap, get inside! Hurry!" Corbin pushed the two in through the door.

A female teacher looked over the three of them and noted down their tardiness.

"Please be on time for next time, else there will be a penalty incurred," she said scoldingly in a calm voice and warned them.

They took their seats all the way in the back and Thomas saw the two argue hushly.

"Did you not say you re-adjusted your clock?!" Corbin complained.

"I thought I did! This thing must be broken or something!" Alex replied.

The teacher cracked and rolled her knuckles loudly enough for them to gulp and quiet down rapidly. Thomas sighed, they sure had it coming and in the future, maybe he should check the time instead of entrusting Alex with it.

The class was underway and they went through a couple of basics first. Thomas noticed that the noisy princess was up in front and almost answered every question. Alex sneered from the back, he really was not fond of her.

They moved onwards to the demon portion of the lesson. Their teacher's name was Mrs. Thornbury. She appeared to be an older student here, and by the looks of it she was in her early twenties. The academy lacked personnel regarding their staff, especially now that more portals were opening up and their absence was hard felt.

Thomas chose to use his passive skill on his teacher, which he now had renamed to "Inspect" for quick usages.

[Scanning… Scanning Complete]

[Name: Cassandra Thornbury]

[Appearance: Medium & Light Brown Hair. Hazel Eyes, 5'8]

[Race: Upper-class Human]

[Ability: Water]

[Level: ??]

[Vitality: ??]

[Strength: ??]

[Agility: ??]

[Intelligence: ??]

[Stamina: ??]

Cassandra wore her hair out in a single ponytail and her attire was of a white summer dress. She did not care to dress for the occasion of teaching one bit.

"Can anyone tell me in what ways demons are created?" Cassie asked, she insisted on them calling her prefered and shorter name.

Thomas found her strange, yet refreshing from her being a free spirit of some sort. Olivia rose from her seat to answer the question immediately in an outright pompous way.

"There are three ways," she briefly paused gracefully.

This was the perfect opportunity to have a quick scan and inspect Olivia while she was standing up.

[Scanning… Scanning Complete]

[Name: Olivia Dawn]

[Appearance: Medium Blonde Hair. Sapphired Eyes. 5'8]

[Race: Royal Human]

[Ability: Fire]

[Level: ??]

[Vitality: ??]

[Strength: ??]

[Agility: ??]

[Intelligence: ??]

[Stamina: ??]

"The first one being the natural one, which we do not know in how they procreate. And the other two ways being that they are created and contacted through a host. The demon either remains contracted or consumes its host then decides to alter its shape after it or maintain its own," Oliva concluded after a lengthy explanation.

Olivia took notice of Thomas' odd stare while reading her status when she turned around to sit back down.

"What are you staring at?" Olivia asked without receiving any kind of answer from him.

This turned Cassie's attention towards him and she manifested a few drops of water and sent it across to splash Thomas' face.

"Thomas, I think it would be better if you paid attention to class rather than daydream. Even if you scored well on the entrance exam, it does not mean you should slack and not take notes of the more important parts," Cassie spoke firmly and brought Thomas back to reality.

Thomas shook his head and dried his face off with his pink handkerchief and Olivia scoffed at its sight from the choice of color.

"Sorry, I will pay more attention in the future," Thomas sincerely apologized with a nod to get on Cassie's good side in case of unforeseen future endeavours.

Thomas began to understand slightly Alex a little more of his dislike for Olivia. She clearly was one to judge the book before its cover, and by the looks of it, her personality did not do her any favors.

If only Olivia was not of a royal status and her good looks, she would be your standard know-it-all and arrogant little girl. However knowing Olivia was no little girl, but a "royal lady" and had to be carefully treated as such, caused you somehow to instantly despise her.

Judging by the sneer from yesterday and scoffs given today, Thomas already knew; Olivia was not fond of their little group or him, and nor them of her. Thus occuring the thought of Olivia's earlier warning, the hierarchy might actually come calling.

Will release another chapter probably in 8-10 hours. If you enjoy the novel, please let me know as it encourages me to work harder and write more on it.

SkyrecLeftyacreators' thoughts